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By: Karl Philippoff Major: Earth Sciences

The Carbon Cycle: Acceleration of global warming due to Carbon-Cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model ( Cox et al., 2000) Soil warming and Carbon-Cycle feedbacks to the Climate System (Melillo et al., 2002). By: Karl Philippoff Major: Earth Sciences. Why do we care?.

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By: Karl Philippoff Major: Earth Sciences

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  1. The Carbon Cycle:Acceleration of global warming due to Carbon-Cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model(Cox et al., 2000)Soil warming and Carbon-Cycle feedbacks to the Climate System(Melillo et al., 2002) By: Karl Philippoff Major: Earth Sciences

  2. Why do we care? • “Man’s greatest geophysical experiment” (Revelle) • Perturbing the carbon cycle • Will it stay the same? (positive/negative feedbacks)

  3. Why do we care? Cont’d • Releasing ~10 Gt C/yr (2010) • How much is a 1Gt C? _?_humans _?_ Empire State Buildings

  4. Where is it going? • We can only account for ~ 50% of the CO2 we release (via accounting for the use of fossil fuels and deforestation)

  5. Bathtub analogy • sad Graphic: Nigel Holmes. Sources: John Sterman, MIT; David Archer, University of Chicago; Global Carbon Project

  6. Short-term Carbon Cycle Input Input Output Output Large fluxes, with little net flow Numbers in ()’s are storage terms

  7. Oceanic Carbon Cycle • ‘Biological’ pump • ‘Solubility’ pump Due to the fact that warm water cannot hold as much CO2 as cold water solubility Rough indication of the productivity of oceans Low High  T

  8. Terrestrial Carbon-Cycle • Major inputs: • Photosynthesis • Major outputs: • Respiration (by plants and microbes)

  9. Cox et al. article • Used a coupled ocean-atmosphere model and added the oceanic carbon cycle (solubility, exchange, biological pumps) and dynamic vegetation (TRIFFID)(5 functional plant types) + +

  10. 3 Scenarios • All used base ocean-atmosphere model • 1)Emissions and fixed vegetation (standard GCM) • 2)’Interactive’ CO2 and dynamic vegetation but NO indirect effects of CO2 (Temp, H2O,etc.) only the fertilization component • **3)Fully coupled simulation (Including all feedbacks)** • Limitations: aerosols, large-scale ocean, no deforestation

  11. Fully coupled results Past Projected Results: Airborne fraction increases from ½  ~ ¾ Land becomes source ~ 2050 Rates from 19502000 are comparable to observations Net source 0 No change Net sink Source and sink values determined with respect to 1860 Cox et al, Fig. 2

  12. Wait…what happens around 2050? • Photosynthesis usually increases when CO2 concentrations increase (fertilization), assuming other resources are not limiting (sink/input) • Plant maintenance (respiration) and microbial respiration increase with temperature (source/output) • Around 2050, outputs begin to exceed inputs, reducing terrestrial carbon storage - + Before 2050 After 2050

  13. Results, cont’d Blue arrows show difference between climate feedback due indirect and direct effects of CO2 at GLOBAL scale(model runs 2 and 3) Carbon stored in Vegetation • a Green arrows show difference between two model runs for South America Total CO2 emissions(2004) Amazon Soil Carbon Climate feedbacks completely change the terrestrial carbon cycle, especially in the Amazon and for soil microbes For scale, the change in soil carbon between the two runs is roughly ~2X our cumulative CO2 emissions (~290Gt C) Cox et al., Fig 4

  14. Oceanic carbon cycle • Oceans show saturation effect at high CO2 • Partially caused by • Non-linear dependence of total ocean carbon concentration to atmospheric carbon • Slower ocean circulation (-25%) • Thermal stratification reduces upwelling, causing primary productivity to decrease ~5%

  15. And the results of this are…? 3 • A • In 2100, [CO2] = 980 ppmv (250ppm > standard) • Average land temperatures increase 8K (5.5K standard) 1 3 2 1 2 Equivalent of moving from Columbus (11) Gainesville, FL (20) or Houston, TX (21) Cox et al, Fig. 3

  16. Melillo et al. study • Harvard Forest • Took soil CO2 fluxes (91-00) • Nitrogen mineralization (91-98) Used 6 similar plots +5C Heating cables 6m 6m

  17. Soil CO2 fluxes Results: ~80% of respiration due to soil microbes Increased soil CO2 flux Back to normal Small to no Δ Large Δ Melillo et al, Fig.1

  18. What does that mean? • Two-pool model Small amount of carbon (~10%) that is easily broken down by microbes (polysaccharides) Sensitive to Temperature Large amount of carbon (~90%) that is more difficult (aromatic rings) Insensitive to Temperature Total amount of carbon stored in soil

  19. Results, cont’d Mineralized Nitrogen is in the form NH4+, or NO3- • ad Many mid-latitude forests are nitrogen-limited Large, consistent increase in usable N Large increase in usable nitrogen This increase had no effect on loss processes (leaching or gaseous) and led to a total increase of 41 g/m^2 Melilloet al., Fig.3

  20. Results, cont’d Net: CO2 uptake due to increased N mineralization CO2 release due to increase in respiration by microbes -944 g/m2 (measured in a different study in the same area) + ~1500 g/m2 = (1500 g/m2) –(944 g/m2) =556 g/m2 Or ~60% greater than the Δ in respiration

  21. Caveats to study: • Would also be affected by other quantities tied to climate change such as: (effect on CO2 flux in()) • Water availability (+ with increase, - with decrease) • Temperature effects on plant photosynthesis and respiration (+/-) • Increase in concentration of CO2 (+) • Also warming will probably have its largest effects on high-latitude ecosystems (large amounts of C)

  22. In Summary… • Carbon cycle is complex with many portions, both in the terrestrial and oceanic components • The presence of a multiplicity positive (decrease in soil carbon) and negative (increase in biomass) feedbacks make it difficult to predict how it will respond in the future • Not only this, but some signal to noise problems as well

  23. What I think… • As the papers demonstrate, there is still large uncertainties associated with following our excess carbon after it exits the atmosphere. • Very interesting to see the 2 papers more or less contradict each other. • Future directions: • Still have little idea of the controls of the controls on primary productivity and respiration in global sense (biomes, species) and how they would respond to a change in their environment (and we don’t know how that will change either… (Amazon from paper #1) (like to trying to hit a moving target ) • Explicit modeling of such complexity has only just begun, and with all the feedbacks in play, it will probably take some time to get a good handle on it

  24. Questions?

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