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Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology. MOA150 Week 3. bronch = -itis =. bronchial tubes inflammation. Bronchitis. Inflammation of the bronchial walls. pleur = -itis =. side, rib inflammation. Pleuritis. Inflammation of the pleura that produces sharp chest pain with each breath. inter = cost =

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Medical Terminology

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  1. Medical Terminology MOA150 Week 3

  2. bronch = -itis = bronchial tubes inflammation Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchial walls

  3. pleur = -itis = side, rib inflammation Pleuritis Inflammation of the pleura that produces sharp chest pain with each breath

  4. inter = cost = -al = between Ribs characterized by Intercostal muscles Muscles which move the rib cage during breathing

  5. broncho = pneumon= -ia = bronchial lungs condition Bronchopneumonia Form of pneumonia that affects patches of the bronchioles throughout both lungs

  6. eu = pnea = good, normal breathing Eupnea Easy or normal breathing

  7. tachy = pnea = fast, rapid breathing Tachypnea Abnormally rapid rate of respiration

  8. a- = pnea = without, not breathing Apnea Absence of spontaneous respiration

  9. dys = pnea = difficult, painful breathing Dyspnea Difficult or labored breathing, commonly referred to as shortness of breath

  10. cyan = -osis = blue disease, condition of Cyanosis Bluish discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxygen

  11. oxi = meter = oxygen instrument of measurement Pulse Oximeter External monitor that measures the oxygen saturation level in the blood

  12. spiro = meter = to breath instrument of measurement Spirometry Noninvasive test in which a patient breathes into a device to measure “breath”

  13. anti = tuss = ive = against, opposing coughing performs Antitussive Agent administered to prevent or relieve coughing

  14. broncho = dilator = bronchial agent that widens or expands Bronchodilator Agent that expands the opening of the passages to the lungs

  15. trache = otomy = trachea incision, surgical cutting Tracheotomy Procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea to gain access to the airway

  16. trache = ostomy = trachea to make an opening Tracheostomy Surgical formation of an opening into the trachea through the neck

  17. cyst = -ic = fibr = osis = bladder, bag pertaining to connective tissue disease Cystic Fibrosis Disorder of the exocrine glands marked by difficulty in breathing due to mucus accumulation in airways

  18. an = ox = -emia = without oxygen blood Anoxemia a condition of subnormal oxygenation of the arterial blood

  19. an = ox = -ia = without oxygen condition Anoxia Hypoxia especially of such severity as to result in permanent damage

  20. hyp = ox = -emia = decrease, below normal, defiency oxygen blood Hypoxemia Deficient oxygenation of the blood

  21. laryng = -ectomy = larynx surgical removal Laryngectomy surgical removal of all or part of the larynx

  22. laryngo = -plegia = larynx paralysis Laryngoplegia Paralysis of the larynx

  23. dys = phon = -ia = painful voice condition Dysphonia Defective use of the voice

  24. hemo = thorax = blood chest, pleural cavity Hemothorax Blood in the pleural cavity

  25. hemo = ptysis = blood spitting Hemoptysis Expectoration of blood from some part of the respiratory tract

  26. pharyng = -itis = pharynx inflammation Pharyngitis Inflammation of the throat or pharynx

  27. pleuro = -dynia = side, rib pain Pleurodynia sharp pain in the side usually located in the intercostal muscles

  28. pulmon = -ologist = lung specialist Pulmonologist a physician who specializes in the diseases and disorders of the lungs and respiratory system

  29. hyper = ventilation= excessive, overactive process of exposing to air Hyperventilation Abnormally rapid rate of deep respiration results in a change in blood gas levels due to decrease in carbon dioxide at the cellular level

  30. brady = pnea = fast, rapid breathing Bradypnea Abnormally slow rate of respiration

  31. endo = trache = -al = within trachea characterized by Endotracheal Placed within the trachea

  32. poly = somno = graphy = many sleep the process of recording Polysomnography technique or process of using a polygraph to make a continuous record during sleep of multiple physiological variables, such as respiration, heart rate and muscle activity

  33. a = tele = ectasis = without distant, far stretching, enlargement, dilation Atelectasis Collapse of an expanded lung, usually due to air passages being blocked or by shallow breathing

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