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www.vaccinationcouncil.org. This vaccine webinar series is provided as a community service by Homefirst Natural Pharm Source www.homefirst.com. A Medical School Professor of Immunology’s Lesson for All Physicians NEUROIMMUNOLOGY PATTERNS OF INTERFERENCE Stephen C. Marini, M.S., D.C., Ph.D.

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  1. www.vaccinationcouncil.org This vaccine webinar series is provided as a community service by Homefirst Natural Pharm Source www.homefirst.com Marini 2004

  2. A Medical School Professor of Immunology’s Lesson for All PhysiciansNEUROIMMUNOLOGY PATTERNS OF INTERFERENCEStephen C. Marini, M.S., D.C., Ph.D Stephen C. Marini, M.S., D.C., Ph.D Family Chiropractic Center 3301 Ryan Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19136 Tel: (215) 332-8686 Fax: (215) 332-8691 Ciccarone Chiropractic & Rehab Centers 144 East DeKalb Pike, Suite 202 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Tel: (610) 337-3555 Fax: (610) 337-8235 E-Mail: MOTOMARINI@MSN.COM Marini 2004


  4. The Current Consensus Model of the Immune System and Its Relationship to the Neuroendocrine System Immune System Cell-Mediated Immunity Cellular Cytotoxicity DTH Humoral Immunity Antibodies T Helpers Cytokines Neuro-endocrine System Antigen-presenting Cells Stem cells, Cytokines Reticuloendothelial System Haemopoietic System Marini 2004

  5. Regulation of Immune Responses and the Involvement of Other Systems Immune System Haemopoietic System Positive Regulators T Helpers Humoral Immunity Antibodies Cell-Mediated Immunity Cellular Cytotoxicity DTH Reticulo-endothelial System Negative Regulators T Suppressors Marini 2004

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  7. Marini 2004

  8. OPTIMUM IMMUNITY THE HUMAN IMMUNE SYSTEM: YOUR MOST RESPONSIVE ALLY PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology) PSYCHO – Experience, Interpretation, Translation, Transformation, Mind, Thoughts, Feelings, Notions, Memory, Opinions, Spirit, Soul, Energy-information, Unified Fields NEURO – Brain (right and left), Spinal cord, Cranial nerves, Spinal nerves, Autonomic nervous system, Memory, Neurotransmitters, Neuropeptides, Neurohormones, Interference by the VSC (Vertebral Subluxation Complex) IMMUNO – Central and peripheral lymphoid organs, T cells, B cells, Antigen processors, Lymphokines, Cytokines, Neurochemicals, Memory GASTROENTERO – Gut associated lymphoid tissues, Lymphokines, Neurotransmitters, Breast feeding, Oral tolerance, Memory, Gut reactions MUSCULOSKELETAL – Receptors, Biomechanics, Posture, Memory, Spinal Learning, Interference from VSC, Exercise Neurochemistry Marini 2004

  9. Rationale For Immunization Immunoprophylaxis/Primary Prevention Herd Immunity Pre & Post Exposure Immunization Marini 2004

  10. TYPES OF IMMUNITY & IMMUNIZATION Active Passive Natural Artificial Marini 2004

  11. T HELPER CELL SUBSETS Th 1 Cells (CD4+) These cells mediate functions connected with cytotoxicity and local inflammatory reactions. Th 1 cells promote development of Tc Cells, the expression of the delayed hypersensitivity, and the production of 1gG2a. This subset secretes gamma interferon, interleukin 2,3 tumor necrosis factor, lympotoxin, and antibody mediated cell cytotoxicity. Regulation of the Th 2 reactions. • Th 2 Cells (CD4+) • This subset directs immune responses toward production of IgE (atopic diseases), IgA, IgG1. • Eosinophil proliferation via interleukin 5, and mast cells via Il-3 and 4. Th 2 cells secrete Interleukin 3,4,5,6,10. Interleukin 4,5,6 stimulate antibody production. • The Th subsets down-regulate one another • Gamma interferon secreted from Th 1 cells suppresses the maturation of Th 2 cells and suppresses the enhancing effect of IL-4 produced by the Th 2 cells on IgE and IgG1 – synthesis • IL-10 secreted the Th 2 cells suppresses production of Th 1 cells • Il-10 possesses cross-regulatory role of inhibiting cytokine synthesis by Th 1 cells IMMUNOGENS ELICITING A STRONG CELL MEDIATED RESPONSE WILL INHIBIT HUMORAL ACTIVITY STRONG HUMORAL RESPONSES INHIBIT CELL MEDIATED RESPONSES TO THE SAME ANTIGEN Marini 2004

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  13. Prenatal Skewing toward Th2 • Natural • Artificial/Environmental • Neonatal/Infantile Th1 Stimuli • Birth Canal Flora • Colostrum • Breast Milk • Prebiotics • Probiotics • Environmental exposure • Viruses • Gram negative bacteria • Fungi • Neonatal/Infantile Inhibitors to the Th1/Th2 Balance • C Sections • Vaccinations • Antibiotics • Formula Feeding • Dysbiosis Marini 2004

  14. JOURNAL ARTICLE ISSN 0367-6102 Country of Publication JAPAN Database: med93-95 – Record 2 of 4 selected. Title Vaccine strategies: targeting helper T cell responses. Author Golding B; Scott DE Address Laboratory of Plasma Derivatives, United States Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA Source Ann N Y Acad Sci, 754(-VI-):126-37 1995 May 31 Abstract Vaccine strategies need to take into account the balance of T helper subsets they induce. TH1 cells, which secrete IFN gamma and IL-2, are associated with CMI, rather than humoral responses, and afford protection against intracellular infections including parasites. In contrast, TH2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10; elicit high-titer antibody responses and poor CMI; and are associated with susceptibility to infection with intracellular pathogens. Depending on the type of TH cell bias required, it is possible to manipulate the immune response to a protein or peptide by employing (1) different adjuvants, (2) conjugating the protein to various carriers, (3) immunizing in the presence of cytokines, (4) using alternative routes of administration, or (5) using different forms or doses of antigen. To apply these approaches to a particular vaccine, it is necessary to identify which component of the infection agent (e.g., envelope protein or peptide) or allergen to target. Once the type of TH cell response that is protective is identified, it may be possible to combine a protein with an adjuvant or link it to a carrier that will promote responses towards the most advantageous TH subset. Marini 2004

  15. PRIMARY & SECONDARY IMMUNE RESPONSES ANTIBODY FORMATION A. Antibody Response following Immunization 1* Response 2* Response Ab Concentration 75 IgG IgM 195 1. A summary of the solvent features of the primary & secondary immune responses 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 DAYS CharacteristicPrimary Response vs. Secondary Response Dose of Immunogen Required > Induction Period < Total Antibody Produced < Duration of Response < IgM antibody produced = IgG antibody produced < Marini 2004

  16. VACCINE TYPES Whole Organisms (Bacterial) Live AttenuatedInactivated Tuberculosis (BCG) Anthrax Typhoid Cholera Pertussis Plague Purified Macromolecules Toxoids (Inactivated Exotoxin) Diphtheria Tetanus Capsular Polysaccharides Haemophilus influenza, Type B (HIB) Neisseria Meningitides Streptococcus Pneumoniae Surface Antigens Hepatitis B (Recombinant surface antigen) HbsAg Viral Particles Live Attenuated Inactivated Measles Hepatitis A Mumps Influenza Rubella Polio (IPV) Salk Polio (OPV) Sabin Rabies Varicella Yellow Fever Rotavirus DNA Vaccines/Genetically Engineered Satellite DNA Marini 2004

  17. TYPICAL COURSE OF AN AUTISTIC PATIENT • Hepatitis B immunization at 12 hours after birth. DPT immunization at 4 and 8 weeks*, oral polio immunization also at 4 and 8 weeks, again at 3 months. Schedule now being changed; children will receive 2 doses of live attenuated oral polio and 2 doses killed polio; oral polio can cause disease; only killed polio is used in Europe. • Because of great decrease in cell-mediated immunity (CMI) in infants, the vaccines lower CMI further; one decreases CMI by 50%; two together by 70%. Longest safety trail of the triple vaccine (MMR, all live attenuated viruses) was three weeks. • Repeated immunizations with 3 vaccines simultaneously, e.g., Pneumococcus, Haemophilus, etc. from 4 weeks to 12 to 18 months. Repeat DPT is given at 12 months. *All these triple vaccines markedly impair CMI. • Resultant decrease in CMI predisposes to recurrent viral infections, especially otitis media, since CMI controls response to viruses (also fungi [e.g., Candida], parasites [e.g., leishmaniasis], mycobacterium [e.g., tuberculosis, even if drug resistant] and leprosy). • When infections occur, bacterial cultures rarely performed, yet infants repeatedly given antibiotics. Antibiotics are of absolutely no help in viral infections; in some countries, antibiotic administration without a prior culture is considered malpractice. • Antibiotics wipe out helpful bacteria in the gut (e.g., lactobacilli, bifidobacteria), which have important protective functions, including prevention of infection by yeast, pathogenic bacteria, and/or parasites. The protection is provided in part by the helpful bacteria clinging to the intestinal cell wall, thus preventing pathogenic microorganisms from getting to it. The pathogenic bacteria compete with the body for vitamin B-12 and perhaps other vitamins and minerals. Marini 2004


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  21. IMMUNIZATION QUESTIONS AND ISSUES • Are vaccines effective? • Temporary immunity/deferred susceptibility. • 2. Are vaccines safe? • Doctors, legislators, parents not informed. • 3. Informed consent or conscription? • 4. Avoid vaccine reactions by asking: • Is my child sick right now? • Do I know if my child is at risk? • History in family of vaccine reactions or health problems? • Do I know the adverse reactions to the vaccines given to my child? • Do I know the manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine? • Do I know how to report an adverse reaction? • 5. Do I know my rights under the state law to exempt my child from vaccines? • 6. If I choose not to vaccinate my child, do I know how to recognize and appropriately manage illnesses that vaccines protect against? Marini 2004

  22. CURRENT VACCINATION CONCERNS • Emergency State Powers Act • State Registry • Exemptions Under the Law • Thimerosal and Vaccines • Autism and Vaccines • Mercury Induced • Autistic Enterocolitis • Immune Complex Disorder Marini 2004

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  24. Immunostasis Th1/Th2 Balance Th2 Up Regulators Vaccinations Antibiotics Emergency Consciousness Sympathetic Activity+HPAC Purulent & Parasitic Infection Trans & Saturated Fats, 6EFA Oxidation Damage Mercury Toxicity Nicotine and Caffeine Progesterone Sugar Environmental Toxins, Hormones, Pesticides, Diesel Fumes Food Deprivation High Ratio FXN Th1 Up Regulators Welfare Consciousness Patterns Antioxidants Glucans & Mushroom Extracts Melatonin DHEA (Dehydroepinandrosterone) Selenium, Zinc Probiotics Breast Feeding Fish Oils Beta Sterols (Beta-sitosterol & sterolin) Viral and Bacterial Inf. Dirt, Dust, Dander Low Ratio FXN CMI (Cell Mediated Immunity) Surveillance Tolerance Cytotoxicity Infection Externalization Intracellular Infection Humoral Immune Atopic Dermatitis Allergies & Asthma Eczema/Psoraisis Infection Internalization Toxin Neutralization Extracellular Infection System Autoimmunity (Lupus, Graves, Type II Diabetes, RA) Cancer AIDS Marini 2004

  25. MAP OF CONSCIOUSNESS God-view Life-View Level Log Emotion Process Self Is Enlight- 700- Ineffable Pure Con- Enment 1000 sciousness All-Being Perfect Peace 600 Bliss Illumination One Complete Joy 540 Serenity Transfiguration Loving Benign Love 500 Reference Revelation Wise Meaningful Reason 400 Understanding Abstraction Merciful Harmonious Acceptance 350 Forgiveness Trans- cendence Inspiring Hopeful Willingness 310 Optimism Intention Enabling Satisfactory Neutrality 250 Trust Release Permitting Feasible Courage 200 Affirmation Empowerment Indifferent Demanding Pride 175 Scorn Inflation Vengeful Antagonistic Anger 150 Hate Aggression Denying Disappointing Desire 125 Craving Enslavement Punitive Frightening Fear 100 Anxiety Withdrawal Disdainful Tragic Grief 75 Regret Despondency Condemning Hopeless Apathy 50 Despair Abdication Vindictive Evil Guilt 30 Blame Destruction Despising Miserable Shame 20 Humiliation Elimination POWER VS. FORCE David R. Hawkins, M.D.,Ph.D. Marini 2004

  26. Health Interference Patterns of Interference Symptoms Symptom Constellations Dis-ease Disease Marini 2004

  27. HEALTH CARE ERAS Era I Chemical, Mechanical, material or physical medicine Described by being causal, deterministic, hierarchical, bound to classical concepts of space-time. Mind is not a factor; mind is purely the result of brain mechanisms. Examples are any form of therapy focusing solely on the effects of things (chemical or physical) on the body. Almost all forms of modern allopathic-drugs, surgery, irradiation, etc. Marini 2004

  28. Era II Mind-Body medicine. The role of energy/information on the physical-chemical body is embraced. Described by the mind being a major factor in healing WITHIN the single person; mind has causal powers. Healing not fully explainable by classical concepts of science. Era 2 includes but goes beyond Era 1. Examples are any therapy, which has the patient as the focus, complementary approaches are incorporated. Therapies emphasizing the effect of consciousness solely within the individual body: psychoneuroimmunology, chiropractic, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, biofeedback, relaxation therapies, therapeutic touch, and imagery based therapies. Marini 2004

  29. Era III Non-local therapy or Eternity Medicine Described by the mind factoring into healing both WITHIN and BETWEEN persons. Mind not completely localized to points in space (brains or bodies) or time (present moment or single lifetimes). Mind is unbounded in space and time and is ultimately unitary or one. Distance healing possible. Not explainable by classical concepts of space-time or matter-energy. Examples are any therapy in which effects of consciousness bridge between different persons: all forms of distant healing, intercessory prayer, and transpersonal imagery. DISEASES ARE SEEN AS IMBALANCES TO BE CORRECTED. IMBALANCES AFFECT THE ENTIRE PERSON (BOTH THE PHYSICAL BODY AND THE ENERGY BODY). IMBALANCES HAVE THE CAPACITY OF AFFECTING THE INDIVIDUAL AS WELL AS THOSE LINKED BY ENERGY. PROPER HEALING NECESSITATES BALANCING ENERGY AS WELL AS CHEMISTRY AND STRUCTURE OF THE BODY. HEALTH AND HEALING CAN BE AFFECTED BY ENERGY/INFORMATION FROM A DISTANCE. PRAYER HAS BOTH A LOCAL AND NON-LOCAL EFFECT ON THE MIND-BODY. Marini 2004

  30. HEALTH CARE ERAS ERA I MEDICINE: Allopathic Therapies Paradigm: CHEMISTRY ↔ STRUCTURE ↔ FUNCTION ERA II MEDICINE: Holistic/Holoenergetic Therapies Paradigm: ENERGY ↔ CHEMISTRY ↔ STRUCTURE ↔ FUNCTION Marini 2004

  31. ERA III MEDICINE: Intercessory Therapies Paradigm: UNIFIED ↔ ENERGY ↔ CHEMISTRY ↔ STRUCTURE ↔ FUNCTION FIELDS Marini 2004

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