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Communicable Diseases and the Immune System

Learn about communicable diseases, their causes, and the specific response of the immune system. Explore topics such as HIV/AIDS, STIs, and the transmission of pathogens. Discover the four types of pathogens, major barriers, and the body's offensive line against pathogens. Find out about specific diseases like mononucleosis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis, and understand the contagious period and ways to prevent STIs. Gain knowledge about HIV and AIDS and the transmission of the virus.

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Communicable Diseases and the Immune System

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  1. THIS IS Jeopardy

  2. Your With Host... Miss Janoso!!

  3. Jeopardy Communicable Disease Causes The Specific Response The Immune System Communicable Diseases HIV/AIDS STI’s 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  4. A disease that can be spread to a person from another person, an animal, or an object A 100

  5. Communicable Disease A 100

  6. ______ cause all communicable diseases (organisms so small that they can only be seen through a microscope) A 200

  7. Germs A 200

  8. What happens to your body when pathogens enter, multiply, and damage other body cells? A 300

  9. You get an infection! A 300

  10. LIST and DESCRIBE the 4 types of pathogens A 400

  11. Virus- smallest and simplest disease causing organism Bacteria- tiny 1 celled organisms that live nearly everywhere Fungi- primitive life forms that can’t make their own food Protozoa- 1 celled organism that are more complex than bacteria A 400

  12. What are the 6 ways that pathogens are spread? A 500

  13. Direct Contact Indirect Contact Contact with Animals or Insects Contaminated Food and/or Water Contact with Blood Sexual Contact A 500

  14. List the 3 major responses that fight a pathogen (IN ORDER) to keep you from getting sick (Offensive line, blockers, and the QB…) B 100

  15. 5 Major Barriers • Nonspecific Response • Specific Response B 100

  16. What are the 5 major barriers? (List them, please) B 200

  17. Tears • Saliva • Skin • Mucous Membranes • Stomach Acid B 200

  18. During the nonspecific response, these specific white blood cells attack the invading pathogens B 300

  19. Phagocytes B 300

  20. Why does your body create a fever during the nonspecific response? B 400

  21. It signals the body to produce more white blood cells and makes it harder for the pathogens to reproduce B 400

  22. Phagocytes produce these proteins during the nonspecific response that stop the virus from reproducing. B 500

  23. Interferons B 500

  24. This disease, which is spread through kissing and sharing drinks/utensils, makes you feel tired, and can make you have a fever and a sore throat C 100

  25. Mononucleosis C 100

  26. This condition is a serious inflammation or infection of the lungs C 200

  27. Pneumonia C 200

  28. Which disease affects the lungs and is mainly spread through coughing/sneezing droplets into the air? C 300

  29. Tuberculosis C 300


  31. What is a contagious period? What is the contagious period for chicken pox? C 400

  32. The length of time when a particular disease can be spread from person to person • 2 days before the rash appears until 6 days after C 400

  33. How are Hepatitis A, B, and C each contracted? C 500

  34. A- through contaminated food/ water B and C- through contact with body fluids, through sexual contact C 500

  35. What are infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact? D 100

  36. Sexually Transmitted Infections D 100

  37. This specific STI affects the liver and is the only one where a vaccine is available D 200

  38. Hepatitis B D 200

  39. Please list the 3 STI’s mentioned in the chapter that can be cured D 300

  40. Chlamydia • Gonorrhea • Syphilis D 300

  41. What are the viral STI’s listed in the chapter? D 400

  42. HPV (Genital Warts • Herpes • Hepatitis • HIV D 400

  43. Can you be abstinent, even if you have had sex before? Why or why not? D 500

  44. Yes! Even if you’ve had sex, you can still choose to be abstinent from that point forward. D 500

  45. ________ is the virus that causes _________ E 100

  46. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS E 100

  47. What are the 3 ways that HIV is transmitted? E 200

  48. Sexual Intercourse • Contaminated Needles • Blood Transfusions (not as much anymore) E 200

  49. Do we have any drugs to cure HIV? E 300

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