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Wheelock XXXIII. Conditions. Conditional Sentences. Consist of two parts: 1) the condition ("protasis"): subordinate clause usually introduced by sī or nisi and stating hypothetical circumstance
Wheelock XXXIII Conditions
Conditional Sentences Consist of two parts: 1) the condition ("protasis"): subordinate clause usually introduced by sīor nisiand stating hypothetical circumstance 2) the conclusion ("apodosis"): main clause, expressing the anticipated outcome if the premise is true
I. Indicative Conditionals 1. Simple fact present: - Present indicative in both clauses - If he is doing this [and quite possibly he is], he is wise. 2. Simple fact past: - Past tense indicative in both clauses - If he did this [and quite possibly he did], he was wise. 3. Simple fact future (a.k.a. future more vivid) - Future indicative in both clauses - If he does (will do) this [and quite possibly he will], he will be wise.
II. Subjunctive Conditionals 1. Contrary to fact present: - Imperfect subjunctive in both clauses! - Translate were (...ing) and would (be) - If he were doing this [but he is not], he would be wise [but isn't]. 2. Contrary to fact past: - Pluperfect subjunctive in both clauses - translate had and would have - If he had done this [but he did not], he wouldhave been wise [but he was not].
II. Subjunctive Conditionals 3. Future less vivid (a.k.a. "should-would") - Present subjunctive in both clauses - translate should...would - If he should do this [he may, he may not], he would be wise.
Conditional Practice • Sī hoc dīcet, errābit. • Sī hoc dīcit, errat. • Sī hoc dīxisset, errāvisset. • Sī hoc dīcat, erret. • Sī hoc dīxit, errāvit. • Sī hoc dīceret, errāret.
More Practice • Sī veniat, hoc videat. • Sī vēnit, hoc vīdit. • Sī venīret, hoc vidēret. • Sī vēnisset, hoc vīdisset. *Note that quis, quid has a new definition after sī, nisi, nē, num **Sometimes there are "mixed conditions" or an imperative in the conclusion... but you'll do it right.
Translate. Identify the conditional type. • Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum. (parā=prepare for) • Arma sunt parvī pretiī, nisi vērō cōnsilium est in patriā. (pretium, -iī = value) • Nisi illa sevēritās contrā istōs suscepta esset, salūs omnium ūnā nocte certē āmissa esset. (sevēritās, -tātis) • Sī quid dē mē posse agī putābis, id agēs.
Translate. Identify the conditional type. • Sī essem cōnscius ūllīus culpae, aequō animō hoc malum ferrem. (cōnscius = conscious) • Sī quis ad illa subitō tē agat, illum modum vītae recūsēs. • Sī tē in speculō vīderis, dīcēs "heu"! • Nīl habet īnfēlīx paupertās dūrius in sē quam quod rīdiculōs hominēs facit.* (quod = the fact that)
Semper pauper eris, sī pauper es, Aemiliāne: dantur opēs nūllī nunc nisi dīvitibus. - Martial 5.81