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INTERVENTION DU REPRESENTANT DU SYNDICAT BELGE / FEDERGON Ann CATTELAIN. FEDERGON Recruitment, Search & Selection BELGI UM. Ann Cattelain 9/06/06 Marrakech. FEDERGON (Supra) : “PARTENAIRES DE L’EMPLOI” ° 01/01/2003 résultat de la fusion de plusieurs fédérations

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  2. FEDERGON Recruitment, Search & Selection BELGIUM Ann Cattelain 9/06/06 Marrakech

  3. FEDERGON (Supra) : • “PARTENAIRES DE L’EMPLOI” • ° 01/01/2003 • résultat de lafusion de plusieurs fédérations • 310 membres au total

  4. Départements de Federgon

  5. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection • 115 membres • y compris les cabinets d’executive search

  6. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection • Activités des membres  Consultance RH  Recrutement et sélection • Executive search Assessment/évaluation du potentiel Management assessment Coaching Training Management audit Board of director search Développement de tests Accompagnement de carrière/conseils en gestion de carrière • Management development Management des compétences tendance croissante à se spécialiser dans des activités connexes

  7. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection • AUTOREGULATION • DIFFERENCIATION/ATOUTS • Code de déontologie • Chapitre intermédiation • Chapitre consultance RH • + • En préparation : • Chapitre assessment • Chapitre développement de tests • Chapitre coaching/career management

  8. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection 2. Academy

  9. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection 3. Procédure de plaintes

  10. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection 4. Label de qualité - repris par certaines autorités publiques

  11. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection • 5. Campagne de communication • auprès des entreprises • auprès des candidats

  12. Radiographie de la politique derecrutement et des flux de travailleursPolitique de GRH en matière de recrutement (Sur base d’une étude réalisée par Idea Consult)

  13. Objectifs et approche • Approche • Enquête téléphonique auprès de responsables RH (ou de dirigeants d’entreprises dans les petites entr.) – échantillon de 1.500 entreprises belges • Minimum 10 travailleurs • Stratification selon la région, le secteur et la taille de l’entreprise • Enquête réalisée au niveau où se situe la responsabilité en matière de GRH • En principe, l’enquête est effectuée au niveau des établissements, sauf si l’établissement interrogé est responsable du recrutement pour l’ensemble de l’entreprise

  14. Recrutement géré en direct ou externalisé

  15. Motifs qui incitent à externaliser le recrutement

  16. Partenaires impliqués dans le recrutement

  17. Partenaires par le biais desquels sont réalisés le plus d’engagements

  18. Evaluation de la qualité des prestations des bureaux de recrutement et de sélection

  19. Partenaires utilisés pour le recrutement, selon le niveau de formation

  20. Recruitment, Search & Selection: the year 2005 in review


  22. 2005 2004 Number of placements 5,465 5,230 Number of employees (all activities) 1,233 1,104 2. Key figures 2005

  23. 3. Characteristics of the placements • Breakdown by function type

  24. Breakdown by size of the client company type

  25. Breakdown by size of the client company type (continuation)

  26. Breakdown by place of the client company based on the placed candidates

  27. Breakdown by sector

  28. 2004 2005 Men 67.5% 68.6% Women 32.5% 31.4% 4. Characteristics of the placed candidates • Breakdown by gender

  29. Breakdown by age

  30. Breakdown by age (continuation)

  31. Breakdown by place of residence of the candidate

  32. Breakdown by education level

  33. Breakdown by education level (continuation)

  34. Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection (Federgon RSS) members had an excellent year in 2005: they performed 5,465 recruitment assignments for executive and management positions, in the forefront of the labour market. • Besides their core business, i.e. recruitment, search and selection activities, they also play a steadily increasing role in various HR activities such as HR consultancy, skills management, career management, testing, assessment, coaching,.. and offer a solution-oriented approach to HR services. • Federgon RSS has 114 members employing 1,233 people. On the market, they distinguish themselves by giving the guarantee of an accurate and efficient service to their clients, both companies and candidates. • Therefore, Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection recommends to companies and candidates to make sure that their recruitment partner has not only the required licenses, but also the FEDERGON RECRUITMENT QUALITY LABEL.

  35. the year 2005 in review 1 - Key figures 2005 Federgon Recruitment, Search & Selection (RSS) members had an excellent year in 2005: they performed 5,465 recruitment assignments. Moreover, they play an important and steadily increasing role in various HR activities such as HR consultancy, skills management, career management, testing, assessment, coaching, executive search, graphology,... Member agencies recorded a turnover of €135.8 million in 2005 and are prominent partners offering a wide range of HR services to companies. In 2005, Federgon RSS members employed 1,233 people in total. 2005 Number of placements 5,465 Number of employees 1,233

  36. the year 2005 in review 2 - Characteristics of the placements Breakdown by function type Sales, marketing & communications 32.7% Technique & production 12.8% Finance, legal, banking & insurance 12.7% Administration 11.5% ICT & Internet 6.3% Logistics/procurement/supply chain 5.4% Human Resources Management 4.2% Miscellaneous 4.0% General direction 3.8% Research & development / sciences 2.4% Medical & paramedical 1.8% Education/training 1.7% Secretarial & reception staff 0.9%

  37. the year 2005 in review 2 - Characteristics of the placements • Breakdown by size of the client company A breakdown by company size shows that large businesses (over 250 employees) are the biggest users: 38.7% of Federgon RSS placements were performed in this segment in 2005. Medium-sized companies follow close behind with a 33.3% share. Small businesses are underrepresented (28%).

  38. the year 2005 in review 2 - Characteristics of the placements • Breakdown by sector The service sector accounts for 44% of Federgon RSS placements in 2005. Client companies belong mainly to the financial, ICT and logistics sector. In the secondary sector, the main client is the chemical & pharmaceutical industry. The share of the quaternary sector (almost 10% of placements) also deserves to be mentioned.

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