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Knowledge for Healthcare: Development Framework UHMLG Summer Conference

This conference focuses on the development framework of Knowledge for Healthcare in the healthcare sector. The aim is to ensure that the right knowledge and evidence are available to healthcare professionals, learners, patients, and the public, enabling high-quality decision-making, learning, research, and innovation. The conference will cover topics such as workforce planning and development, service transformation, resource discovery, quality and impact, and partnerships.

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Knowledge for Healthcare: Development Framework UHMLG Summer Conference

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  1. Knowledge for healthcare: a development framework UHMLG Summer Conference June 18th 2015 Richard Osborn London Strategic Lead for Library Services and eLearning

  2. Knowledge for healthcare Full framework and a short briefing are available at: http://hee.nhs.uk/work-programmes/library-and-knowledge-services/

  3. Shaping our approach

  4. Our vision NHS bodies, their staff, learners, patients and the public use the right knowledge and evidence, at the right time, in the right place, enabling high quality decision-making, learning, research and innovation to achieve excellent healthcare and health improvement

  5. Workforce planning & development

  6. Prof. Ian Cumming OBE Chief Executive, HEE “Healthcare library and knowledge services are a powerhouse for education, lifelong learning, research and evidence-based practice Our ambition is to extend this role so that healthcare knowledge services become business-critical instruments of informed decision-making and innovation”

  7. Governance Structure #HEELKS

  8. Service transformation Core Service Offer Patients & Public Current Awareness Wider NHS KM Streamlining

  9. Workforce planning & development Compet-encies Workforce profile CPD resources Talent management Training -curriculum

  10. Optimising investment Return on Investment study Funding model for local services

  11. Quality & impact Impact Metrics Research LQAF

  12. Resource Discovery Knowledge Hub Discovery service for the future Open Access Authen-tication Collaborative purchasing

  13. Metrics for success Quality and Impact Increase in use of the refreshed Impact Toolkit: used by 95% of services Proportion of library and knowledge services over 90% compliant with NHS Library Quality Assurance Framework: 98% Service Transformation Increase in proportion of knowledge services with clinical/outreach librarians: from 58% to 80% Increase in production and use of nationally-produced horizon scanning bulletins: 25% increase in Year 1; 10% in Years 2 and 3 Resource Discovery Increase the proportion of staff in four target groups (medical and dental; nursing and midwifery; allied health; scientific and technical) using NHS-funded knowledge resources and services: by 20% Across the whole NHS workforce, increase the number of staff using NHS-funded knowledge resources and services: by 10% Double the amount of investment in national, collaborative procurement of e-resources Workforce Development Define and publish core and specialist competencies (then set ambitious targets to increase the proportion of staff with these)

  14. Partnerships are central to success Ensure a consistent, equitable, funded core service offer to learners and staff and offer coordinated information to patients and the public A coherent approach to deliver Knowledge for Healthcare; optimise investment in products & services Committed to: • learning from and partnering with others • strengthening working relationships across the library community

  15. Building on best practice

  16. Some of “the difficult stuff” Harnessing technical advances for the 21st How do we achieve quick and easy access? Service redesign – partnering, shared services, mergers Streamlining back office - at scale Workforce planning and design – skill mix role redesign Getting the right leadership in place – talent management, succession planning, strategic thinking Understanding outcomes; RoI £$£$£$ Sustainable funding models

  17. Workforce Planning and Development Working Group Chaired by David Stewart and Sue Lacey Bryant. Members include Pip Divall, Simon Edwards, Sharon Markless, Anthea Sutton, Gil Young and Gary Sutton Five task and finish groups are being set up:- • Signposting LKS staff to CPD and learning resources • Defining core competencies / advanced competencies • National training programme • Workforce profiling • Talent management toolkit #HEELKS

  18. LEAD Leadership at every level Effective talent management Appropriately skilled workforce Designing roles and services for changing needs

  19. Questions We will welcome your feedback on these questions: What is working well with current LKS provision? Which parts of the vision most resonate with you? What can we do together? Louise GoswamiNational Programme Manager for Library and Knowledge Serviceslouise.goswami@nhs.net HEE.knowledgeforhealthcare@nhs.net #HEELKS

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