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The incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in hospitalized patients with community acquired pneumonia Irena Kondova Topuzovska Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Medical Faculty, Skopje, Macedonia. Introduction.

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  1. The incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in hospitalized patients with community acquired pneumonia Irena Kondova Topuzovska Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Medical Faculty, Skopje, Macedonia

  2. Introduction Since the beginning of 1990, specialized diagnostic techniques have allowed a considerable amount of new information to be obtained concerning the Mycoplasma pneumoniae, new clinical studies have suggested that Mycoplasma pneumoniae plays a more significant role as cause of lower respiratory tract infection in childhood and in adults than it was previously thought.

  3. Incidence of Mycoplasma pn. CAP Mycoplasma pn. CAP Out patients 7,62 - 22,8 % Hospitalized 0,80 - 29,2 % ICU 1,64 - 2,0 % Mortality 0,8 % *Marrie TJ. CAP: epidemiology, etiology, treatment. Inf Dis Clin North Am 1998; Vol 12 (3): 723-41. *Woodhead M. Community-acquired pneumonia in Europe: causative pathogens and resistence patterns. Eur Respir J 2002; 20: Suppl 36, 20s-27s. *File TM. The role of atypical pathogens Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila in respiratory infection. Inf Dis Clin North Am, 1998; Vol 12 (3): 569-92. *Gupta SK, Sarosi GA. The role of atypical pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia. Med Clin North Am 2001; 85(6): 1349-65. *Gleason P, Pharm D. The emerging role of atypical pathogens in CAP.Pharmacotherapy 2002; 22(1s): 2-11. *Fine MJ, Smith MA, Carson SA et al., Mortality of CAP, Menagement of Respiratory Tract Infections, Johan G. Bartlett, 1997

  4. Reasons for differences in the incidence of the atypical CAP *geographical and temperature differences in the region *epidemiological situation for that etiology pathogen in that year *age of the patients *criteria for the hospitalization *diagnostic methods used *diagnostic criteria used for final diagnosis

  5. Objective: The aim of the study was: * to determinate the incidence of the acute Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection regarding the age in hospitalized patients with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) * to provide epidemiological data for the annual incidence.

  6. Material: * Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Medical Faculty, Skopje, Macedonia * A total of 213 children and 235 adult hospitalized patients with CAP within three year period (1st September 2002 to 31st August 2005) were included in our study. * The mean age was: - 4,81 years (range: 1–17) for children and - 48,42 years (range: 18–84) for adults.

  7. Material: * Of the children 129 (60,56%) were male and 84 (39,44%) female and * Of the adults 138 (58,72%) were male and 97 (41,28%) female. * Children were divided in two age groups: - preschool children (1-6 years) - 158 patients (74,18%) and - school children (more than 7 years) - 55 patıents (25,82%).

  8. Methods: Diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection was established byserological confirmation by detection of IgM and IgG antibody against Mycoplasma pneumoniae Ag with: * Pneumoslide M and G (Vircell) IF test and/or * ELISA (Vircell) Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM, IgG test in pair sera.

  9. Results: Acute Mycoplasma pneumoniaeinfection as a cause of CAP out of 235 adults Year No CAP No MPP 2002/03 72 6 (8,33%) 2003/04 95 15 (15,80%) 2004/05 68 9 (13,24%) Total 235 30 (12,77%) * Mixed – 4 (Legionella pn – 1; Coxiella burnetii – 2; Chlamydia pneumoniae – 1)

  10. Results: Acute Mycoplasma pneumoniaeinfection as a cause of CAP out of 213 children Year No CAP No MPP 2002/03 92 11 (11,96%) 2003/04 66 18 (27,27%) 2004/05 55 14 (25,45%) Total 213 43 (20,19%) * Mixed – 4 (Legionella pn – 1; Coxiella burnetii – 2; Haemophilus influencae – 1)

  11. Results: Acute Mycoplasma pneumoniaeinfection as a cause of CAP out of 213 children preschoolschool children Year No CAP No MPP No CAP No MPP 2002/03 74 9 18 2 2003/04 41 9 25 9 2004/05 43 8 12 8 Total 158 26 (16,46%) 55 17 (30,90%)

  12. Conclusions: * The results show high incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the etiology of CAP in Macedonian hospitalized patients, * especially in children older than 7 years. * The incidence per year was ranged between 8,33% and 15,80% among adults and 11,96% and 27,27% among children * The incidence was the highest in winter and spring in 2003/2004 year. * The importance of timely diagnosis and treatment is obvious.

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