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Sam Brust Biology Hr. 7

The Axolotl. Sam Brust Biology Hr. 7. Scientific Information. Common Name: Axolotl Scientific Name: Ambystoma Mexicanum Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia. Common Characteristics. Advantages: They can regenerate all their limbs and they reproduce easily

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Sam Brust Biology Hr. 7

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  1. The Axolotl Sam Brust Biology Hr. 7

  2. Scientific Information • Common Name: Axolotl • Scientific Name: Ambystoma Mexicanum • Kingdom: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Class: Amphibia

  3. Common Characteristics • Advantages: They can regenerate all their limbs and they reproduce easily • It is a bilateral animal • The Axolotl is a coleomate, because it is a vertebrate and it has a body cavity • It is a free living organism and is an carnivore, feeding primarily on the worms, insects, and small fish that live in the lake. They are aquatic, because they never shed their gills like other amphibians • It shows definite segmentation

  4. Life Cycle/Reproduction • The average lifespan of an axolotl in the wild is 10-15 years. • During reproduction, a female releases up to 1000 eggs, but less than a dozen will be fertilized • It is an asexual organism

  5. Description of Habitat/Niche • The axolotls originates from Lake Texcoco and Lake Xochimilco near Mexico City, but Texcoco was artificially drained due to flooding problems. Now they survive mainly in captivity, although a few still remain in Lake Xochimilco. • It eats primarily worms, insects, and small fish, but if necessary it will eat anything it can find.

  6. Special Characteristics • It is an amphibian, but it never lost its gills, and cannot live outside of the water • It has vestigial teeth. • When in human captivity with other axolotls, it will eat the others rather than eating its normal diet. • It is on the critically endangered list. • Humans use it mainly to keep as a pet, but also to for scientific research. For example, they are studying why it has both working lungs and gills.

  7. Pictures

  8. Axolotl Video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeX2Fsy6WxQ

  9. Works Consulted Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axolotl http://www.myaxolotl.com/basics-facts.htm http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2008/osuldsen_brit/reproduction.html http://www.axolotl.org/biology.htm http://www.caudata.org/cc/species/Ambystoma/A_mexicanum.shtml

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