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Desi ghee manufacturersu00a0are the ghee producers who use the traditional process for making ghee<br>

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  1. Ghee - The Indian Butteroil Desi ghee manufacturers are the ghee producers who use the traditional process for making ghee

  2. There is an ample recorded evidence to show that desi butter (Makkhan) and ghee (Indian equivalent of butteroil) were extensively used by the people of India since vedic times. The Rigveda mentions in many places about butter and ghee. • Ghee may be defined as clarified milk fat prepared chiefly from cow or buffalo milk (sheep or goat milk is also employed, although rarely, in the production of special types of ghee). The term clarify means to make clear a liquid or some thing liquefied by removing unwanted solid matter or impurities. • According to PFA rules (1976), ghee is defined as pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or from desi butter or from cream to which no colouring matter or preservative have been added. The standard and quality of ghee produced in a state or union territory are different and have been specified in PFA (1955) rules as amended up to 1976. Food and Nutritive value of ghee • Ghee is the richest source of milk fat of all Indian dairy products. It is the Indian counterpart of western butteroil. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, especially, vitamin A and D.

  3. COUNTRY OR DESI METHOD OF GHEE MAKING • A large proportion of ghee produced in the India is still made by the desi method on a cottage scale. The curd or dahi is churned in an earthenware pot with a wooden churn, and the makkhan (desi butter) obtained is collected till a sufficient amount has been accumulated. Adequate souring takes place in the product before its conversion in to ghee. This product is then heated to evaporate the moisture. The scum is removed with the help of a perforated ladle. The source of fuel is usually cow dung cake or wood, which normally emits smoke. • Milk fat being susceptible for absorbing flavours, ghee thus prepared in this way normally possesses a smoky flavour. The container used in the preparation is usually an iron karahi. Ghee prepared in the northern part of the India will be usually having higher moisture content due to under heat treatment while that produced in the southern part is slightly over heated. The over heating and under heating depends upon the individual taste and preferences.

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