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Email Marketing is the Single Marketing Channel to Gain Maximum Leads

Talking about successful marketing strategies, do you know email marketing consistently ranks as one of the best tactics to reach your ultimate marketing goals?

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Email Marketing is the Single Marketing Channel to Gain Maximum Leads

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  1. Email Marketing is the Single Marketing Channel to Gain Maximum Leads Speaking of successful marketing strategies, did you know that email marketing is consistently ranked as one of the best methods for reaching your ultimate marketing goals? Social media and mobile dominate the world today, as an email marketing campaign is nothing new. However, there is no denying the fact that it is still one of the most effective channels for any business enterprise to attract more potential customers and grow its customer base. Reason? It is true that email marketing has gone through a slow period in past decades, as it received a bad reputation, many experts have declared that email is dead and dying, but when you look at the numbers you will find that email is already growing acceptance as more and more email accounts are created. . Due to technology, dependency on the medium and how people use emails, it has been observed that email is far from dead. In fact, it has become a vital link to provide business information in a more personalized way and also to generate leads at a reasonable cost. There is no doubt that the benefits of email marketing in 2020 will become of paramount importance and this will ultimately lead to more traffic to your website which will lead to increased revenue. Some of the latest stats to know about email marketing to understand why it's worth the investment: There are currently more than 3.7 billion email users in the world, which means that the expected number of users by 2021 is 4.1 billion. - (Statista) The United States is expected to spend more than $ 350 million on email advertising in 2019. (Statista) 59% of marketers say email is the largest source of ROI. (whatever) 72% of people prefer to receive promotional content via email, compared to 17% who prefer social media. (MarketingSherpa)

  2. Email is 40 times more effective in gaining new leads than Facebook or Twitter. (MacKenzie) 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning - (customer intelligence) 89% of marketers say email acts as the primary channel for generating leads. - (Melgen) Personalized emails offer six times higher transaction rates. - (Experian) 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement. - (Electronic Consulting) 78%: Number of marketers who say listing segmentation is a marketing automation feature they can't live without. (Glinster) An introductory email with a video receives a 96% click-through rate (CTR) increase. - (You get a response) Transaction emails produce an average open rate of 72% and a click rate of 30%. - (IBM) The advantages of email marketing are much more than the facts above show. It was a tried and tested method for generating leads. In 2020, your opportunity will be to give email programs a restart with efforts on innovation and creativity to keep up with customers' demands. With AI disrupted in this digital age, it is important for marketers to leverage new technologies and tactics to continue pushing the boundaries. According to recent studies regarding the future of email marketing, email programs will become more personalized and interactive. But how do you achieve these lofty marketing goals? What is the hook? What email should be sent that gets customers to access my inbox? Key directions for future email marketing practices Personal use of email programs will be key Data usage is now less crawling, as a marketer, you must practice using more data in a deliberate way to personalize your content implementation. It will help you put your customers on the books in light of the client's socioeconomic preferences, and other rich information about your current and potential clients.

  3. Optimizing mobile campaigns is a must As a marketer, when it comes to mobile content optimization, it is really important to know your audience. Learn about the structure of your mobile audience, which will allow you to deploy more cutting edge tactics to increase engagement. According to a Litmus report, 54% of adults spend approximately three hours on their smartphones every day switching between apps and reading emails. So, take advantage of this trend to push subscribers over the edge. Revolves around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) Future trends in email marketing will be all around the effective use of artificial intelligence. Thanks to its ability to track individual customer behavior, it can send personalized emails, thus it can help brands relate to their customers on a more individual level and communicate with them in the right way that can ultimately help support a return on investment. Artificial intelligence tools like Chatbots and Siri are changing the way email advertising is cost-effective. Utilize interactive content to increase interactivity The use of interactive content for email is one of the most important future trends in email marketing. Emails that contain games, contests, swirls of photos, gifs, and visuals will keep beneficiaries locked up. The use of interactive content can help increase the sales of engagement brands. Loyalty programs to collect customer data Marketers are already catching on with loyalty programs in 2019, and in the coming years, they're going to be more complex. With loyalty programs, you can collect customer data and better understand customer behavior. This will allow you to reach loyal customers with better allocation and acquisition of new customers with the same characteristics. Looking to target specific accounts and decision-makers? Or engage with a wider audience? Find out how we can help.

  4. Packaging Marketing is developing and so is technology, driven by consumers' expectations for better experiences. But one thing remains the same with this digital genre and that is email messages. They are here to stay! There is no doubt that the benefits of email marketing in the coming years will go up a lot resulting in increased revenue.

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