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Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) 50 Years of CARING 1 Sep thru 18 Nov. DFMWR. CFC is the largest and most successful workplace charity campaign, raising millions of dollars each year for those in need.

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  1. Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) 50 Years of CARING 1 Sep thru 18 Nov DFMWR CFC is the largest and most successful workplace charity campaign, raising millions of dollars each year for those in need. Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season (1 Sep-18 Nov) support eligible non-profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world. You can specify which organization will receive your contribution, (AER, Operation Home Front, American Cancer Society, Special Olympics, Hospice, YMCA etc,). Contribution options are, payroll deduction you can contribute as much as you want or (you can donate a minimum of $2.50 per pay period), or a one-time (cash, check or money order, for a minimum of $5.00 contribution). Participation in the CFC is strictly voluntary, (you have the right to give or not give to CFC). DFMWR Division Representatives are: Key Worker, Linda Jennette, CYSS (FS), Angel LeBron, (HAAF), Andrea Arroyo; NAF-SSD, Heidi Foreman; RA (FS/HAAF), Randy Walker; BA, Marvin Johnson and Maritza Garcia, Bingo Carol Lewis. Your representative will be contacting you with a contribution form and instructions. You can contribute by returning your completed form back to them, or contact me (Linda Jennette) at 767-5133.

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