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長期成本. Long run cost minimization. 邊學邊做 8.1. W=25, r=100. FIGURE 8-2 Long-Run Total Cost Curve for Learning-By-Doing Exercise 8.1. (Figure continues on next slide). Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-01.

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  1. 長期成本

  2. Long run cost minimization

  3. 邊學邊做8.1

  4. W=25, r=100 FIGURE 8-2 Long-Run Total Cost Curve for Learning-By-Doing Exercise 8.1

  5. (Figure continues on next slide) Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-01 FIGURE 8-1 Cost Minimization and the Long-Run Total Cost Curve for a Producer of Television Sets

  6. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-01 continued FIGURE 8-1 (Continued)

  7. How does the long-run total cost curve shift when input prices change? • Just one input price changes • All input prices change proportionately

  8. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-03 FIGURE 8-3 How a Change in the Price of Capital Affects the Optimal Input Combination and Long-Run Total Cost for a Producer of Television Sets

  9. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-04 FIGURE 8-4 How a Change in the Price of Capital Affects the Long-Run Total Cost Curve for a Producer of Television Sets

  10. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-05 FIGURE 8-5 How a Proportionate Change in the Prices of All Inputs Affects the Cost-Minimizing Input Combination

  11. Application 8.1 • The long-run cost of Trucking , 2

  12. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-06 FIGURE 8-6 Long-Run Total Cost Curve for a Trucking Firm

  13. (Figure continues on next slide) Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-07 FIGURE 8-7 Deriving Average and Marginal Cost from the Total Cost Curve

  14. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-07 continued FIGURE 8-7 (Continued)

  15. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-09 FIGURE 8-9 Relationship Between the Average and Marginal Cost Curves

  16. 長期平均成本與邊際成本

  17. W=25, r=100 FIGURE 8-8 Long-Run Average and Marginal Cost Curves for Learning-By-Doing Exercise 8.2

  18. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-10 FIGURE 8-10 The Average and Marginal Cost Curves for University Education at U.S. Universities

  19. Quiz (0331) • In the study of Rajindar and Manjulika Koshal (1005) how school size affects the average and marginal cost of higher education ?

  20. 為何大學的邊際成本遞減? • 學生增加, 圖書館會增蓋?

  21. 範例8.2中提到學校額外增加一名學生的邊際成本會低於位學生的平均成本,因此增加學生人數可以降低學生的平均成本,如果是這樣為何碩士在職專班人數只有20人一班,似乎有些規模不經濟,是否應該要增加成一班至少30-40人,降低平均成本!範例8.2中提到學校額外增加一名學生的邊際成本會低於位學生的平均成本,因此增加學生人數可以降低學生的平均成本,如果是這樣為何碩士在職專班人數只有20人一班,似乎有些規模不經濟,是否應該要增加成一班至少30-40人,降低平均成本!

  22. Economies of scale • Economies of scale : average cost decreases as output goes up • diseconomies of scale : average cost increases as output goes up

  23. Causes of economies of scale • Increasing returns to scale • Indivisible inputs available only in a certain minimum size. Its quantity cannot be scaled down as the firm’s output goes to zero 生產線機器 就長期考慮也是需要最小的設備規模 • Specialization of labor

  24. Causes of diseconomies of scale • decreasing returns to scale • Managerial diseconomies : a given percentage increase in output forces the firm to increases its spending on the services of the managers by more than this percentage • Key individual’s contribution cannot be replicated • 宏碁 vs 華碩

  25. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-11 FIGURE 8-11實證研究結果:Real-World Average Cost Curve

  26. MES • MES: minimum efficient scale : the smallest quantity at which the long run average cost curve attains it minimum point • MES and industry structure : 表 8.1 p276 • MES 愈大表示:市場愈不競爭

  27. Economies of scale and returns to scale • Increasing returns to scale : economies of scale • decreasing returns to scale : diseconomies of scale • 表8.3 (p277)自行練習

  28. Application 8.2 • The costs of higher education, 2

  29. Application 8.3 • Economies of Scale in Refining Alumina

  30. Application 8.4 • 為何而併? • Economies of scale or • Reduce competition

  31. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-12 FIGURE 8-12醫院合併Average Cost Curves for “Backoffice後勤” Activities in a Hospital

  32. Measure the extent of economies of scale ~表8.5

  33. 短期成本

  34. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-16 FIGURE 8-16 Short-Run Marginal and Average Cost Curves

  35. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-13 FIGURE 8-13 Short-Run Total Cost Curve

  36. 短期成本與長期成本

  37. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-14 FIGURE 8-14 Why Total Costs Are Higher in the Short Run than in the Long Run

  38. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-15 FIGURE 8-15 Relationship Between Short-Run and Long-Run Total Cost Curves

  39. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-17 FIGURE 8-17 The Long-Run Average Cost Curve as an Envelope Curve

  40. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-18 FIGURE 8-18 The Relationship Between the Long-Run Average and Marginal Cost Curves and the Short-Run Average and Marginal Cost Curves

  41. 短期最適化:邊學邊做 8.4~圖8.19:w=25, r=100

  42. Application 8.5 • Tracking Railroad Costs, 2, 3 • BDT(1984)(JIE)

  43. Quiz (0421) • Why did US shipping freight by the train in the 1990s take longer than it have 30 years earlier ?

  44. Besanko & Braeutigam/Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach Chapter 8, Figure 08-20 FIGURE 8-20 Long-Run and Short-Run Average Cost Curves for a Railroad

  45. Economies of scope

  46. 例子 • 範疇經濟也就是多樣化經濟,即企業在生產不同的產品時,若出現成本遞減的現象,則就可稱之為範疇經濟。例如聯合報系在出刊報合報以後,還可以利用同樣的印報機器來出刊民生報、聯合晚報,此即範疇經濟的表現;此外,美語補習班除了教美語以外,還可代辦申請赴美念書或辦理旅遊等等。

  47. Reasons • A firm’s ability to use a common input to make and sell more than one output • ~金控的範疇經濟

  48. Application 8.6 • Economies of Scope for the Swoosh , 2 • Swoosh

  49. Economies of experience • Cost advantages thatresult from accumulated experience • Learning by doing • Experience curve : a relationship between average variable costs and cumulative production volume • Why not “average fixed costs?”

  50. Economies of scale and economies of experience • 排課: 9學分都教個體~economies of scale • 一直都教個體: 累積經驗~ economies of experience • 製程改善,….

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