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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fluff Up Your Laundry GamewithWoolDryer Balls-Cleanz!

  2. WelcometoCleanz! Getreadytorevolutionizeyourlaundryroutinewith WoolDryerBalls!Discoverthemagicofnaturaland eco-friendly laundry care. Say goodbye to harsh chemicalsandhellotosofter,fresherclothes.

  3. TheScienceofWoolDryer Balls Unleashthepowerofwoolfiberstonaturally soften and fluyour laundry. The absorbent properties reduce drying time, saving energy andmoney.Experiencethegentleand fragrance-freealternativetotraditionaldryer sheets.

  4. CreativeLaundryHacks ExploreinnovativewaystouseWoolDryerBallsbeyondthelaundryroom.Fromaromatherapyto pethairremoval,theseversatileballsarea must-have.Discovertheendlesspossibilitiesfor asustainableandstylishlifestyle.

  5. GoGreenwithCleanz! Join the movement towards sustainability by choosing Wool Dryer Ballsover disposabledryersheets.Embracethereusableandbiodegradablesolutionfor acleanerplanet.Let'smakeadierence,oneloadoflaundryatatime.

  6. CustomerTestimonials Listen to our satisfied customers share their experiences with Wool DryerBalls.Discoverhowtheyhavetransformedtheirlaundryroutine andembracedamorenaturalandcreativeapproachtofabriccare.

  7. EmbracetheFluffRevolution! It'stimetosaygoodbyetostaticandwrinkles,andhellotoWoolDryer Ballsfrom Cleanz! Elevate your laundry game with this innovative and sustainable solution. Experience the joy of softer, flu er laundry, the naturalway.

  8. Thanks! Doyouhaveanyquestions? info@cleanz.co.nz 0508332272 www.cleanz.co.nz

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