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Account-Based Marketing - January 2017

In 2013 and 2014 marketers began adoption and testing of the practice. The hype surrounding the market was near deafening but a lot of fun. During 2015 and 2016 we saw ABM practitioners beginning to craft and adopt best practices. What’s around the corner for ABM?! ! During Q4 2017 Demand Metric connected The Account-Based Marketing Consortium and five C-Level executives in a live discussion. These experts from around the world applied their combined experience to explore what the next stage of ABM will look like. This report will identify and discuss the positions of these ABM experts and will share answers to the following key questions:! ! • What are the areas of focus in 2017? • Where should practitioners place their investments? • What mistakes of the past can we learn from? • And, what successes should we seek to scale?

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Account-Based Marketing - January 2017

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  1. 2017 Report! Account-Based Marketing A Look Around the Corner! January 2017! In partnership with:!

  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Speakers 4 Overview 5 Introduction 6 Points of View 7 Closing Remarks

  3. EXPERT SPEAKERS Mark Ogne – Founder of The Account Based Marketing Consortium @markogne / @AcctBasedMktg / www.AccountBased.Marketing ! Srihari Kumar - Founder & CEO of ZenIQ @SrihariSKumar / @GetZenIQ / www.zeniq.io ! ! James Regan - Co-Founder & CMO of MRP @jamesregan1 / www.mrpfd.com ! ! Stephanie Kidder - CMO of Azalead @stephaniekidder / www.azalead.com ! ! Christopher Engman - Founder and Head of Vendemore @chrisengman / www.vendemore.com ! 3

  4. OVERVIEW So, what does 2017 have in store for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) practitioners? ! In 2013 and 2014 marketers began adoption and testing of the practice. The hype surrounding the market was near deafening but a lot of fun. During 2015 and 2016 we saw ABM practitioners beginning to craft and adopt best practices. What’s around the corner for ABM?! ! During Q4 2017 Demand Metric connected The Account-Based Marketing Consortium and five C-Level executives in a live discussion. These experts from around the world applied their combined experience to explore what the next stage of ABM will look like. This report will identify and discuss the positions of these ABM experts and will share answers to the following key questions:! ! •  What are the areas of focus in 2017? •  Where should practitioners place their investments? •  What mistakes of the past can we learn from? •  And, what successes should we seek to scale?  4

  5. OVERVIEW - Key Takeaways Our experts identified the following three key issues as areas where ABM practitioners should prioritize resources in their programs during 2017:! 1.  ABM practitioners need to target key people within accounts – – there are a limited number of people at any target account who can actually influence or purchase. This is a signal vs noise issue where “all engagement’s not created equal.” ABM practitioners must be able to identify (within CRM and across marketing systems), target and measure their ABM programs against this critical group within each target account.! 2.  Multi Channel – – because buyers engage with marketing programs across platforms and channels, marketers need to be able to sense this engagement and respond with precision. The highest performing marketing programs start with the indicated need of the target audience – topics that interest them and channels they respond to historically. This is NOT about creating campaigns to deliver through different means, this is about listening and responding to user needs as they occur.! 3.  Sales and Marketing alignment – – it’s not a foregone conclusion that ABM will solve the communication and alignment issues with your peer organization. Key issue for marketers is that most are stuck in an inbound mentality where they still gauge success based upon quantity of leads. Your sales team needs you to find and engage the right people through the right means. In a sense, Sales and Marketing Alignment is a culmination of finding and targeting your Buying Centers, and then engaging them in a Multi Channel means.! 5

  6. ABOUT DEMAND METRIC Demand Metric is a marketing research and advisory firm serving a membership community of over 90,000 marketing professionals and consultants in 75 countries. ! ! Offering consulting methodologies, advisory services, and 500+ premium marketing tools and templates, Demand Metric resources and expertise help the marketing community plan more efficiently and effectively, answer the difficult questions about their work with authority and conviction and complete marketing projects more quickly and with greater confidence, boosting the respect of the marketing team and making it easier to justify resources the team needs to succeed. ! ! To learn more about Demand Metric, please visit: www.demandmetric.com.! 12

  7. For more information, visit us at:! www.demandmetric.com © 2017 Demand Metric Research Corporation. All Rights Reserved.!   ! © 2013 Demand Metric Research Corporation. All Rights Reserved.!   !

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