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Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: A Dynamic Model

Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: A Dynamic Model. IKINET-EURODITE Joint Conference Warsaw, 24-25 May 2006. Description Objectives Structure Timescales Outputs. Five year project Budget of almost €4 millions

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Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: A Dynamic Model

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  1. Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: A Dynamic Model IKINET-EURODITE Joint Conference Warsaw, 24-25 May 2006

  2. DescriptionObjectivesStructureTimescalesOutputs

  3. Five year project Budget of almost €4 millions Led by The Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS), University of Birmingham Brings together 28 partners, including leading researchers and practitioners, from 12 countries across Europe. Integrated Research Project

  4. Priority 7, Theme 1.1.2 – Knowledge dynamics and economic and societal development in Europe and in its regions To understand the role of knowledge in the economies of European regions, in order to inform policies to promote the transition of these regions towards a knowledge-based economy with enhanced social cohesion FP6 Objectives

  5. Knowledge in economic networks is embodied (in people, relationships and instruments) as a stock, informal skills and competences or formally articulated It is composed and disseminated (amongst these people, relationships and instruments) as a flow. 'learning' by reflection upon experience 'translation' from pre-existing knowledge in one format to another, 'dissemination' in one format or another between users. These processes draw from stocks and in turn contribute to these through the process of 'embodiment'. Conceptual Framework – Stocks and Flows

  6. Assess the current state of knowledge (its stocks and flows) in European regional economies, and to identify key trends within these and other aggregates (e.g. sectors, networks and markets, governance systems, education and science, social groups). Produce a model of 'economic knowledge micro-dynamics' - of the interaction over time of knowledge stocks and flows amongst networks of firms and others, starting in selected sectors and regions of Europe, and observing how these interactions extend organisationally and spatially. Project Objectives

  7. To use this analysis of knowledge micro-dynamics to develop methodologies and to calibrate macro-level indicators as a diagnostic tool for policy-makers, for the measurement of regional knowledge stocks and flows. Evaluate the contribution of these knowledge micro-dynamics to macro-level regional economic and social trajectories - to their performance in productivity growth and competitiveness as well as gender equality and social cohesion.

  8. Identify the conditions that have created the observed knowledge dynamics - including positive and negative path dependencies - in different sectors and regions across Europe. Identify the policy levers and coordination activities available to the EU and other levels of governance to enhance knowledge dynamics and their contribution to regional development and competitiveness, economic and social cohesion. Identify the specific gender issues generated by the knowledge economy.

  9. Concepts Knowledge in the Economy The knowledge Economy Regional Knowledge Economy Policy Themes or Contexts Firms Markets and Networks Governance Education Society Theoretical Inputs

  10. Sectoral Analysis 6 sectors Quantitative Regional Analysis Compile available statistics Qualitative Regional Analysis 24+ regions Firm Case Studies With inputs from the above researches Empirical Work

  11. Knowledge Flow Model Sectoral and Regional Comparisons Knowledge Indicators Policy Recommendations Other Training Dissemination to policy community Outputs

  12. WP3 sectors WP8 sectoral synthesis WP1 concepts WP6 firm-level case studies WP9 project summation WP2 contexts WP5 regional case studies WP7 regional synthesis WP4 cross-regional

  13. Overall goal is to contribute assist policy makers in their efforts to create the conditions for enhanced European economic performance The focus is on knowledge rather than innovation – whilst addressing the relationship between them Study focuses on regions, sectors and firms but aims to demonstrate rather than assume the role of these ‘units’ in the move to a knowledge based economy Project Goals

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