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Real-Time Systems, COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

Real-Time Systems, COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13. Stefan Andrei. Reminder of the last lecture. Faster Verification of RTL-Specified Systems via Decomposition Constraint Extension. Overview of This Lecture. Verification, debugging and optimization of Linear RTL. Description.

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Real-Time Systems, COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

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  1. Real-Time Systems, COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13 Stefan Andrei COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  2. Reminder of the last lecture • Faster Verification of RTL-Specified Systems via Decomposition • Constraint Extension COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  3. Overview of This Lecture • Verification, debugging and optimization of Linear RTL COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  4. Description • Given SP and SA expressed in Linear RTL, determine whether SPSA? • Given SP and SA expressed in Linear RTL such that the negation of SA is satisfiable and SP does not imply SA, determine new related SP’ and/or SA’ such that SP’SA’? The election of SP’ and SA’ should be done in conjunction with real-time system advisor or automatically. • Given SP and SA expressed in Linear RTL such that SPSA, determine SP’ and SA’ for which SPSP’, SP’SA’, SA’SA. The new SP’ and SA’ should be done using minimal changes by keeping the same set of constraints, but relaxing SP and/or tightening SA. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  5. References • Chapter 6 of [Che2002] Cheng, A.M.K.: Real-time systems. Scheduling, Analysis, and Verification. Wiley-Interscience, 2002 • [AnC07] Andrei, S., Cheng, A.: Verification of Linear RTL-Specifications. Proceedings of the 28-th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2007 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  6. Description – part a) • Given SP and SA expressed in Linear RTL, determine whether SPSA? COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  7. Comparison with extended path-RTL class (Lecture 10) • The extended path RTL can only describe a timing constraint between two events. • A timing constraint involving three or more events together cannot be specified by any of these subclasses. • Example: The specification of a phased array radar system. • A phased array is a group of antennas in which the relative phases of the signals feeding the antennas are varied in such a way that the effective radiation is reinforced in a desired direction and suppressed in undesired directions. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  8. The specification of a phased array radar system with four antennas • The radar system is turned on at time 0. • In order to allow time for the initialization routine, the sum of times when all four antennas start radiating must be at least 10 seconds. • The sum of all radiating times for neighboring antennas (in this case, three) cannot exceed 1000 seconds in order to avoid overheating of the antenna elements and to reduce interference. • The time an antenna should continuously radiate is at least 300 seconds. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  9. Translation to RTL • The four antennas of the phased array radar system are given in a cyclic order, denoted by A1, A2, A3, A4. • @(↑A1, i) and @(↓A1, i) mean the ith occurrences when antenna A1 begins and ends radiating: • i ( @(↑A1, i)+ @(↑A2, i)+ @(↑A3, i)+ @(↑A4, i) ≥ 10) •  ((@(↓A1, i) -@(↑A1, i)) + (@(↓A2, i) -@(↑A2, i)) + (@(↓A3, i) -@(↑A3, i))1000 ) … • ((@(↓A4, i) -@(↑A4, i)) + (@(↓A1, i) -@(↑A1, i)) + (@(↓A2, i) -@(↑A2, i))1000 ) •  (@(↓A1, i) -@(↑A1, i) ≥300) …  (@(↓A4, i) -@(↑A4, i) ≥300). COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  10. Our larger class - LRTL • So, there is a need to find an RTL subclass able to describe constrains with three or more events. • We call it: Linear Real-Time Logic (LRTL). • LRTL is based on a first-order logic with features able to capture the linear timing requirements of real-time systems. • LRTL includes the existing subclasses of decidable and practical RTL formulas. • To the best of our knowledge, LRTL is a subclass of RTL, with decidable properties, not considered until now for the specification and verification of real-time and embedded systems. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  11. Linear inequalities - an open problem • In fact, the linear inequalities have been unsolved for long time. • For example, [Moller, Lichtenberg, Andersen, and Hulgaard; 1999] formulates as future work the class of linear inequalities: • “One path that could be taken when extending the results of the paper would be to generalize the difference constraints to linear inequalities.” COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  12. Can we still re-use the constraint graph? • The previous verification method for formulas expressed in extended path-RTL was the (extended)constraint graph: • A timing constraint @(e1, i) -@(e2, j)  k corresponds to two nodes and an arc in the constraint graph. • A timing constraint ± @(e1, i) ±@(e2, j)  k corresponds to two arcs between four nodes in the extended constraint graph. • No, a more powerful data structure is needed. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  13. LRTL • Compared with the constraint graph technique, the correctness of a real-time system specified in LRTL can be achieved by solving a system of linear inequalities. • A general timing constraint in LRTL may have the form: a1·@(e1, i1) + … + an·@(en, in) «op» b • where «op»is one of the following arithmetic operators {, =, ≥}, and a1,..., an, and b are integers. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  14. The LRTL normal form • a1· @(e1, i1) + … + an· @(en, in)  b • Even if the normal form seems to restrict «op»only to “”, it has the same expressive power as the general form. • Our method for verification of SPSA expressed in LRTL has 6 basic steps. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  15. The first 3 steps to prove SP  SA • consider F = (SP  SA) ≡ SP SA; • convert it to a Presburger formula, FPresb , by replacing the time occurrences @(E, i) by a function fE(i); • construct the Skolem formula, FCNF , by removing the existential quantifiers and replacing the corresponding variables with constants. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  16. Example • SP: i j (@(e1, i) + @(e2, i) 2)  (@(e2, i) - @(e3, j) 1)  (@(e1, i) -@(e3, j) 7). • SA: u v (@(e1, u) + @(e2, u) -@(e3, v) 5). • SA is u v (-@(e1, u) - @(e2, u) +@(e3, v)  - 6) • Presburger formula: replace @(e1, i) by f1(i), @(e2, i) by f2(i), @(e3, i) by f3(i), etc. • Skolem formula: U and V are two integer constants to replace the variables u and v. • FCNF: i j (f1(i) + f2(i) 2)  (f2(i) - f3(j) 1)  (f1(i) - f3(j) 7)  (-f1(U) - f2(U) + f3(V)  - 6). COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  17. Step 4: Positive propositional clauses • A set S = {f(t1),..., f(tk)}is unifiable if there exists a substitution ψ such that f(t1)ψ = ... = f(tk)ψ. • Example: • The set S = {f1(i), f1(U)}is unifiable due to the substitution ψ = [i/U]. • The method pos(FCNF) generates a new propositional variable for each new inequality after checking the unification. • The FCNF from the example has the following positive clauses: {A1},{A2},{A3}, and {A4}. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  18. Step 5: Obtaining the negative propositional clauses • FCNFis translated to a system of linear inequalities AX  B. • Example:A = , X = , B = . • The column vector X has been obtained after applying the substitution {[i/U], [j/V]}. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  19. Definition: Negative linear dependencies • Λ = (λi)1in from M1,n is a positive row vector if λi+ - {0} for all i {1, ..., n}. • Let B = (bi)1in be a column vector from Mn,1 such that bi for all i {1, ..., n}. • Λ is negative linear dependant of B if and only if ΛB < 0. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  20. Theorem: Negative Linear Dependency • Let Λ = (λi)1 i  n be a positive row vector that is a solution of the system of linear equations AtrΛtr =0, where A = (ai,j)mn is a matrix over . • If Λis negative linear dependant of B, where B is a column vector, then the inequality AX  B has no solution for X over , where X is a column vector. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  21. Example • Considering AX  B, we need to find the positive row vector Λ = (λ1λ2λ3λ4) such that AtrΛtr =0. • This is: = 0. • The positive solution Λ = (1 1 1 2) leads to ΛB = -2. • Therefore, AX  B has no solution for X over . COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  22. Negative propositional clauses • initially Fneg= ; • identify the propositional variables v1, ... vkcorresponding to inequalities from FCNF; • identify matrices A and B from the inequality AX  B that represent FCNF; • let Ai A and Bi B be such that AiX  Biis a new subsystem of AX  B; • find Λia positive solution of AtriΛtri= 0; • if ΛiBi < 0 then add the negative clause {vi,1, ... vi,k}to Fneg; • if there is no new subsystem AiX  Biof AX  B, then STOP; otherwise, go to 4. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  23. Some remarks to choose the subsystem • At step 4, we have chosen Ai A and Bi B be such that AiX  Biis a new subsystem of AX  B; • The idea is to choose Ai the sub-matrix of A that is a closure of the initial variable, that is: • Initial step: add Xi to Ai • Inductive step: • add all the variables from the inequalities that contains variables from Ai; • repeat this step until there are no more changes. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  24. Step 6: The final step of our method • Let PF be the set of positive and negative clauses. • If PF is unsatisfiable, then SPSA holds. • Example:PF = {{A1},{A2},{A3}, {A4}, {A1,A2,A3, A4} } is unsatisfiable, so SPSA holds. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  25. Complexity considerations • Among the many different ways to solve systems of linear inequations, the traditional method is the Gaussian elimination. • It has an order of O(n3) time complexity, where n is the number of variables. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  26. Step 6: Convert PF to a DIMACS file • Suppose PF is expressed in Conjunctive Normal Form and has n variables and l clauses. • Then, the first line of the DIMACS file is: • p cnf n l • Each positive literal L1, …, Ln corresponds to positive integers 1, …, n • Each negative literal L1, …, Ln corresponds to negative integers -1, …, -n • Any clause is translated to a line of text in the DIMACS file by replacing each literal with the corresponding integer and each ‘’ is replaced by blank space (the end of clause is marked by a ‘0’): • L1  L2  L3  L5 corresponds to 1 -2 3 -5 0 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  27. Step 6: Call a state-of-the-art SAT solver • Siege - http://www.cs.sfu.ca/research/groups/CL/software/siege/ • zChaff - http://www.princeton.edu/~chaff/software.html • Cachet - http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/kautz/Cachet/index.htm • SharpSAT - http://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~thurley/sharpSAT/index.html • Others: http://www.satlive.org/bytype.jsp?reftypefrom=-2 • If the answer provided by this SAT solver or #SAT solver is ‘Unsatisfiable’, then PF is unsatisfiable, so SP  SA is a theorem. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  28. Description – part b) • Given SP and SA expressed in Linear RTL such that the negation of SA is satisfiable and SP does not imply SA, determine new related SP’ and/or SA’ such that SP’SA’? The election of SP’ and SA’ should be done in conjunction with real-time system designer or automatically. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  29. The systematic debugging algorithm • (Test & Print) test if PF is unsatisfiable and if the designer agrees with the suggested constraint • (Incremental Computation) consider all the choices to change SP and SA into new SP’ and SA’. • desired is evaluated to false when the designer wishes to continue the systematic debugging and the timing constraints of the real-time system are fulfilled. Algorithm Main: Input: SP, SA and PF, SP SA Output: SP’, SA’ s.t. SP’ SA’ Method: desired = false; while (desired == false) { (Test & Print) if (desired == false) { (Incremental Computation) (Debugging Computation) } } COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  30. Addition of New Variables • While PF is satisfiable: • Test whether each variable appears in at least two inequalities; • If variable Xi appears only once in the system AiX  Bi then we insert it in all inequalities and see whether it leads to unsatisfiability, namely ΛiBi < 0, where Λia positive solution of AtriΛtri= 0. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  31. Transforming a subsystem into one with negative dependencies • Consider Λia positive solution of AtriΛtri= 0; • If ΛiBi >= 0 then modify Bi such that ΛiBi < 0. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  32. Make sure there are positive solutions Λi • If there are no positive solutions Λiof AtriΛtri= 0, then modify Ai to get such a solution. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  33. Automatic Debugging • The automatic approach is similar to the systematic approach, but it should work in the absence of the human beings. • Our solution was to consider in advance all the necessary information such as the designer's guidance: • a set of constraints which cannot be modified • the specific ranges for the constants which appear in the constraints. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  34. Automatic Debugging • The input files for the automatic approach are augmented with the lower and upper bounds for the constants. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  35. Example: Systematic Debugging • Step 1: • SP: i j (@(e1, i) + @(e2, i) 2)  (@(e2, i) - @(e3, j) 1)  (@(e1, i) -@(e3, j) 7). • SA: u v (@(e1, u) + @(e2, u) -@(e3, v)  2). • Step 2: • SP: i j (f1(i) + f2(i) 2)  (f2(i) - f3(j) 1)  (f1(i) - f3(j) 7) • SA:  u  v f1(u) + f2(u) - f3(v)  2 • Step 3: • SP  SA: i  j (f1(i) + f2(i) 2)  (f2(i) - f3(j) 1)  (f1(i) - f3(j) 7) Λ(-f1(U) - f2(U) + f3(V)  -3). COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  36. Example: Systematic Debugging -cont • Step 4: • Consider the substitution ψ = {[i/U][j/V]}. • The method pos(FCNF) generates a new propositional variable for each new inequality after checking the unification. • A1 denotes the inequality f1(U)+f2(U) 2 • A2 denotes the inequality f2(U)-f3(U) 1 • A3 denotes the inequality f1(U)-f3(U) 7 • A4 denotes the inequality -f1(U)-f2(U)+f3(V) -9 • The FCNF leads to the following positive clauses for PF: {A1},{A2},{A3}, and {A4}. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  37. Example: Systematic Debugging -cont • Step 5: • FCNFis translated to a system of linear inequalities AX  B. • Example:A = , X = , B = . COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  38. Example: Systematic Debugging -cont • Considering AX  B, we need to find the positive row vector Λ = (λ1λ2λ3λ4) such that AtrΛtr =0. • This is: = 0. • The positive generic solution Λ = (a a a 2a) cannot leads to ΛB <0, where a>0. • So, the set of negative clauses is empty. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  39. Example: Systematic Debugging - cont • Step 6: Convert PF to a DIMACS file • p cnf 4 4 • 1 0 • 2 0 • 3 0 • 4 0 • Call Siege or zChaff • The previous DIMACS file is input for Siege. • The output of Siege will be: ‘satisfiable’ • Since PF is satisfiable, then we need to do debugging to make SP  SA a theorem. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  40. Example: Systematic Debugging - cont • Step 7: All the lines have at least two non-zero coefficients, so we don’t do debugging for this case (slide 39). • We need to change B to have ΛB <0. • ΛB=(a a a 2a)(2 1 7 -3)tr=4a, where a>0: • Change b1=2 to b1=-3 • Change b2=1 to b2=-4 • Change b3=7 to b3=2 • Change b4=-3 to b4=-6 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  41. Example: Systematic Debugging - cont • Step 8: The designer is asked which of the changes are the best: • Changing @(e1, i) + @(e2, i) 2 to @(e1, i) + @(e2, i) -3. • Changing @(e2, i) - @(e3, j) 1 to @(e2, i) - @(e3, j) -4. • Changing @(e1, i) -@(e3, j) 7 to @(e1, i) -@(e3, j)  2. • Changing -f1(U) - f2(U) + f3(V)  -3 to -f1(U) - f2(U) + f3(V)  -6. This corresponds to @(e1, u) + @(e2, u) -@(e3, v)  5. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  42. Example: Systematic Debugging - cont • The tool will compute for each of these changes the corresponding propositional formula PF, that is: • PF = {{A1},{A2},{A3}, {A4}, {A1,A2,A3, A4} } • Then #SAT solver will compute the number of truth assignments of PF. • Since this number is 0, the algorithm terminates. • Otherwise, the algorithm would repeat from Step 7. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  43. Example: Automatic Debugging - cont • Consider a file showing intervals for the constants in B: • b1,-3,2,7 means -2  b1  7, where b1 implicit initial value is 2. • b2,-4,1,6 means -3  b2  6, where b2 implicit initial value is 1. • b3,2,7,12 means 3 b3 12, where b3 implicit initial value is 7. • b4,-6,-3,0 means -6 b4  0, where b4 implicit initial value is -3. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  44. Example: Automatic Debugging - cont • As such, the automatic debugging tool will not ask the designer, but it will check the file against the proposed specification. • In our case, the tool will choose • -f1(U) - f2(U) + f3(V)  -6 • This leads to a negative dependency and its constant belongs to the interval [-6,0]. • This corresponds to @(e1, u) + @(e2, u) -@(e3, v)  5. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  45. Description – part c) • Given SP and SA expressed in Linear RTL such that SPSA, determine SP’ and SA’ for which SPSP’, SP’SA’, SA’SA. The new SP’ and SA’ should be done using minimal changes by keeping the same set of constraints, but relaxing SP and/or tightening SA. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  46. The Optimization Problem • The previous approaches were focused on the verification and debugging of SP  SA, and not the optimization of this tautology. • However, it may happen that SP contains overly strong timing constraints or SA can be improved by stronger timing constraints. • Can we provide the most relaxed specification SP and/or the most tight safety assertion SA such that SP  SA is a theorem (without repeating the verification of SP  SA)? COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  47. Refinement of the Optimization Algorithm • Input: SP, SA such that SPSA holds, and A(1)XB(1) the initial linear system; • Output: SP’, SA’ such that SP’SA’ is an optimal tautology. • Method: • k=1; SP1=SP; SA1=SA; • while (there exists Λ such that ΛB < -1) { • Identify the inequality ∑j=1n aij xjbi that does not occur in any other subsystem Ai X  Bi; • Decrease bi such that ΛB=-1 and denote the new system A(k+1)XB(k+1); • Change SPk and SAk according to the new weight; • k= k+1; } • SP’=SPk; SA’=SAk. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  48. Example: Optimization • Step 1: • SP: i j (@(e1, i) + @(e2, i) 2)  (@(e2, i) - @(e3, j) 1)  (@(e1, i) -@(e3, j) 7). • SA: u v (@(e1, u) + @(e2, u) -@(e3, v)  8). • Step 2: • SP: i j (f1(i) + f2(i) 2)  (f2(i) - f3(j) 1)  (f1(i) - f3(j) 7) • SA:  u  v f1(u) + f2(u) - f3(v)  8 • Step 3: • SP  SA: i  j (f1(i) + f2(i) 2)  (f2(i) - f3(j) 1)  (f1(i) - f3(j) 7) Λ(-f1(U) - f2(U) + f3(V)  -9). COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  49. Example: Optimization -cont • Step 4: • Consider the substitution ψ = {[i/U][j/V]}. • The method pos(FCNF) generates a new propositional variable for each new inequality after checking the unification. • A1 denotes the inequality f1(U)+f2(U) 2 • A2 denotes the inequality f2(U)-f3(U) 1 • A3 denotes the inequality f1(U)-f3(U) 7 • A4 denotes the inequality -f1(U)-f2(U)+f3(V) -9 • The FCNF leads to the following positive clauses for PF: {A1},{A2},{A3}, and {A4}. COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

  50. Example: Optimization -cont • Step 5: • FCNFis translated to a system of linear inequalities AX  B. • Example:A = , X = , B = . COSC-4301-01, Lecture 13

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