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Français I

Français I. Leçon 2B – Structure ( avoir & telling time). Avoir = to have. The verb avoir (to have) is used often in French. Avoir is an irregular verb. It does not follow a pattern and you will have to memorize each spelling.

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Français I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Français I Leçon 2B – Structure (avoir & telling time)

  2. Avoir = to have • The verbavoir(to have) is used often in French. • Avoir is an irregular verb. It does not follow a pattern and you will have to memorize each spelling. j’ai(I have) nous avons(we have) tuas(you have) vousavez(you have, plural/formal) ila(he has) ilsont(they have) ellea(she has) ellesont(they have, fem.) on a(one has)

  3. Avoir w/ negation • An indefinite article (un/une/des) usually becomes de/d’ after a negation. Example: J’aiuncoursdifficile. Je n’ai pas decoursdifficile. Il a desexamens. Il n’a pas d’examens.

  4. Avoir is used in certain expressions where English generally uses to be or to feel. Expressions with avoir avoir…ansto be…years old avoirbesoin (de) to need avoir de la chance to be lucky avoirchaudto be hot

  5. avoirenvie (de)to feel like avoirfroidto be cold avoirhonte (de)to be ashamed of avoirl’air to be like

  6. avoirpeur (de)to be afraid of avoir raisonto be right avoirsommeilto be sleepy avoir tortto be wrong

  7. Telling Time

  8. There are two ways to ask what time it is: Quelleheureest-il? (What time is it?) Est-cequevousavezl’heure? (Do you have the time?)

  9. Use heures by itself to express time on the hour. (use heure for one o’clock) Il estquatreheures. Il estuneheure.

  10. Express time from the hour to the half-hour by adding minutes. • Il estdouzeheursdeux. 12:02 • Il estonzeheuresvingt. 11:20

  11. Use et quart to say that it is fifteen minutes past the hour. Use et demieto say that it is thirty minutes past the hour. Il estuneheureet quart. 1:15 Il estseptheureset demie. 7:30

  12. To express time from the half hour to the hour, subtract minutes or a portion of an hour from the next hour. Il esttroisheuresmoins dix. 2:50 Il estuneheuremoinsle quart. 12:45

  13. To express at what time something happens, use the preposition à. Marc travailleàseptheuresmoinsvingt. (Marc works at 6:40.) Nous passons un examenà uneheure. (We take a test at one o’clock.)

  14. Expressions for telling time Áquelleheure? At what time? de l’après-midi in the afternoon du matinin the morning du soirin the evening en avanceearly en retard late

  15. midi noon minuitmidnight pile on the dot presquealmost tard late tôtearly versabout

  16. FYI… • In France, the 24-hour clock is often used to express official time. • Departure times, movie times, and store hours are expressed in this fashion. • Only numbers are used to tell time this way. Expressions like et demie, moins le quart, etc. are not used.

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