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2020 Latest Cisco 200-125 Exam Questions - 200-125 Dumps

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2020 Latest Cisco 200-125 Exam Questions - 200-125 Dumps

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  1. Ci s co 2 0 0 - 1 25 Exa m Name: Cisco CCNA Cisco Cer tified N etwo rk Asso ciate CCNA ( v3. 0) Exam https://www.realexamcollection.com/cisco/200-125-dumps.html

  2. Q uesti on:1 D R A G DR OP You are config uri ng a sw i tch so that addre ss es . Dra g and drop the re qui re d config ura ti on com m ands on the le ft i nto the corre ct se que nce on th e r i g ht. ( N ot a l l com m a nd s a re us e d.) it a cce pts tra ffic from a m ax i m um oftw o dynam i c MAC Answer:

  3. Q uesti on:2 W hi ch val ue is used to bui ld the CA M tabl e? A . Sou rce ip a ddress B. Desti nati on ip address C . Desti nati on MA C address D. Sou rce MA C a ddre ss Answer :D Q uesti on:3 W hi ch tw o ci rcum stance s can pre ve nt tw o route rs from e stabl i shi ng an E IGRP ne ig hbor adjace ncy? (C hoose tw o.) A . B oth route rs hav e the sam e route r ID B. The route rs are on di ffe re nt subne ts C . The tw o route rs hav e the sam e autonom ous sy ste m num ber D. The route rs hav e mi sm atche d K va l ue s. E . An AC L is bl ocki ng traffic from m ul ti cast address 224. 0. 0. 5. Answer : BD Q uesti on:4 W hi ch tw o ste ps m ust you pe rform on ea ch de vi ce that is config ure d for i pv 4 routi ng be fore you i m pl em ent OSP Fv 3? (choose tw o) A . config ure an autonom ous sy ste m num ber B . config ure a l oopba ck i nte rface C . config ure a route r ID D. e nabl e IP v6 on an i nte rface E . enabl e IP v6 uni cast routi ng Answer : C,E Q uesti on:5 Re fe r to the topol og y show n in the ex hi bi t.

  4. W hi ch thre e ports wi ll be STP de si g nate d ports if al l the li nk s are ope rati ng at the sam e bandw i dth? ( C hoose thre e.) A . Sw i tch A -Fa0/0 B. Sw i tch A - Fa0/1 C . Sw i tch B - Fa0/0 D. Sw i tch B - Fa0/1 E . Sw i tch C - Fa0/0 F. Sw i tch C - Fa0/1 Answer: B, C,D E x pl an ati on: Thi s que sti on is to che ck the spanni ng tre e el e cti on probl em. 1. Fi rst, se l e ct th e root br i dg e, w hi ch ca n be a ccom pl i sh e d by com pa ri ng th e br i dg e I D, th e sm al l e st w il l be se le cte d. Bri dg e-i d= bri dg e pri ori ty + MA C addre ss. The thre e sw i tches in the fig ure all the de fa ul t pr i or i ty, so we shoul d com pa re the MA C addre ss , it is ea sy to find that Sw i tchB is the root b r i dg e. 2. Se le ct th e root port on th e non-root br i dg e, w hi ch ca n be com pl e te d th roug h com pa ri ng root pa th cost. The sm al l e st wi ll be se l e cte d as the root port. 3. N ex t, se le ct the De si g na te d Port. Fi rst, com pa re the pa th cost, if the costs ha ppe n to be the sa m e, th e n com pa re th e B I D, sti llth e s m a l l e st w i ll be se l e cte d. Ea ch l i nk ha s a DP.Ba se d on the ex hi bit a bo v e,w e ca n find DP on e ach l i nk. The DP on the li nk be tw ee n Sw i tchA and Sw i tchC is Sw i tchA 'Fa0/ 1, be cause it has the sm al le st MA C addre ss. have Q uesti on:6 B as ed on the output be l ow from Sw i tchB, W hi ch Sta te m e nt is True?

  5. A . VLA N 40 is runni ng the pe r VLA N Spanni ng Tre e P rotocol B. The Fa 0/ 11 rol e confirm s that Sw i tchB is the root bri dg e for VLA N 40 C . Sw i tchB is not the root bri dg e, be cause not al l of the i nte rface rol es are de si g nated D. The MA C A ddre ss of the root br i dg e is 0017:596d. 1580 Answer :C https://www.realexamcollection.com/cisco/200-125-dumps.html

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