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Chuntao Liu and Ed Zipser Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Utah Lhasa, July 2010

Importance of the diurnal cycle of deep convection in understanding the role of Asian monsoon in the UTLS transport - perspective from multi-satellite observations. Chuntao Liu and Ed Zipser Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Utah Lhasa, July 2010. Outline.

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Chuntao Liu and Ed Zipser Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Utah Lhasa, July 2010

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  1. Importance of the diurnal cycle of deep convection in understanding the role of Asian monsoon in the UTLS transport- perspective from multi-satellite observations Chuntao Liu and Ed Zipser Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Utah Lhasa, July 2010

  2. Outline • What do different satellite observations tell us about the deep convection? • Intense convection near tropopause (TRMM) • Diurnal variation of convection and clouds • Day vs. night ice cloud (CloudSat, TRMM VIRS) thin ice Clouds (Calipso) water vapor near tropopause (MLS) • Conclusion

  3. What do different satellite observations tell us about the deep convection? • TRMM PR • CloudSat CPR • Caliop • Infrared • Microwave

  4. TRMMPR 20 dBZ at 14 km Infrared TB < 210 K

  5. Two types of deep convection Liu and Zipser, 2007

  6. Deep convection with large particles at 14 km from TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR)

  7. Rainfall ≠ Deep convection (JJA)

  8. Clouds from infrared images (TRMM VIRS JJA)cold cloud ≠ deep convective core

  9. Diurnal variation of deep convection and clouds TRMM VIRS infrared < 235 K TRMM PR 20 dBZ at 14 km TRMM VIRS infrared < 210 K

  10. A-Train satellites sample time vs. diurnal cycles of deep convection Liu et al., 2008, JGR

  11. Clouds from CloudSat Profiling Radar (CPR)

  12. Thin cloud day vs. night

  13. Thin clouds from Calipso

  14. Thin clouds over Asian day vs. night

  15. Water vapor from ARUA MLS JJA 146 hPa 10% Diff Day vs. Night

  16. Water vapor from ARUA MLS 100 hPa 5% Diff Day vs. Night

  17. Day vs. Night Water vapor from ARUA MLS

  18. Conclusions • TRMM observations show that there are strong diurnal cycles of deep convection and cold cloud over land and over ocean during the Asian monsoon. • CloudSat and Calipso show that there are large day vs. night differences in the clouds near tropopause (more clouds at the night time 1:30 AM over land) • AURA MLS observations show that at 146 hPa, there are more water vapor at night time (1:30 AM) than the day time over land. This is almost direct opposite to the day vs. night differences of water vapor at 100 hPa. • A-Train satellites observations show a strong diurnal variations of the cloud and the water vapor near the tropopause that might directly related to the UTLS exchange. However, more observations covering the diurnal cycles will be needed to fully understand the process.

  19. A conceptual model over land Tropopause

  20. Diurnal cycles of deep convection, lightning and clouds Liu and Zipser, 2008, GRL

  21. Rainfall ≠ Deep convectionseasonal variations

  22. Tropopause NCEP and COSMIC

  23. Tropopause from NCEP and COSMIC

  24. Calipsolayer cloud profiles More cloud detected at the night time 1:30 AM is due to the higher signal/noise rate of Lidar at night. Note that layer clouds over land develop higher than over ocean, there are many possible explanations: a) due to deep convection lifting and cooling; b) due to radiative cooling and growing of thin clouds. c) note that the mean tropopause height is higher over red region.

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