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Focus on « non scientific  » parts of the proposal

This proposal focuses on the non-scientific elements of MSCA Individual Fellowships, including the quality of supervision, communication and results dissemination measures, management structure and procedures, and the institutional environment. It also highlights the competences, experience, and complementarity of participating organizations, emphasizing the benefits for both host and partner institutions.

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Focus on « non scientific  » parts of the proposal

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  1. Focus on « non scientific » parts of the proposal MSCA IndividualFellowships EugéniaShadlova, Chargée d’affaires Europe , SAIC, Université Paris-Sud Europe.saic@u-psud.fr

  2. 2.3 Quality of the supervision and the hosting arrangements • Specify in all relevant elements on the supervisor profile : both his scientific competences and his experience in mentoring • His implication in European and national research projects should also be mentioned. • Do not forget the Integration/practical tutoring aspects. The purpose is to show that the Scientist in Charge will be actively involved in the tutoring of the candidate post-doc, and that you will not simply be one more post-doc for his team.

  3. 3.2 Effectiveness of the proposed measures for communication and results dissemination • Communication and public engagement strategy of the action • Communication towards large public and vulgarization of your project’s results • Think over, result by result, what can, in your project, be interesting for which type of public and under which form . Give concrete examples! • Dissemination of the research results • Scientific publications, communication to industrial fora and higher education • Mention your Open Access publication strategy • Exploitation of results and intellectual property • Commercial exploitation of the project’s results, technology transfer to industry, intellectual property protection • Explain a positive impact of such exploitation on your career • Specify the plans for the exploitation of results and IPR in the Gantt chart.

  4. 4.2 Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures • Progress monitoring mechanisms • Financial & administrative management • Risk management : risks that might endanger reaching project objectives and the contingency plans

  5. 4.3 Appropriateness of the institutional environment Describeyourhost legalentityand show why this institutional environment will give the fellowship the maximum chance of a successful outcome

  6. 4.4 Competences, experience and complementarity of the participating organizations and institutional commitment • Describethe benefit of your project for both host and partner institutions and vice versa. • Training activities and knowledge transfer activities that will be put in place in order to maximize this positive impact of the fellowship. • Describe competences, expertise and the infrastructure of the host laboratory. Demonstrate the added value of this expertise and infrastructure for your project.

  7. Does your project correspond to to the laboratory’s strategy? Show the positive impact that your competences, your previously acquired expertise and your project will bring to the laboratory. • Mention the importance of access that you will get to the professional network of both host and partner institutions • Your project will also help to reinforce the cooperation between the host and the partner institution.

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