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Over-the-counter Drugs

Over-the-counter Drugs. Jan Bazner-Chandler RN, MSN, CNS, CPNP. OTC. Nonprescription drugs Accounts for about 60% of all medication taken. FDA approves drugs for OTC use. Proper labeling Safety and effectiveness. Classification of OTC Products. Analgesics ibuprofen – Advil, Motrin

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Over-the-counter Drugs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Over-the-counter Drugs Jan Bazner-Chandler RN, MSN, CNS, CPNP

  2. OTC • Nonprescription drugs • Accounts for about 60% of all medication taken. • FDA approves drugs for OTC use. • Proper labeling • Safety and effectiveness

  3. Classification of OTC Products • Analgesics • ibuprofen – Advil, Motrin • acetaminophen - Tylenol • naproxen – Aleve, Naprosyn

  4. Generic and Trade Generic written in lower case Trade written in upper case

  5. Generic • Generic name: name given to a drug by the United States Adopted Names Council. • Shorter and simpler than chemical name. • Written is lower case.

  6. Trade • Drugs registered trademark and indicates that its commercial use is restricted to the owner of the patent. • Written in upper case.

  7. Itching and Hives • Histamine blockers • Diphenhyramine hydrochloride - Benadryl

  8. Acid-controlling drugs • H2 Receptors • Cimetadine – Tagamet • Famotidine – Pepcid • Rantidine – Zantac • Nizatidine – Axis

  9. Smoking Deterrents • nicotine polacrilex – Nicroette • nicotine transdermal patches – Nicoderm

  10. OTC • Topical medications • antibiotics • cortisone • anti-fungal

  11. Herbals and Dietary Supplements Products taken by mouth that augment the diet

  12. Dietary Supplements • Vitamins • Minerals • Amino acids • Enzymes • Organ tissues • Metabolites

  13. Herbs • Leaves • Bark • Berries • Roots • Gums • Seeds • Stems • Plants

  14. Non Traditional Medicines • Alternative medicines – use of herbal products or nontraditional remedies • Complimentary medicines – use of both traditional and alternative medicine

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