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The Rise of Industry and Unions. Maddie McCarthy. Important People. Railroads. Lead to creation of national time zone Made it easier to transport goods Made it easier for people to travel so people could settle in new places easier
The Rise of Industry and Unions Maddie McCarthy
Railroads • Lead to creation of national time zone • Made it easier to transport goods • Made it easier for people to travel so people could settle in new places easier • Created networks (when the south adopted the northern railroad gauge)
Company Strategies • Pooling- several railroad companies agreed to divide up business in an area • Consolidating- combining • Rebates-discounts to big customers • Corporations- business owned by investors • Trust- group of corporations run by a single director • Monopoly- controls nearly all of the business of an industry
Inventions • Thomas Edison(wizard of Menlo Park)- moving picture machine, affordable light bulb, phonograph • Henry Ford- makes cars affordable using assembly line (mass production) • Wright Brothers- first in flight • Morse Code- Telegraph • Eastman Kodak- camera for everyone • Bell- telephone
Working • Workers in sweatshops(work place where ppl work long hours for little pay) • Young kids worked • Horrible safety (fire, air, dangerous machines) • Bad pay • Long hours of work • Triangle fire- 150 young girls died because of a lack of safety
Labor • Knights of labor- powderly, meant to help working conditions • AFL- gompers, wanted collective bargaining • Strike breakers/scabs- replacments for striking workers • Anarchists-ppl who opposed all forms of government • Haymarket riot- gathered to protest and one officer died so the officers opened fired on the crowd. Violence leads to increase in anti-labor feeling in US. • Collective bargaining- right of unions to negotiate w/ management for workers as a group