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The Tempest

The Tempest. In Somali. Translated by Hashi Gutale Gedi.

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The Tempest

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  1. The Tempest In Somali Translated by HashiGutaleGedi

  2. Alonso the King of Naples, Prince Ferdinand his son and the Duke of Milan, Antonio are all sailing back from a wedding. Suddenly there was a huge storm. Everyone was shipwrecked on a small island between Italy and Africa. Everyone was a bit scared but they met two other people who lived on the island. Waabaawaxaajirijirayboqorka NAPLES “ALANSO” , Amiir “FERDINAD” iyowiilkiisaxakumaha MILAN “ANTONIO” ayaawaxeeysooqaateen Doon ayakoomarkaaskasoolaabanayeyaroos, Dibadeednaislamarkaanalakulmeenduufaaniyoroobculus. Doontiibaadhexkuhaloowdayiyakookugo’doomeenjasiiradyarookutaalaintaudhexeysa ITALY iyo AFRICA. Dhamaantoodweeycabsanayeenbalsenasiibwanaagwaxeeylakulmeenlaboqofoodookunoolaajasiiradaas.

  3. Prospero the magician and his daughter Miranda. There were two other creatures on the island, a monster called Caliban and spirit called Ariel. They were both Prospero's slaves. King Alonso could not find his son Ferdinand and was scared he was dead. He wasn’t dead, he was on a different part of the island. sixiroowga “PROSPERO” gabadhiisa “MIRANDA” iyolabojiniookunoolaajasiiradaaswaxaanalagukalamagacaabaajinigaween “CALIBAN” iyokanyar “ARIEL”. L abadoodanawaxeeyahaayeensixiroowga Prospero adoomadiisa, boqorkaAlosnoayaawuxuuwaayeywiilkiisa “Ferdinand” asagoomarkaasucabsanayeyinuudhintay, laakiinmadhimanineewxuujoogayqeybkaleookamid ah jasiiradaas.

  4. Ferdinand had met the beautiful Miranda and they had fallen in love. Prospero was angry and treated Ferdinand very badly. He put a magic spell on him and made him his slave. The spirit slave Ariel is very sad. She wants to be free. Prospero says that he will free Ariel if she brings everyone from the shipwreck to him. Ariel does as she is told. Ferdinand ayaawuxuulakulmayquruxleeyda Miranda dibadeenaweeyisjeclaadeen, Sixirowga Prospero wuuxanaaqaysixunauladhaqmay Ferdinand. Sixirayuukuaqriyeywuxuuna ka dhigayadoonadoomadiisakamida. Jinigiiyaraaee la oranayey Ariel aadeyeyuniyadjabsaneeydoowaxeeydooneysaaineeyxornoqoto. sixiroowgaProperoayaawuxuukuyirixorbaankaadhigiyaahadaad ii keentoqofkastoolasocdaydoontiihaloowday, markastanaarielweeysameeysaawixii loo diro.

  5. Everyone goes to Prospero’s house. He forgives Ferdinand and Miranda and gets them married. They find a boat and all leave the Island. Everyone is happy especially Caliban the monster because he gets to stay and live on the island alone. qofwelibawuxuuaadayprosperogurigiisa, Prospero wuucafiyey Ferdinand iyo Miranda wuunaaqalgeliyey. Dhamaandoonbeeyheleenweeynakatageenjasiirada, islamarkaanaqofwalbabaaadbuufaraxsanaaqaasahaanjinigaweeynCalibansababtoo ah keligiisayuukunoolaanayaajasiiradaas.

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