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EMFF. Operational Programme 2014-2020. EMFF programme: 6 main elements. Ex-ante conditionalities Ex-ante evaluation SWOT analysis & needs analysis Strategy Performance framework Management, monitoring and control system. Ex-ante conditionalities (1).

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  1. EMFF Operational Programme 2014-2020

  2. EMFF programme: 6 main elements Ex-ante conditionalities Ex-ante evaluation SWOT analysis & needs analysis Strategy Performance framework Management, monitoring and control system

  3. Ex-ante conditionalities (1) Deadline: date of submision of the OP If not done, the latest by 31/12/2016 → Action Plan • National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture • Administrative capacity for data collection • Administrative capacity for fisheries control • Submission of annual report on fishing capacity

  4. Ex-ante conditionalities (2) Member States should show compliance --> dialogue with the Commission National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture • Prepared Data Collection / Fisheries Control • Analysis of weakness to beaddressed by EMFF funding--> increasing the financial allocation ? Annual Report on FishingCapacity • To bedefined

  5. Ex-ante evaluation (1) Iterativeprocess, integral part of the OP preparation • Adjustment of the OP takingintoaccount the recommendations of the evaluators. Includes the StrategicEnvironmentalAssessment To besubmittedat the same time when the OP

  6. Ex-ante evaluation (2) • CConclusions - as soon as possible • CConsultations – as wide as possible • UMake use of the EFF Technical Assistance

  7. Needs Analysis and SWOT (1) Public Consultation widely Cover all EMFF intervention fields • Structural measures for fishing and aquaculture • Processing and Marketing • Data Collection • Control

  8. Needs Analysis and SWOT (2) • Take into account all Evaluations, National and European reports • Annual European Fleet Report • Annual Economic Reports (fisheries, aquaculture, processing) • Retrospective Study on Temporary and Permanent Cessation • Court of Auditors Special Report on Overcapacity • Court of Auditors Special Report on Aquaculture • EC guidelines on Aquaculture in Natura 2000 sites Include regional aspects • Coherence with ERDF, ESF and EAFRD

  9. Strategy (1) Clear intervention logic • Choices made based on needsanalysis and SWOT • Financial allocations to becoherentwith the needs and the intervention logic New regulatoryrequirements --> Coherence : • Report on overcapacity (Reg. CFP) • National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture • Priority Action Framework (Dir. Natura 2000) & objectives of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive • Acknowledgement of the PO (Reg. CMO) & Production and Marketing Plans • EU priorities for fisheriescontrols • EU and National Data Collection Programmes • 20% of all fundsshouldbeallocated to addressclimate change

  10. Strategy (2) Lclear, direct and logical links with SWOT analysis and lessonslearntfromprevious programmes Limited number of priorities : • Increasednumber of measures --> concentration • Added value / Leverageeffect of EU financial support Regionaldifferences and specificities: Coherencewithregionalstrategiesfinanced by other EU funds.

  11. Strategy (3) Fisheries • Analysis and Strategy to reduceovercapacity – at the level of segments ! • Global strategy to support implementing the landing obligation (control measures) • Biodiversity and sustainability : Marine Protection Zones; knowledge and fishermen/scientistspartnerships; implementation of Natura 2000 and Marine Strategy directives Aquaculture • Coherencewith the National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture • Links with non-financialmeasures (regulatory, access to credit) Local development • Lessonslearnt • Demarcation of regionalstrategies and variousFunds.

  12. Strategy (4) • Data Collection • Financial strategy linked to the assessment of ex-ante conditionalities • Actions with added value at EU level in relation to the CFP reform Control • Financial strategy linked to the assessment of the ex-ante conditionalities • Coherence with EU priorities and with the Control Action Plan Common Organisation of the Markets • Strategy to strengthen PO & better quality and traceability of marine products • PO : Existing production and marketing plans

  13. Performance framework Objectives to be linked with expected results and benchmarks for 2017 & 2020 Indicators for all chapters Mid-term performance reserve! Implications on the management and control system

  14. Management, monitoring and control system Management and Monitoring • A single system for all chapters, except direct management • Efficiency and simplification Monitoring Committee • Enlargedpartnership Control (Audit) • Lessonslearnt

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