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Webinar On Method Validation: Utilizing Quality by Design (Q

Methods discussed in this session include assessment of method design, repeatability and reproducibility, improving method robustness and measurement process control.

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Webinar On Method Validation: Utilizing Quality by Design (Q

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  1. ContactUs:416-915-4458 Webinar On Effective Documentation of Employee Performance to Avoid Lawsuits Presented By Vanessa Nelson Scheduled On : Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 13:00 Hrs EDT Hosting By Compliance Trainings Please visit us at https://compliancetrainings.com

  2. ContactUs:416-915-4458 WeEmpower,YouComply! Effective Documentation of Employee Performance to Avoid Lawsuits Product Id HR1207 Category Human Relations Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 13:00 Hrs Scheduled On Duration 60 Minutes Speaker Vanessa Nelson Login at https://compliancetrainings.com/siteengine/Login.aspx WebinarDescription: Workplace litigation is at record high levels. The average lawsuit settlement is $165,000 and if the case goes to jury, the cost can soar to over $1,000,000. Failing to continually, appropriately document employee performance is one of the top reasons businesses lose money in litigation and settlement awards. If unacceptable performance, behavior and/or misconduct issues are not documented, it could carry the same effect as if it the issues never occurred. Additionally, poorly written documentation can mean the difference between a good defense and no defense at all. It is crucial that Managers know when and how to document performance and/or misconduct correctly. Addressing and documenting misconduct appropriately is one of the most important services a supervisor/manager can provide. The burden of proof in many unemployment claims, discrimination actions, or wrongful termination suit lies with the employer, and without a well-documented employee file a company is at risk. This webinar will discuss documentation essentials when creating the “paper trail” necessary to protect the company.

  3. Areas Covered in the Session : • When and why to document  • What to include in the documentation • Words to avoid in documentation • How to communicate the documentation • Sample Step-by-Step analogy regarding documentation of employee misconduct and performance at Healthcare Company involving 3 employees Who Will Benefit • Business Owners • Managers • HR Representatives • HR Generalists • HR Assistants • Consultants • Administrators • Supervisors Price Tags Live Single Live : For One Participant $ 149 Corporate Live : For Max. 10 Participants $ 599 Recording Single REC : For One Participant - Unlimited Access for 6 Months $ 199 Speaker Profile

  4. Speaker Profile Vanessa G. Nelson, MSA, SPHR, CLRL is founder and President of award-winning Expert Human Resources, which she founded to help companies maintain employment law compliance, avoid workplace litigation, reduce costs, and increase revenue.Vanessa established Expert Human Resources in 2009, after observing companies' frustrations with complying with constantly changing employment laws as well as continually dealing with workplace litigations and fines. Vanessa realized that a lot of the litigious situations that businesses encountered could be avoided by their being proactive and implementing updated polices and applying them correctly. Vanessa also recognized that many companies could not afford a full-time HR person, or department, to assist in maintaining compliance with employment laws, as well as applying policies and practices correctly; therefore she established a "portable HR" to accommodate those businesses. To Register This Webinar Please Visit https://compliancetrainings.com/SiteEngine/ProductDetailView.aspx?id=FN1570 Contact Us For Immediate Assistance @ 416-915-4458 or Mail Us At uttam@compliancetrainings.com support@compliancetrainings.com

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