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http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-URgaVrP6ZF4/T0vIn4ZL20I/AAAAAAAABw4/4jT8W0wGOT4/s1600/109.jpg. Entry Task (5 minutes). In food chains, the _______________, organisms such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead material into nutrients for plants .

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  1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-URgaVrP6ZF4/T0vIn4ZL20I/AAAAAAAABw4/4jT8W0wGOT4/s1600/109.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-URgaVrP6ZF4/T0vIn4ZL20I/AAAAAAAABw4/4jT8W0wGOT4/s1600/109.jpg

  2. Entry Task (5 minutes) • In food chains, the _______________, organisms such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead material into nutrients for plants. • The biochemical process known as __________ produces energy-rich glucose and oxygen.) • 2. Write out the basic equation for cellular respiration tell me the “INPUTS” and the “OUTPUTS”. • ___________: The sugar, whose chemical formula is C6H12O6, that is created by photosynthesis. • 4. TRUE OR FALSE? Matter and energy flow through food chains. _____

  3. Learning Target • I can understand how plants get energy and matter for growth • After: (why)

  4. Converting Sunlight into Sugar Learning Target: • I can understand that energy is transferred from one form to another • I can understand that plants get their energy from light energy • I can understand the inputs and the outputs of photosynthesis • I can understand that photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts

  5. Spongebob tell us what we are talking about • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqEDz2vfhpQ

  6. Visible Light • Light is a form of electromagnetic energy, which travels in waves • When white light passes through a prism the individual wavelengths are separated out.

  7. Light Reflected Light Chloroplast Absorbed light Granum Transmitted light Figure 10.7 Light Options When It Strikes A Leaf • Reflect – a small amount of light is reflected off of the leaf. Most leaves reflect the color green, which means that it absorbs all of the other colors or wavelengths. • Absorbed – most of the light is absorbed by plants providing the energy needed for the production of Glucose (photosynthesis) • Transmitted – some light passes through the leaf

  8. Chloroplast

  9. Mesophyll Chloroplast 5 µm Outer membrane Intermembrane space Thylakoid Thylakoid space Granum Stroma Inner membrane 1 µm Chloroplast • Are located within the palisade layer of the leaf • One Membrane sacs called Thylakoids • Contain pigments on the surface • Pigments absorb certain wavelenghts of light • A Stack of Thylakoids is called a Granum

  10. PHOTOSYNTHESIS • Comes from Greek Word “photo” meaning “Light” and “syntithenai” meaning “to put together” • Photosynthesis puts together sugar molecules using water, carbon dioxide, & energy from light.

  11. Happens in two phases • Light-Dependent Reaction • Converts light energy into chemical energy • Light-Independent Reaction • Produces simple sugars (glucose) • General Equation 6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2

  12. First Phase • Requires Light = Light Dependent Reaction • Sun’s energy excites an electron in the chlorophyll molecule • Electron is passed to nearby protein molecules in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast

  13. Excited state e– Heat Energy of election Photon (fluorescence) Ground state Chlorophyll molecule Photon Figure 10.11 A Excitation of Chlorophyll by Light • When a pigment absorbs light it absorbs energy • It goes from a ground state to an excited state, which is unstable

  14. Electron Transport Chain • Electron from Chlorophyll is passed from protein to protein along an electron transport chain • Electrons lose energy (energy changes form) • Finally bonded with electron carrier called NADP+ to form NADPH or ATP • Energy is stored for later use

  15. Thylakoid Photosystem Photon STROMA Light-harvesting complexes Reaction center Primary election acceptor e– Thylakoid membrane Special chlorophyll a molecules Transfer of energy Pigment molecules THYLAKOID SPACE (INTERIOR OF THYLAKOID) Figure 10.12 Photosystem • A photosystem • Is composed of a reaction center surrounded by a number of light-harvesting complexes

  16. Two Photosystems • Photosystem II: Clusters of pigments boost e- by absorbing light w/ wavelength of ~680 nm • Photosystem I: Clusters boost e- by absorbing light w/ wavelength of ~760 nm. • Reaction Center: Both PS have it. Energy is passed to a special Chlorophyll a molecule which boosts an e-

  17. e– ATP e– e– NADPH e– e– e– Mill makes ATP Photon e– Photon Photosystem I Photosystem II Figure 10.14  • A mechanical analogy for the light reactions

  18. H2O CO2 Light NADP  ADP + P LIGHT REACTIONS CALVIN CYCLE ATP NADPH Chloroplast [CH2O] (sugar) O2 Figure 10.5

  19. Where did those electrons come from? • Water • Electrons from the splitting of water supply the chlorophyll molecules with the electrons they need • The left over oxygen is given off as gas

  20. High Quality H2O • Splitting of water with light energy • Hydrogen ions (H+) from water are used to power ATP formation with the electrons • Hydrogen ions (charged particle) actually move from one side of the thylakoid membrane to the other • Chemiosmosis – Coupling the movement of Hydrogen Ions to ATP production

  21. Vocab

  22. e– ATP e– e– NADPH e– e– e– Mill makes ATP Photon e– Photon Photosystem I (NADPH-producing) Photosystem II (Water-splitting) Figure 10.14  Light-Dependent • Converts light into chemical energy (ATP & NADPH are the chemical products). Oxygen is a by-product

  23. Pigment • Molecules that absorb specific wavelengths of light • Chlorophyll absorbs reds & blues and reflects green

  24. Chlorophyll • Green pigment in plants • Traps sun’s energy • Sunlight energizes electron in chlorophyll

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