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Macrofinancial Risk: Fundamental Concepts and the Current International Context

Macrofinancial Risk: Fundamental Concepts and the Current International Context . Dale Gray Monetary and Capital Markets Department International Monetary Fund Dgray@imf.org .

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Macrofinancial Risk: Fundamental Concepts and the Current International Context

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  1. Macrofinancial Risk: Fundamental Concepts and the Current International Context Dale Gray Monetary and Capital Markets Department International Monetary Fund Dgray@imf.org The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and should not be attributed to the International Monetary Fund, its Executive Board, or its management.

  2. Macrofinancial Risk Analysis • Framework integrates risk-adjusted balance sheets using Contingent Claims Analysis (CCA) with macroeconomic and monetary policy models • CCA models of financial institutions, corporates, and sovereigns are integrated together and with macroeconomic models

  3. Outline • Contingent Claims Analysis (CCA) • CCA Models of Financial Institutions (Moody’sKMV) • Credit Turmoil and Financial Stability Risks • Venezuelan Bank Sector Risk (MKMV) • Global Spillovers to EM Corporates and Banks • Based on papers by Dale Gray, Robert C. Merton and Zvi Bodie in: (i) JOIM 2007, (ii) NBER 2007; (iii) papers with Samuel Malone and new book on Macrofinance (2008); IMF GFSR 2008.

  4. Core Concept: Merton Model/CCA for Firms and Banks • Value of liabilities derived from value of assets. • Liabilities have different seniority. • Randomness in asset value. • Assets = Equity + Risky Debt • = Equity + Default-Free Debt – Expected Loss • = Implicit Call Option + Default-Free Debt – Implicit Put Option Equity or Jr Claims Assets Risky Debt

  5. CCA Credit Risk Measures Asset Value Exp. asset Distribution of Asset Value value path Distance to Distress: standard deviations asset value is from debt distress barrier V 0 Distress Barrier or promised payments Probability of Default T Time

  6. Summary of CCA and Credit Risk Indicators • Value of Risky Debt, D (A= asset, σ=asset volatility B=distress barrier, P=implicit put option) • Default Probability • Risk Neutral DP • Estimated Actual DP

  7. Calibrating Implied Assets and Asset Volatility • Implied asset value and implied asset volatility calibrated from contingent claims analysis. • Merton Model • Moody’s-KMV for firms and financial institutions • Merton-type CCA or hybrid models have been applied to corporates and financial institutions. Moody’sKMV, Kamakura and others have applied these models for credit risk analysis to tens of thousands of firms and banks in over 50 countries around the world. • Sovereign CCA uses local currency liabilities and debt structure to imply sovereign assets and asset volatility, used to then get risk indicators such as spreads on foreign and local currency sovereign debt, default probabilities (MfRisk has been applied to 22 countries).

  8. INPUTS Value and Volatility of Market Capitalization, E Debt Distress Barrier B(from Book Value) Time Horizon Calibrate (Unobservable) Market Value of Asset and Implied Asset Volatility USING TWO EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWNS Gives: Implied Asset Value A and Asset Volatility A Default Probabilities Spreads, Risk Indicators KMV maps risk indicators to actual default probabilities (EDFs) using historical default data

  9. Using CCA MKMV Models to Analyze the Global Crisis • Overview of subrime and related losses • Sharp increases in spreads of banks with and without subprime exposure • Drivers of increased default probabilites for banks in US and Europe • How changes in global risk appetite contribute to higher credit spreads for banks worldwide

  10. Broad credit deterioration, a weaker U.S. economy,and financial deleveraging have boosted potential losses... Estimates of Potential Write-downs to Holders of U.S-Issued Securitized and Unsecuritized Debt (March 08, $945 billions) Source: IMF GFSR 2008

  11. CDS for Banks and Investment Banks Banks (5-year CDS spreads in basis points) Investment Banks (5-year CDS spreads in basis points)

  12. MKMV EDF Implied CDS Spreads (EICDS) and Market CDS Spreads for Groups of Banks Banks without Subprime Exposure/Losses Banks with Subprime Exposure/Losses Banks with subprime exposure have higher spreads

  13. Key Drivers of EDF and EICDS (EDF implied CDS) EDF Key Drivers are Market Leverage and Asset Volatility Key Drivers of credit spreads, EICDS, are (EDF, Market Sharpe Ratio (SR), correlation ρ of bank assets with market) and Loss Given Default

  14. Trends in Banks’ Market Leverage and Asset Volatility Banks with Subprime Exposure/Losses: Market Leverage and Asset Volatility Both Increasing Banks without Subprime Exposure/Losses: Market Leverage Increasing but Asset Volatility Decreasing This analysis was done by Andrea Maechler

  15. Significantly Higher Market Sharpe Ratio since July 2007 to Peak in March 2008, still high Now Market Sharpe Ratio and other indicators show decreased global risk appetite

  16. Changes in Bank CDS due to Leverage, Volatility and Impact of Increase in Market Price of Risk as of March 20, 2008(Lower Risk Appetite, Higher Correlation)

  17. US Banks: Economic Capital Ratios with Low and High Market Price of Risk

  18. Interbank spreads have widened since July 2007, in three different “spikes”

  19. Application of CCA MKMV Model to Venzuelan Banks • Default probailities, market leverage, and asset volatility for banking sector in Venzuela • Comparison to USA and Europe • Scenarios • Lower global risk appetite • Shock with lower equity, higer volatility

  20. Venezuelan banks default probabilities (EDF, 1 yr) 2003-2008 Median for all banks; 75% Quartile; and 25% Quartile Source: MKMV

  21. Venezuelan banks asset volatility 2003-2008 Median for all banks; 75% Quartile; and 25% Quartile Source: MKMV

  22. Venezuelan banks market leverage (debt divided by assets) 2003-2008 Median for all banks; 75% Quartile; and 25% Quartile Source: MKMV

  23. Median EDF for Venezuelan Banks slightly higher than US banks which are slightly higher than EU banks

  24. Highest one-fourth of banks in Venezuela and US have similar default probabilities (EDF), EU slightly lower

  25. EDFs for Venezuelan Corporates (median, 75% quartile, and 25% quatile) slight increase since 2007

  26. Spillovers to Emerging Markets (EM) Banks and Corporates • EM banks’ spreads up somewhat, lower global risk appetite is a contributing factor • Certain EM banks, dependent on foreign financing, under strain (e.g. Iceland) • Sharp dropoff in EM corporate bond issuance • EM corporate spreads up, global risk appetite is a factor • Is the credit turmoil leading to reductions in credit to EM corporate and rise in borrowing cost that will have long term effects?

  27. Emerging Market Bank External Bond Issuance is Down

  28. EM Bank Spreads

  29. EM Corporate Bond Issuance Down and EM Corporate Spreads Up EM Private Sector Bond Issuance (In billions of U.S. dollars) EM Corporate Spreads (In basis points)

  30. Rough Estimates of Drivers of Emerging Market (EM) Banks and (EM) Corporate Credit Spreads

  31. Thank you, More information see: • Papers by D. Gray, Robert C. Merton, Zvi Bodie: • NBER 12637 (2006) • NBER 13607 (2007) • Sovereign Credit Risk, JOIM v. 5, no. 4, Dec 2007 • IMF Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) • IMF Working Papers: WP 05/155, 04/121, 07/233, Indonesia SIP (2006), Gray and Walsh (WP 08/89), Gray, Lim, Loukoianova, Malone (WP/08), IMF Staff Papers Gapen et. al v 55 #1 2008; Framework for Integrating Macroeconomics and Financial Sector Analysis by Gray, Karam, Malone, N’Diaye (forthcoming) • Macrofinancial Risk Analysis, Gray and Malone (Wiley Finance book Foreword by Robert Merton)

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