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Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre

Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre. Service Canada Centre for Youth - Regina. About Our Office. Service Canada Centre for Youth. Where are we? Main Floor, 1783 Hamilton Street Youth Area When can you come to see us? Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

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Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre

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  1. Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre Service Canada Centre for Youth - Regina About Our Office

  2. Service Canada Centre for Youth Where are we? • Main Floor, 1783 Hamilton Street • Youth Area When can you come to see us? • Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. How can you get in touch with us? • Phone: 562-5602 Fax: 780-5370

  3. Service Canada Centre for Youth What Can We do for You? • Assistance with resumes and interview preparation • Odd Job Squad / Casual Employment • Resources for finding a job • Computer Access • Free faxing and photocopying services for job applicants • Job bank available with current part and full-time job listing: www.jobbank.gc.ca

  4. The Odd Job Squad What is it? • A casual labour program for jobs that last less than five days • A good way to make extra money and gain valuable experience What kind of jobs do I get? • Painting, yardwork, babysitting, clerical work and more! How do I apply? • Complete an Odd Job Squad registration form at the SCCY office in Regina

  5. Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre Service Canada Centre for Youth - Regina Resume & Cover Letter Preparation


  7. TITLE… The top of your resume should have the following information: - Name - Address - Phone Number - E-mail Address Things you SHOULD NOT have in your title: - Your age - Your SIN number

  8. TITLE… Your Heading should look like this… Jane J. Doe 2045 Broad Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2N6 (306) 780-5979 Jane.Doe@hotmail.com Note: Do not use abbreviations on your resume even for streets or province. It helps make the resume look more professional.

  9. EDUCATION… On your resume you should list which Post Secondary and/or High School you have attended. Also use this section as an opportunity to list off which courses you have taken. Like this: 1999-2003Thom Collegiate Regina, Saskatchewan Class of 2001 – Honour Roll or 2005-PresentCampbell Collegiate Regina, Saskatchewan Currently completing Grade 11

  10. EDUCATION… Also include in this section other courses you have taken: 2004 – St Johns First Aid 2002 – CPR Class C 1999 – A+ Computer Certification

  11. EDUCATION… Your Finished Section should look like this: Education 2003 – Present University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan Faculty of Business Administration 1999 – 2003 Thom Collegiate Regina, Saskatchewan Class of 2001 – Honour Roll, Bilingual Mention 2001 A+ Computer Certification 2000 St. Johns First Aid

  12. SKILLS & ABILITIES Your Skills and Abilities section gives you a chance to tell the employer what skills you have that you may not have learned in school. Here is a list of good skills and abilities. - Reliable - Learns Quickly - Types 50 WPM - Computer Skills - Works Well with Others - Leadership - Excellent Organizational Skills - Public Speaking - Works Well Independently - Outgoing - Eager to Learn New Skills - Organized

  13. WORK EXPERIENCE This format is preferred highlights the skills you learned during your previous employment as well as showing how long you worked. (Date, job title, company, location, duties) Example : Aug 2001 – Aug 2003 Crew Member Regina, SK. Wendy’s Restaurant - provided excellent customer service - performed general cleaning duties - operated cash register independently - supervised night shifts - performed closing duties

  14. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Detailed version: 2005 – Present Regina Youth Soccer Association -Coach under eight boys soccer team. Facilitate practices three times a week. 2005 – 2006 Student Leadership Conference - Responsible for planning and leading information sessions on peer support. Brief version: 2005-Present Soccer Coach 2005-2006 Facilitator

  15. AWARDS / ACCOMPLISHMENTS • This section of your resume gives you the opportunity to brag a little bit. List off a few of the accomplishments you have. You don’t want to list too many of these as it will appear boastful. Awards 2007 Employee of the Month – February, Wendy’s Restaurant 2006 Student of the Month December 2006 Regina High School Athlete of the Year

  16. HOBBIES This section just offers a little bit more information about yourself. You should be careful which hobbies you list down as it is a reflection of yourself. - Writing - Reading - Listening to Music - Spending Time with Friends and Family - Sports - Acting

  17. REFERENCES • Whether or not you include references on your resume is up to you. Always have a separate sheet prepared with your references if you don’t include them on your resume. • The best references are previous employers. • Other good people to use for references are teachers, or people who are respected in the community (Pastor, coach, etc.), or anyone who can speak to your work abilities. • People who you should try to avoid using as references are friends or family members.

  18. REFERENCES This is all the information needed: Name Position/Title, and Company Name Address Phone Number E-mail Address (optional)

  19. THINGSNOTTO INCLUDE • SIN number • Age, Height, Weight • Race • Religion • Salary expectation • Marital Status


  21. COVER LETTER • Your cover letter can be what gets you the job. • It is important to write a cover letter because it shows that you have taken a real interest in the position for which you are applying. • A cover letter can also be even more targeted than your resume, it gives you the opportunity to tell the employer what skills you have to offer the employers organization. • A cover letter doesn’t need to be long to be effective.

  22. COVER LETTER The format for your cover letter should be that of a business letter so the heading is important it should look like this: Date Company Name 123 Fake Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 4S4 This information should be on the top left hand side of the page

  23. COVER LETTER Addressing the letter: WHAT is it regarding? You should write the position for which you are applying as employers are often hiring for more than one position. It should look like this: Re: PART-TIME SHORT ORDER COOK WHO is it to? You should do your best to address to letter to the specific person who will be reading it. Dear Ms. Kelly Simmons:

  24. COVER LETTER THREE paragraph “rule” First paragraph: Introduce yourself and state the position for which you are applying. If possible, write how you found out about the job opening. Second paragraph: Highlight the skills and abilities you have to offer, even if they are on your resume. It will also give you a chance to explain how you are eager to learn skills that this position will have to offer you. Third paragraph: The end of your cover letter should let the employer know how and when they can get a hold of you for an interview.

  25. COVER LETTER • Always hand sign your name at the end of your cover letter • Proof-read your letter and get someone else to look at it • Try to modify your cover letter according to each position for which you are applying.

  26. www.youth.gc.ca

  27. Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre Service Canada Centre for Youth - Regina Interviews

  28. THINGS TO DO BEFORE AN INTERVIEW • Research the job and the company • Think about possible questions (from the employer and for the employer) • Review your skills (know what you can do) • Rehearse • Plan your day (ride, directions, time)

  29. THINGS TO BRING TO AN INTERVIEW • Your resume and cover letter • Your references • Your social insurance number • Your availability schedule • A notepad and pen • Letter(s) of reference

  30. FIRST IMPRESSIONS • Be EARLY • Dress appropriately and always thank the interviewer • Smile, introduce yourself and shake hands firmly • Be attentive • Don’t chew gum • Don’t bring a friend

  31. COMMON QUESTIONS • Tell us about yourself… • Why are you interested in this job? • What are your strengths? • What are your weaknesses? • Why do you feel you are the right person for this job? • Give me an example of a time when you . . . /how you . . . • Demonstrated leadership • Solved a problem • Made a good decision/made a poor decision • Handled change (not money, but changing events) • Handled criticism • Met a deadline/missed a deadline • Worked as part of a team

  32. AFTERWARDS • Find out when you’ll hear from the employer • After one to two weeks of waiting, call back to find out the status of the hiring process • Thank the employer for the opportunity

  33. IF YOU DON’T GET THE JOB • NEVER GIVE UP. Believe in yourself! • Go over your Resume and Interview. What can you improve on? • EXPLORE your options. Maybe try some job shadowing or volunteering. This is great experience!!!

  34. Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre Service Canada Centre for Youth - Regina Health & Safety in the Workplace

  35. Facts about Saskatchewan… • One in four workplace injuries involves a worker under the age of 25. • Each year, around 8000 young workers, ages 15-24, are injured on the job. • On average, five young people die on the job each year in Saskatchewan.

  36. Injuries By Industry Source: www.readyforwork.ca

  37. Cause of Accidents Ages 15-24 Source: www.readyforwork.ca

  38. Why Youth? Some common things that keep youth from listening to themselves when it comes to safety are: • Stress at work or at home, and not being focused • Thinking you’re invincible • Thinking safety is not my responsibility • Showing off to each other or to the employer • Feeling pressure to do things quickly • Not getting proper training • Tired, and/or hung over

  39. Your 3 Rights The Right to: • KNOW You have the right to know everything the job requires you to do. • PARTICIPATE • REFUSE UNSAFE WORK If you feel that you are being asked to do something unsafe, you have the RIGHT to say NO! The employer CAN NOT refuse to pay you and they CAN NOT fire you! This is your RIGHT!

  40. Title/Titre Subtitle / Sous-Titre Service Canada Centre for Youth - Regina Labour Market Information & Career Planning

  41. Sask Job Futures Website http://www.saskjobfutures.ca

  42. What this site provides you… The job description • Exact job titles and duties • Other related fields The salary • Average salary The education required • Where, how long The future prospects • What the need will be, where the work is needed

  43. How can I start planning my career? • Networking – talk to someone who does the job, let people know you’re looking • Job Shadow – learn what a job is all about by watching someone perform it for a day. • Surf the company’s website, visit the company (if possible) • Gather information, compare it, list pros and cons Can you think of other ways?

  44. What Are Employers Looking For? • Personal Values • Employers want workers who demonstrate a positive attitude and are motivated, honest and goal-oriented. • Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills • “I can accept additional responsibilities!” • “I can talk with other.” • Ability to Relate With Other People • “ I am friendly. I communicate well with other people of all ages!” • “I can take initiative if I need to.” • Communication Skills • “I am a good listener” • “I express myself clearly”

  45. What Are Employers Looking For? Cont’d • Task Related Skills • “I can complete my work on time” • “I know how to care for tools and materials” • Maturity • “I am reliable, dependable, and responsible” • “I take pride in my work” • Health and Safety Habits • “I know about and follow common health and safety rules” • Commitment To The Job • “I am enthusiastic about my work and willing to learn” • “ I am always on time and give consistent work and effort to the team”

  46. iQuizzes • iQuizzes are short online tests which help you do discover what your personal preferences are. Once completed the quizzes list occupations which match your preferences. • Through these Career Quizzes you can explore your abilities, interests and preferences as part of making a career decision.

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