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Learn about the functional requirements of roofs for residential buildings and explore a case study on a reinforced concrete flat roof project, including concreting operations and waterproofing procedures.

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  1. ROOF (Residential buildings)

  2. INTRODUCTION A ROOF is the top part of a façade system, protecting any building’s interior.

  3. FUCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ROOF has to satisfy a few functional requirements: Stability Strength Exclusion of wind and rain Durability Fire resistance Thermal properties Vapour barier

  4. Types of roofs • Reinforced concrete pitch roofs

  5. Types of roofs 2. Space frame

  6. Types of roofs • Folded plate roof

  7. Types of roofs 4. Steel sheet roof

  8. Types of roofs • Lattice and Girder

  9. Types of roofs 6. Truss roof

  10. Types of roofs 7. Shell roof

  11. Types of roofs 8. Cable supported roof

  12. Examples on different type of roofs(Local) • Keppel Distripark

  13. Examples on different type of roofs(Local) 2. Esplanade

  14. Examples on different type of roofs(Local) 3. HDB flats

  15. Reinforced Concrete Flat Roof Case Study

  16. The project is a 12-storey flat development at Guillemard Road. The roof structure is reinforced concrete flat roof. When completed, it would use for roof garden and services. We will look at the placing of concrete and the waterproofing works. Brief Description of the Project

  17. Placing of Concrete Concreting Operation Preparation Work

  18. Preparation for Placing of Concrete Preparation for Reinforcement Work Preparationof Services Pipes Other Checks Vertical Elements Details

  19. Concreting Operation Transportation of ready mixed concrete to the roof level Transportation of Concrete to actual location. Concreting

  20. After Concreting .....

  21. Waterproofing@Nicole Green • Waterproofing agent used is NITOPROOF 600 • Applied throughout the roof slab and this includes: • applying 300mm high upstands on adjoining parapet walls • Plinths • Kerbs • waste & vent stacks and conduits for services that punches through the roof slab.

  22. Waterproofing@Nicole Green NITOPROOF 600 applied on the kerb

  23. Waterproofing@Nicole Green NITOPROOF 600 applied on the cable conduits

  24. Waterproofing@Nicole Green NITOPROOF 600 applied on the plinth for the power generator.

  25. Prior to the application of NITOPROOF 600 • Be cleaned and cleared of any debris, rubbish and as far as possible, dust • Use water and brush brooms to clean the roof slab

  26. During Application…. • Due care must be taken while applying the membrane on the joints • Take note of the prevailing weather conditions. • Sunny day • Heavy downpour immediately after its application

  27. During Application • After a heavy downpour • Result in insufficient thickness or uneven thickness of the membrane • Recommended that the contractor should apply the water proofing membrane on a fair weather day

  28. Post Application • A 48-hour ponding test is being done on the roof slab to ensure its water-tightness. • Not the height of the water that matters. • Critical: leakages that occur along the external sides of the parapet wall and along the joints on the soffit of the roof slab.

  29. Ponding Test

  30. Inspection after Ponding Test • Inspector must ensure that there is no water at the adjacent compounds due to washing.

  31. Inspection after Ponding Test Leakages along the side of the parapet wall due to ponding test.

  32. Post Application • Test compound is drained and dried of the ponding water, cement powder is being applied on the roof slab to facilitate human traffic.

  33. Installation of Insulation Boards • Insulation boards are being placed on top of the roof slab. • To ensure that the apartment immediately below is adequately insulated from the sun’s heat. • Not laid to the edge for expansion purposes.

  34. Installation of Insulation Boards

  35. Post Installation • Damp proof membrane (dpm) is being laid on top of the insulation boards. • The BRC mesh is being laid on the dpm and ready to receive the screed (to receive tiles).

  36. Damp Proof Membrane

  37. Laying BRC & Screed

  38. Completion • Tiles are laid on the waterproofed and heat insulated roof slab. • End of the structural and architectural works of roof construction.

  39. The ARRIS- 8 storey Condominium

  40. The Arris

  41. Upper Roof

  42. Services

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