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1 Everyday uses of computers

1 Everyday uses of computers. Task 1. 以下の書類に関連する場所を答えなさい.. Bank. Clothes shop. Gas station, or Petrol station. Supermarket. Bank. Airline. 給料. レジ (cash register). 1 Everyday uses of computers. Task 3. 1-8 に合致する場所を a-d から選んで対応づけしなさい.. d. 1 games 2 machines 3 tickets

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1 Everyday uses of computers

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  1. 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 1 • 以下の書類に関連する場所を答えなさい. Bank Clothes shop Gas station, or Petrol station Supermarket Bank Airline

  2. 給料 レジ(cash register) 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 3 • 1-8に合致する場所をa-dから選んで対応づけしなさい. d 1 games 2 machines 3 tickets 4 wages 5 flight 6 letters 7 barcode readers 8 tills a a a factory b a supermarket c a travel agent d a home c a c d b b

  3. d a home b a supermarket a a factory c a travel agent 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 4 • Task 3の4つの場所の説明をしているが,それぞれがどの場所の説明を行っているかを聞き取る. • 全部聞き取れなくても,出てくる単語から類推する. 1. game, writing, letters… 2. barcode, bill, calculate, store… 3. make washing machine, refrigerator, control… 4. airline, flights…

  4. effect: 影響 groceries: 食料雑貨 label: ラベル inventory: 在庫品,棚卸し look after~:~の管理をする 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 5 • 文章を読んで,その中で言及されている内容にチェック(  )をつける. • 難しい語彙や構文の説明 □ home □ art □ hospitals □ banking □ engineering □ libraries □ shopping □ film-making □ television advertising □ schools

  5. 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 6 • 可算名詞 (countable noun; C) と 不可算名詞(uncountable noun; U) C U C U 1 capacity 4 disk 7 monitor 10 speed 2 data 5 drive 8 mouse 3 device 6 memory 9 software U C C C U U data: datum (単数) → data (複数) (辞書では…) (科学技術英語では) Uでかつ複数扱いで用いることが多い (例) - These data are described more fully elsewhere. - Cであれば the large number of data だが 通常は the large amount of data となる

  6. 1 Everyday uses of computers Language work: Articles (冠詞) • 可算名詞 (countable noun; C) と 不可算名詞(uncountable noun; U) • C:supermarket, computer, car, atom, electron, rose, sunflower, centimeter, volt • U: technology, money, advise(助言), equipment(装置), hardware, software, information, knowhow • C and U: • ability (能力), analysis (分析), dependence (依存), existence (実在), explanation (説明) ‥抽象名詞 atmosphere (雰囲気), effect (効果), theory (理論), force (力), pressure (圧力), temperature (温度)  他多数

  7. 物事を一般的に言うときは複数形または不加算名詞を使う物事を一般的に言うときは複数形または不加算名詞を使う 可算名詞を最初に使うときはa/anをつけて単数形 2回目以降はtheをつけて特定 特定の物事を参照する可算・不加算名詞にはtheをつける 1 Everyday uses of computers Computers have many uses. In shops a computer scans the price of each item. Then the computer calculates the total cost of all the items. Language work: Articles (冠詞)

  8. 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 7 • 下線部にa/an/the/×を挿入しなさい。 The Walsh family have computer at home. Their son uses computer to help with homework and to play computer games. Their student daughter uses computer for projects and for email. All family use it to get information from Internet. a the the the the

  9. 勘定(書) 管理する(世話をする) 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 9 • 計算機の利用法に関してAとBを対応させよ。 A B banks control machines factories calculate the bill homes look after patient records and medicines hospitals provide entertainment and information shops control our money

  10. controls provide our money entertainment and information 1 Everyday uses of computers Task 10 • 計算機の利用法に関する下記の文章の下線部を埋めよ。 Computers are now part of our everyday life. In shops, they . In factories, they . In , they look after patient records and medicines. When we have a bank account, a computer . In our homes, computers . calculate the bill hospitals control machines

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