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Hire Highly Skilled SRED Consultants in Canada - SAU Consulting

If you want to solve your SRED Claims, tax Credits, funding and many other tax related issue then hire highly skilled SRED Consultants in Canada.Our dedication to delivering service to every single client, without exception. For more details visit us: www.sauconsulting.ca or call on: (587) 284 3266 <br>

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Hire Highly Skilled SRED Consultants in Canada - SAU Consulting

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  1. SRED Consultants Our experienced SRED Consultants can provide you Management Consulting Services to help small & medium sized businesses formulate strategies and facilitate change to clarify objectives and goals.

  2. Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development Canadian SRED Expert Check all eligible SR&ED projects are claimed and Confirm all eligible SR&ED activities are described and quantified.All SR&ED costs are accurate. We believe that integrity and honesty guide all phases of the client and consultant relationship from the exploratory meeting to final delivery.

  3. SR&ED Firms Canada SAU Consulting, given our technical background and SRED experience, we are able to translate your work into a format understood by the CRA. Also, we are able to prepare the claim with minimal time commitment from your end.

  4. Tax Advisor Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development Consulting Canadian Tax rules are complex, and the final tax liability greatly depends upon the interpretation of the tax law. This interpretation is very subjective and needs to be supported with the help of historical tax court decisions. CRA auditors are trained to record whatever you tell them either verbally or in writing and this may be used against you later on during the process, even if any such information was a result of an innocent mistake.

  5. SR&ED Claims Canada Every year the programme provides over $ 4.0 Billion to around 18,000 claimants. At SAU consulting we can help optimize your SR&ED Claims Canada and ensuring minimum levels of administrative burdens.

  6. SRED SR&ED Firms SR&ED Claims CRA Audits CRA Tax Assessments

  7. Contact Us Suite  1901777 – 8th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 3R5 Fax: (403) 452 2471 info@sauconsulting.ca

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