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2005 Spring CS492 Lab #4

2005 Spring CS492 Lab #4. 2005.11.1. Tuesday 10:30am-Noon Building E3-1, Classroom #3 Dept of EECS, Div. of CS. Goals and Overview of Lab #4. Goals To introduce students to Ad-hoc and AODV routing protocol Overview Make Ad-hoc network - make laptop ad-hoc mode

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2005 Spring CS492 Lab #4

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  1. 2005 Spring CS492 Lab #4 2005.11.1. Tuesday 10:30am-Noon Building E3-1, Classroom #3 Dept of EECS, Div. of CS

  2. Goals and Overview of Lab #4 • Goals • To introduce students to Ad-hoc and AODV routing protocol • Overview • Make Ad-hoc network - make laptop ad-hoc mode • Communicate other laptops with AODV routing protocol • Test ‘ping’ • Transfer files to other laptops • Preparation for Lab #4 • Install kernel v2.4.20-8 • Install a Wireless lan driver • Install a AODV driver

  3. Lab #4: Step 2 • Configure Ad hoc network x x

  4. Lab #4: Step 1 • Configure Ad hoc network • Ad-hoc server ? #./RT2500-Linux-STA-

  5. Lab #4: Step 1 • Configure Ad hoc network • Ad-hoc client ? #./RT2500-Linux-STA- v

  6. Lab #4: Step 2 • IP configuration 1) #setup • Edit Network Configuration IP: (Group A) (Group B) Netmask: Default Gateway(IP): Primary Nameserver: 2) #vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (check network configuration) 3) #cp ifcfg-eth0 ./ifcfg-ra0 4) #vi ifcfg-ra0 DEVICE=ra0 (<-edit) 5) #setup - Edit Network Configuration DHCP 설정으로 바꾸고 저장 6) #vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (check DHCP) 7) #/etc/init.d/network restart

  7. Lab #4: Step 3 • Mac-filterling • block getting the frame which has source mac address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. • That is, a node can’ t communicate directly with source mac address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, but can through other nodes with AODV 1) #iptables –A INPUT –m mac –mac-source xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –j DROP

  8. Lab #4 Scenario 1 • test ‘ping’- After blocking ping source A to destination B directly by using iptables, We can ping source A to B through Other nodes by using AODV.

  9. Lab #4: Scenario 1 • Test ‘ping’ with AODV #ifconfig - check wireless lan, ip configuration, ra0 #~/Utility/Raconfig2500 - check same channel and ssid in each group #iptables –L - check blocking mac address #ping 192.168.xxx.xxx - check whether ping is working or not #aodvd –d –l –r 3 - run AODV daemon #ps –aux - check whether AODV is working #ping 192.168.xxx.xxx - check again whether ping is working or not

  10. Lab #4 Scenario 2 • Transfer Files - We can experience how to transmit files through other nodes with AODV routing protocol.

  11. Lab #4: Scenario 2 • Transfer files with AODV routing protocol (file in /var/ftp/pub) #ftp or ftp username>anonymous password> get sample (sample file을 받는다.)

  12. Lab #4: Wrap Up • Questions to ask yourself • What is Ad-hoc network? • How AODV routing protocol works?

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