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Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Enhancements

Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Enhancements. What are the some of the new enhancements of the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer?. Last update January 24, 2008. Table of Contents. Field Descriptions 3 Query Functionalities 4 Workflow Query 14

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Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Enhancements

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  1. Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Enhancements What are the some of the new enhancements of the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer? Last update January 24, 2008

  2. Table of Contents • Field Descriptions 3 • Query Functionalities 4 • Workflow Query 14 • Uploading Transactions Using Templates 18 • Printing 25 • Entering Item Text for BW Reports 31

  3. Field Descriptions Field descriptions have been added for fields in the data entry section of the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer transaction. To view a field description, click on the field (the field will become highlighted) and hit the “F1” key on your keyboard. A window will open that provides background description for the field, as shown here.

  4. Query Functionalities On the first screen of the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer transaction, you should find these three icons: “The Cost Transfer Header” is a header section, the “Cost Transfer Items” is a line item section and the “Cost Transfer Log” is a log section. To query one of the sections, click on it. In the following example, we will click on the “Cost Transfer Header.”

  5. **NOTE:If the search field labels are not what you see in this screen shot below, skip to slide 29to change a parameter. 1 For this query, we are going to search by JHED user ID and a document date range. 2 After entering the criteria that you want to search by, click on the Execute icon. The next slide shows a sample return for this search.

  6. Query Functionalities Results for searching by JHED ID and date range. NOTE: To see more of the results data, use the scroll bar to move to the right.

  7. Query Functionalities Sorting your results. Ascending or Descending You can sort query results in descending or ascending order. To do this, first select the column you want to sort by clicking on the header. Next, click on the relevant icon – ascending is to the left and descending is to the right.

  8. Query Functionalities You can further limit or refine a search by adding additional criteria. In this example, we’ll limit by “Cost Transfer Status” and select “Completed” from a drop down menu. You can also limit the search results by selecting a particular status in the query screen. Once you have entered all of your information hit the Execute icon to perform the refined search.

  9. Query Functionalities The results are now more refined and only list completed “Cost Transfer Status.”

  10. Query Functionalities You can also search for a query on the line item section of the cost transfer that is based on data such as, Business Area, Cost Objects, General Ledger (G/L) Accounts, Cost Elements and Original SAP Transactions. To search by line items, select the “Cost Transfer Items” icon. For this query, we will use the Cost Center number. You can search on any of the fields. Again, after entering your search criteria, hit the Execute button to run the search. **NOTE: The top bracketed section searches SENDER information, such as Business Area, Cost Center, etc. The bottom section, beginning in the second bracketed area, searches RECEIVER information.

  11. Query Functionalities This is a sample search result using a Cost Center number. You can sort as described on slide 7.

  12. Query Functionalities Here is an example of doing a search using the Cost Transfer log. Options include: User Name, Date, and Status. To begin, click on the “Cost Transfer Log” icon. Enter the appropriate information. We have entered “User Name” and “Date” for this example. Click on the Execute icon when you are done filling out the information.

  13. Query Functionalities Sample results of searching the Cost Transfer log.

  14. Workflow Query Another enhancement that has been added to the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer transaction allows you to check on the workflow status of a particular cost transfer. To query the workflow status of a cost transfer that you have initiated, select the “Business Workplace” icon on the first screen of the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer transaction. Go into “Outbox” and select “Started Workflows.” Double-click on the applicable transfer.

  15. Workflow Query You should see the screen below. This is the initial information displayed. For additional workflow details, select the “Log” icon.

  16. Workflow Query To get information about who is responsible for the next action of the transfer, select the “Agents” icon on the last row of the workflow log. Then select “Agents” from “Which Agents Do you want to Display?”

  17. Workflow Query This will provide you the name or names for the next levels of approvals, as shown below.

  18. Uploading Transactions Using Templates While the enhanced Non-payroll Cost Transfer Transaction has expanded the number of lines that can be entered, some users may need to upload larger numbers of transaction lines. To address this, the ability has been created to enter cost transfer data into Excel and upload it directly into SAP. Up to 498 lines can be uploaded using the templates.The following slides show you how to use Excel to transfer data that will automatically upload. For this procedure, there are several Excel upload templates to cover the various transactions.--To upload Expense transactions, use this template:http://www.jhu.edu/hopkinsone/Support/documents/expensestemplate.xls--To upload Equipment transactions, there are two templates to complete. One is to indicate the “From” or Sender part of the transaction:http://www.jhu.edu/hopkinsone/Support/documents/equipmentfromtemplate.xlsThe other is to indicate the “To” or Receiver part of the transaction:http://www.jhu.edu/hopkinsone/Support/documents/equipmenttotemplate.xls**NOTE: When using the Equipment upload templates, the From template is always loaded first followed immediately by the To template.--To upload Non-recurring Cost Allocation, Intra Entity transactions, use this template:http://www.jhu.edu/hopkinsone/Support/documents/nonrecurringcosttemplate.xls--To upload Revenue transactions, use this template:http://www.jhu.edu/hopkinsone/Support/documents/revenuetemplate.xls

  19. Expense Upload For our example, we will upload a file for an Expense cost transfer. We could also use the same upload process for Revenue transfers and Non-Recurring Cost Allocation transfers and equipment. Access the relevant upload template on slide 18. In the Expense option of the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer, select a reason code, document name, document date, posting date, posting period and enter in text in the explanation section of the bottom of the transfer. Then select the “Upload Expense Items” icon.

  20. Expense Upload The data entered into Excel is done via the use of a template file created for this purpose. Outside of SAP, open up the relevant template. In this case, we’re using the Expense upload template. Each template gives step-by-step instructions, seen below.

  21. Expense Upload Once you have entered all of your transaction data, save the file as an Excel file. Remember what you’ve called the file and where it is located.

  22. Expense Upload In the Excel file, delete the header row at the top of the file, including all instructions. All that you should have left is the transfer data. Now save that file in .txt format as shown beginning on the next slide.

  23. Expense Upload When saving the file as a .txt file, change the file type to “Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt) and select save. Then select “Ok” and then “Yes.” **NOTE** When you’ve saved as a text file, you must close the file from your computer.

  24. Expense Upload Back in SAP, select the “Upload Expense Items” icon. From the Windows file directory, select the .txt file. Data is pulled in from the .TXT file and the number of lines is automatically increased from the default (20) to the number of lines needed for the file data. Note: This will pull in the raw data entered in the file, but will not automatically check the “SAP doc?” column in SAP. This is because checking this column invokes a validation in SAP and must be checked manually. Select the “Check” icon to re-activate the SAP screen. Boxes should be checked if using the template for expense transfers, but double check to ensure all boxes are checked, and then proceed as usual with the cost transfer.

  25. Printing There is an ability now to print information from a transfer transaction. Enter a “Journal Transfer ID” number, THEN click on “Print Cost Transfer.”

  26. Printing This is what will return when you hit the Print button. There is more data than shown here. You can easily read the print screen, or print this screen out by following instructions beginning on the next slide.

  27. Printing To print, click on “List” and then “Print”---OR you can click on the print icon.

  28. Printing A “Print Screen List” window will appear and should detect your local printer, as shown. Hit “Enter” or click on the green check to send to printer.

  29. Changing Search Screen If your search screen looks like this, follow these instructions to change it. First, click on the “Cost Transfer Header” icon and then hit F6 (or Settings, User Parameters) to bring up the User Parameters screen, shown on the next slide.

  30. Changing Search Screen Under “Keyword” change the radio button from “Field name” to “Field Label” and then hit the green check or hit enter. This will save your settings. Change “Field name” to “Field Label” and hit enter.

  31. Entering Item Text for BW Reports Line Item Text is an important field for users who do monthly reconciliation activities. The information you input here shows up in the “Item Text” fields in BW reports. The following pages will show you where to enter this descriptive information so that it flows through and into your BW reports. First we’ll show where to enter Item Text for an “Expense Only” transaction. Make sure the appropriate radio button is active and click on “Create Request.”

  32. Entering Item Text for BW Reports—Expenses Only transfer As always, enter a “Reason Code” here.Also, as always, enter your required transaction data here. Now use the scroll bar to move to the right in the data entry screen until you see the Line Item Text field

  33. Entering Item Text for BW Reports—Expenses Only transfer Enter the description you want up to 50 characters. Enter text in EACH transaction line. That’s it. Complete the rest of the transaction normally.

  34. Entering Item Text for BW Reports--Equipment Now we’ll show where to enter Item Text for an “Equipment” transaction. Make sure the appropriate radio button is active and click on “Create Request.”

  35. Entering Item Text for BW Reports—Equipment As always, enter a “Reason Code” here.Also, as always, enter your required transaction data here. Now use the scroll bar to move to the right in the data entry screen until you see the Line Item Text field

  36. Entering Item Text for BW Reports—Equipment Enter the description you want up to 50 characters. Enter text in EACH transaction line. NOTE: Remember in an Equipment transaction, both the “From” and “To” sections need to be completed. Repeat the process for the “To” section

  37. Entering Item Text for BW Reports—Non Recurring Cost Allocation, Intra-Entity Now we’ll show where to enter Item Text for a “Non-Recurring Cost Allocation, Intra-Entity” transaction. Make sure the appropriate radio button is active and click on “Create Request.”

  38. Entering Item Text for BW Reports—Non Recurring Cost Allocation, Intra-Entity As always, enter a “Reason Code” here.Also, as always, enter your required transaction data here. Now use the scroll bar to move to the right in the data entry screen until you see the Line Item Text field

  39. Entering Item Text for BW Reports—Non Recurring Cost Allocation, Intra-Entity Enter the description you want up to 50 characters. Enter text in EACH transaction line. That’s it. Complete the rest of the transaction normally.

  40. Entering Item Text for BW Reports--Revenue Now we’ll show where to enter Item Text for a “Revenue” transaction. Make sure the appropriate radio button is active and click on “Create Request.”

  41. Entering Item Text for BW Reports--Revenue As always, enter a “Reason Code” here.Also, as always, enter your required transaction data here. Now use the scroll bar to move to the right in the data entry screen until you see the Line Item Text field

  42. Entering Item Text for BW Reports--Revenue Enter the description you want up to 50 characters. Enter text in EACH transaction line. That’s it. Complete the rest of the transaction normally.

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