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What is an Air Purifier?

Safeguard yours indoors with Wolf Airmask. An air mask technology was tested to sterilize 99.9% air for you to Breath Fear Free. To know more, visit: https://www.wolfprotektion.com

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What is an Air Purifier?

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  1. What is an Air Purifier? Wolf Protektion

  2. Given the current situation of the world, it is absolutely necessary for everyone to invest in the future of their health in a conventional manner. Wearing masks, using sanitizers, and maintaining a social distance are some of the ruling clauses to keep us and our loved ones safe. Nevertheless, this Covid-19 situation has served people with a harsh reality check, especially when it comes to maintaining our health standards and therefore has managed to put purifiers and sterilizers in the limelight. Wolf Protektion

  3. Prior to the pandemic, people did know about the existence of air purifiers but could not bring oneself into investing in those machines. As an aid to fight this war against a life altering virus, hospitals, schools, and many MNCs invested in air purifiers to feel safe while breathing fresh and clean air. Wolf Protektion

  4. What are air purifiers? An air purifier or an air cleaner is a device set up usually indoors to cleanse the air quality and remove other contaminants present. These machines are usually posed as devices which help people suffering from allergies or asthematic problems. Air purifiers are also utilised to eliminate or reduce second- hand tobacco smoke. Wolf Protektion

  5. These stand alone equipment is tested to reduce the covid-19 virus present in the air. "Portables with a high-efficiency HEPA filter and sized for the appropriate room can capture 99.97 percent of airborne particles." says Joseph Allen, the Director of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard’s school of Public Health. He recommends that schools, and other domiciliary hospitals should advance to investing and using good- quality air purifiers. Wolf Protektion

  6. Let’s elaborate further about the kind of air purifiers you should invest in. Most of the air purifiers contain A (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, while others contain different filters like carbon or UV light. There are five types of purifiers in total and they are: • HEPA Filter • Activated Carbons • Electrostatic Precipitators • Ultraviolet Light Air Purifiers • Ozone Generators Wolf Protektion

  7. ● HEPA Filters: Air purifiers consisting of HEPA filters can trap pollutants of 0.3 microns in size. These tiny particles are not detected by the human eye. Thus, keeping you and your family safe at all costs. ● Activated Carbon: Air purifiers with activated carbon filters effectively trap fetid smell. Unfortunately, these purifiers cannot capture viruses and bacteria like HEPA filters can. Wolf Protektion

  8. ● Electrostatic Precipitators: Electrostatic precipitators fitted purifiers use more electricity than others, charging the particles passing through the filters. To maintain the efficiency, these plates should be replaced regularly thus increasing your maintenance cost. These air purifiers are also known to release air harmful for your lungs. ● Ultraviolet Light Air Purifiers: These air purifiers use UltraViolet rays to kill germs or dirt floating around. Some UV light air cleaners are known to release ozone, so check before buying this type of purifier. Wolf Protektion

  9. ● Ozone Generators: Air purifiers with ozone generators absorb odors. They are commonly found in hotels because the high levels of ozone released by these air purifiers make the room unsuitable for use. Exposure to even low levels of ozone aggravates respiratory problems and can cause other serious damage to your body. Before buying an air purifier make sure to contemplate about the maintenance of the machine. For instance, some filters used in purifiers are effective for two to three months, while others can go on for a longer period. Make sure to keep checking and changing the filters at the right time to enjoy a fresh and clean indoor atmosphere. Wolf Protektion

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