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n¾,ska fn!oaO úydrh

n¾,ska fn!oaO úydrh. n¾,ska úydrh iuia; f,dal jdiSka fjkqfjkau /l .ksuq. n¾,Ska úydrh › ,xldjg ysñ cd;sl ia;=jls' th /l.ekSu ,dxlslhska i;+ hq;+luls'.

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n¾,ska fn!oaO úydrh

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Presentation Transcript

  1. n¾,ska fn!oaO úydrh n¾,ska úydrh iuia; f,dal jdiSka fjkqfjkau /l .ksuq

  2. n¾,Ska úydrh › ,xldjg ysñ cd;sl ia;=jls' th /l.ekSu ,dxlslhska i;+ hq;+luls'

  3. c¾uka od¾Ykslhska yd W.;=ka w;r fmda,a vd,afla kï jQ ffjoHjrhdo úh' jD;sfhka ffjoHjrhl= jQjo fyf;u wd.ï yd o¾Yk .fõYlhl= f,i jvd;a m;, lS¾;shla we;af;ls' j¾;udkfhys n¾,ska úydrh kñka ye¢kafjk fuu mQckSh N+ñh t;=ud w;ska ks¾udKh jQjls'

  4. n¾,ska úydrfhys muKla fkdj" c¾uka O¾u¥; fiajfha mqfrda.dñhl= yeáhgo t;=ud ye¢kaùu iqÿiqh' hqoaOh fl<jrù c¾udkqfjda tys úkdYldß m%;sM, Ô¾K lrñka isá 1957 j¾Ifha§ Y%S ,dxlsl fj<| jHdmdßlhl= jQ wfYdal ùrr;ak uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka c¾uka O¾u¥; ix.uh ìysúh'

  5. 2000 jir isg fuu úydria:dkh md,kh jkafka tla mqoa.,hl+ u.sks' c¾uka O¾u¥; ix.ufha ksfhdacs; jYfhka fmkS isák fuf;u {d;s iïnkaolï uq,afldg mjqf,a nQo,hla f,i fuu ia:dkh md,kh lrhs'

  6. osrdm;a fjñka mj;skmkaif,a f.dvke.s,sw¿;a jeähd lsrSugwjYH hqfrda mka,Ëhl ^remsh,a fldaá y;l& uqo,a 1998 úydr N+ñfhka b;d iq¿ fldgila wf,ú fldg c¾uka O¾u¥; ix.uh ,nd.;a;o tu uqo,a by; lS w¿;ajeähdjkg fkdfhdod we;'

  7. fï w;r úydr md,l ;+ud úydria:dkhg wdikakj mqoa.,sl mrsyrKh i|yd f;uy,a f.dvke.s,a,la kï boslr f.k we;'

  8. ,xldfõ uyck;djg ysñ mkai,la jHdmdrslhskaf.a mqoa.,sl foam,la f,i mrsyrKh fldg úkdYhg f.dÿrefldg wkai;+ lrùu oel oel;a Bg tfrys ùu fyda fkdùu Tng Ndrh'

  9. wm fuf;la W;aiy lf,;a" bosrshg W;aiy lrkafk;a yqfola( 1' úydrh .rd jeàu yd wkai;+ùu je,elaùu 2' ,dxlsl úydrhla yeáhg óg jvd ish .+Khlska l< t<sfhka hq;+j mj;ajdf.k hdu

  10. n¾,ska fn!oaO m¾Ioh úiska wdrïN fldg we;s ñ,sshkfha w;aika jHdmD;sh by;lS wruqK fmroers fldgf.k Ydikd,fhka osh;ajqjls'

  11. Tno fuu mqkH l¾uhg wou iyNd.Sjkakæ www.buddhist-forum.net/pages/petition.php

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