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Why choose Richwoods IB?

Why choose Richwoods IB?. The Advantages of Enrolling in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. But first, some random pictures…. The White Cliffs of Dover. The Singer Building. Sen. Robert Byrd (D) WV. No. 5, 1948 . What is the IB Diploma Programme?.

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Why choose Richwoods IB?

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  1. Why choose Richwoods IB? The Advantages of Enrolling in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

  2. But first, some random pictures… The White Cliffs of Dover

  3. The Singer Building

  4. Sen. Robert Byrd (D) WV

  5. No. 5, 1948

  6. What is the IB Diploma Programme? • The IB Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum, beginning in a student’s junior year. • It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. • Students learn more than a body of knowledge. The Diploma Programme prepares students for university studies and leads students to: • ask challenging questions • learn how to learn • develop a strong sense of their own identity and culture • develop the ability to communicate with and understand people from other countries and cultures.

  7. Some Important IB terms Higher level (HL) – a course which covers a subject more in depth with a greater amount of teaching hours Standard level (SL) – a course which requires fewer overall teaching hours Candidate – an IB Diploma Programme student Paper – an IB test Pre-IB student - a 9th or 10th grade student who is online to joint the Diploma Programme during their junior year

  8. The Basics of the Diploma Programme The curriculum contains six subject groups together with a core made up of three separate parts. This is illustrated by a hexagon with the three parts of the core at its centre. In order to complete the Diploma Programme, candidates must study one subject from each of the six groups. Candidates must also complete the three areas of the core.

  9. The IB Curriculum Outline Candidates must take 3 courses at the higher level and 3 courses at the standard level. If a student is not enrolled in IB Art or IB Music for their group 6 class, they may take another selection from groups 1-4.

  10. The Core of the Hexagon • The extended essay has a prescribed limit of 4,000 words. It offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest, and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at the university level. • The interdisciplinary theory of knowledge (TOK) course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives. • Participation in the school’s creativity, action, service (CAS) programme encourages candidates to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports, and community service work. The programme fosters students’ awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena.

  11. IB Assessment • During their junior year, students may test in either one or two standard level subjects. • In all IB courses, assessment is conducted both internally (by the classroom teacher) and externally (by IB examiners from around the globe) • Because of the greater degree of objectivity and reliability provided by the standard examination environment, externally marked examinations form the larger share of the assessment for most subjects. • IB assessments and cumulative final grades for IB courses are scored on a scale from 1-7. • Extended essay and ToK are graded on a scale of A (highest) to E (lowest)

  12. What is needed to achieve the IB Diploma? A candidate must complete CAS. The Extended Essay, and the Theory of Knowledge course must be completed with a grade of at least D in each of them. Candidates must achieve 24 total points from all IB subjects. Candidates must achieve a total of at least 9 points in 3 SL subjects and 12 points in 3 HL subjects. A candidate cannot receive a score of 2 on any HL exam, or a score of 2 on more than one SL exam. If a candidate does not complete the requirements for the IB Diploma, they will be issued a “certificate of results”

  13. What are the benefits of being in the IB Diploma Programme? IB coursework is designed to engage students in higher order and independent thinking. IB courses stress research and inquiry-based learning, encouraging students to think outside the box and in a broader context. Students explore the connections between the six major subject areas, study each subject through an international perspective, reflect critically on what it means to be a knower, pursue one subject in great detail through independent research, and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills through local and community outreach.

  14. 753 schools in the United States offer the Diploma Programme. • There are 13 IB Diploma schools in the state of Illinois , Richwoods is the only one outside of the Chicago area. • Being enrolled in the Diploma Programme sets a student apart from the crowd when applying to colleges. • IB diplomas are widely respected by colleges and universities. Participation in the Diploma Programme signals a student's hard work and dedication and often leads to acceptance to competitive universities and advanced college placement.

  15. College Credits for IB Courses With a score of 4, Florida State University will grant course credit for the standard class offering in each IB subject offered at Richwoods. A score of 5,6, or 7 will earn course credit for a higher level class in that subject http://admissions.fsu.edu/credit/ibcredit.cfm

  16. With a score of 5 or higher, The University of Missouri will grant credit hours for the following IB courses offered at Richwoods: English HL – 6 hours French and Spanish SL – 3 hours History HL – 5 hours Psychology SL – 3 hours Biology HL – 5 hours (with a score of 4) Chemistry SL – 3 hours Mathematics SL – 5 hours http://admissions.missouri.edu/apply/ap-ib-and-college-credits/international-baccalaureate-diploma-certificates.php

  17. With a score of 5 or higher, Bradley University, located in beautiful Peoria, IL will grant the following course credits: English HL: Eng115 – 3 hours French & Spanish: 303 – 3hours History HL: HIS 204 – 3hours Biology HL: BIO 101 – 3 hours Chemistry SL: CHEM 110&111 – 4 hours Math & Math Studies: MAT 109 – 3 hours Music SL: MUS 109 – 3 hours http://www.bradley.edu/dotAsset/117358.pdf

  18. Since there are over 1,500 colleges and universities that recognize the IB Diploma and Certificate of results, it is always best that students and parents conduct research on their own to see what institution or program of study best suits their needs.

  19. Although the Richwoods IB Programme hasn’t sent students to 1,500 different post-secondary schools, just a few of the prestigious schools attended by IB Diploma graduates from RHS include…. Harvard Princeton University of Iowa Butler New York University Boston Univ. U.S. Air Force Academy Drexel

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