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Automotive Embedded System Development in AUTOSAR

Automotive Embedded System Development in AUTOSAR. Contents. What is AUTOSAR AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View Example AUTOSAR System Automotive Embedded System Development in AUTOSAR. What is AUTOSAR. AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System Architecture)

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Automotive Embedded System Development in AUTOSAR

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  1. Automotive Embedded System Development in AUTOSAR

  2. Contents • What is AUTOSAR • AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • Example AUTOSAR System • Automotive Embedded System Development in AUTOSAR

  3. What is AUTOSAR • AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System Architecture) • De-facto standard, jointly developed by automobile manufacturers, suppliers and tool developers. • More than 100 member companies • Homepage : www.autosar.org • The idea of AUTOSAR • Standardized and uniquely-specified interfaces basic software modules help to master the increasing complexity • The consequence is reusability, efficiency and easy handling of electronic in the automobile • AUTOSAR Target and Goal • Define open reference architecture for ECU software • Specify a clear interface between basis software components and application • Reusability • Growing software quality

  4. 10 Core Partners 48 Associate Members CapeWare 52 Premium Members Semi-conductors OEM Tier 1 StandardSoftware Tools Source: What is AUTOSAR • AUTOSAR partnership

  5. What is AUTOSAR • AUTOSAR Project Objectives • AUTOSAR vision is an improved complexity management of highly integrated E/E architectures through an increased reuse of SW modules between OEM and suppliers.

  6. What is AUTOSAR • Benefits from AUTOSAR

  7. AUTOSAR Software Component Application Software Component Application Software Component Actuator Software Component Sensor Software Component AUTOSARSoftware AUTOSARInterface AUTOSARInterface AUTOSARInterface AUTOSARInterface Interface .............. AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE) ECU Firmware StandardizedInterface StandardizedAUTOSARInterface StandardizedInterface AUTOSARInterface AUTOSARInterface Standard Software Complex Device Drivers Operating System ECU Abstraction Services Communication API 2VFB & RTE relevant StandardizedInterface StandardizedInterface StandardizedInterface StandardizedInteface API 1 RTE relevant StandardizedInterface API 0 Basic Software MicrocontrollerAbstraction API 3 Private Interfaces inside Basic Software possible ECU-Hardware AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • AUTOSAR Layered Architecture

  8. AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • AUTOSAR Layered Architecture

  9. AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • Methodology • Derive E/E architecture from formal descriptions of soft- and hardware components Functional software is described formally in terms of “software Components” (SW-C). Using “Software Component Descriptions” as input, the “Virtual Functional Bus” validates the interaction of all components and interfaces before software implementation. Mapping of “Software Components” to ECUs and configuration of basic software. The AUTOSAR Methodology supports the generation of an E/E architecture.

  10. AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • AUTOSAR SW-C (Software Component) • Application is divided into SW-Cs. • Software Components consist of • Ports Interface to other SW-Cs • Runnable Entities (or Runnables) Procedures which contain the actual implementation Triggered cyclically or on event (e.g. data reception) • Other software components Composite components for hierarchical design • Three types of SW-C • Atomic SW-C • Composite SW-C • Sensor/Actuator SW-C

  11. AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • RTE (Runtime Environment) • Implementation of Virtual Functional Bus • Interface between SW-Cs and Basic Software • All calls to basic software pass through the RTE • Communication method : Send/Receive signals, Client/Server functionality • Triggering of runnables : Cyclically or On event

  12. AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • MCAL (Microcontroller Abstraction Layer) • MCAL is the lowest software layer of the Basic Software • It contains internal drivers, which are software modules with direct access to the microcontroller internal peripherals and memory mapped microcontroller external devices • Make higher software layers independent of microcontroller

  13. AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • EAL (ECU Abstraction Layer) • The EAL interfaces the drivers of the MACL • It also contains drivers for external devices • It offers an API for access to peripherals and divides regardless of their location and their connection to the microcontroller (port pins, type of interface) • Make higher software layers independent of ECU hardware layout

  14. AUTOSAR from a Technical Point of View • Services Layer • Services Layer is the highest layer of the Basic software which also applies for its relevance for the application software • The Services layer offers • Operating system functionality • Vehicle network communication and management services • Memory services (NVRAM management) • Diagnostic services • ECU state management • Provide basic services for application and Basic Software modules

  15. Example AUTOSAR System : Lighting System • Software Component View

  16. Example AUTOSAR System : Lighting System • Virtual Functional Bus View

  17. Example AUTOSAR System : Lighting System • Mapped System

  18. Example AUTOSAR System : Lighting System • Basic Software Architecture

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