1. Shedding Light on Dark Energy
2. Outline Introduction
Cosmological Framework
Early Signs of Dark Energy
The Discovery of Dark Energy
What is Dark Energy?
Probing Dark Energy
Dark Energy Projects
32. The Dark Energy Survey A study of the dark energy using four independent and complementary techniques
Galaxy cluster surveys
Galaxy power spectrum (BAO)
Weak lensing
SNe Ia distances
Two linked, multi-band optical surveys (~24 - 25 mag)
5000 deg2 g, r, i and z (Z & Y)
Repeated observations of 40 deg2
(J,H,Ks from VISTA)
Instrument and schedule
New 3 deg2 camera on the Blanco 4m on Cerro Tololo (Chile)
Construction: 2004-2010
Survey Operations: 30% of telescope time over 5 years
35. SPT Survey Region SPT will survey all the extragalactic sky south of declination d = –30°
This corresponds to approximately 4000 deg2 of reasonably clean sky
north of d = –75°
20hr < a < 7hr
This region is easily observable with the Blanco 4m on Cerro Tololo
DES will provides redshifts for SZE clusters
36. DES Instrument Design