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Type Systems

- Vasvi Kakkad. Type Systems. What is Type System?. Formal - Tool for mathematical analysis of language Method for precisely designing language Well formed model for describing and analysing language semantics Bridges a language syntax and semantic model. Why? - Motivations.

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Type Systems

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  1. - Vasvi Kakkad Type Systems

  2. What is Type System? • Formal - • Tool for mathematical analysis of language • Method for precisely designing language • Well formed model for describing and analysing language semantics • Bridges a language syntax and semantic model

  3. Why? - Motivations • Space management & runtime efficiency • Improved program correctness • ADT and modularity support • Building language semantic model

  4. Definition • A plausible definition: “A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviors by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute.”

  5. Types and Type Systems • Notes on the definition: • Static checking implied: the goal is to proveabsence of certain errors. • Classificationof syntactic phrases (or terms) according to the kinds of value they compute - a type system computes a static approximation of the run-time behavior.

  6. Types & Type system • Example: if known that two program fragments exp1 and exp2 compute integers (classification), then we know that it is safe to add those numbers together (absence of errors): exp1 + exp2 • We also know that the result is an integer. Thus we know that all involved entities are integers. (static approximation).

  7. Types & Type system • “Dynamically typed” languages • do not have a type system according to this definition - dynamically checked. • Example: Before evaluating exp1 + exp2, it has to be checked that both exp1 and exp2 actually evaluated to integers

  8. Types & Type system • A type system is necessarily conservative • Some programs that actually behave well will be rejected. • Example: if complex test then S else type error Rejected as ill-typed, even if complex test actually always evaluates to true

  9. Types & Type system • A type system checks for • certain kinds of program behavior • run-time errors. • Example: main-stream type systems do check - arithmetic operations are done only on numbers do not check - the second operand of division is not zero

  10. Language Safety • Language safety is a contentious notion. A possible definition : A safe language is one that protects its own abstractions. • For example: an array should behave as an array; • Other examples: lexical scope rules, visibility attributes(public, protected, . . . ).

  11. Language Safety • Language safety is not same as static type safety • Scheme - dynamically checked safe language. • Even languages with static type checking usually use some dynamic checks: • checking of array bounds • down-casting (e.g. Java)

  12. Language Safety

  13. Static & Dynamic Semantics • A type system is a way • to statically prove properties about the dynamic behavior of a program expressed in some language. • This is the “Curry-style” approach: • The dynamic semantics comes before the static semantics. • Alternative - the “Church-style” approach.

  14. Example Language: Abstract Syntax • Example language t → terms: true constant true | false constant false | if t then t else t conditional | 0constant zero | succ t successor | pred t predecessor | iszero t zero test

  15. Values • The valuesof a language are a subset of the terms that are possible results of evaluation. • The evaluation rules are going to be such that no evaluation is possible for values. • normal form • All values are normal forms.

  16. Values v → values: true true value | false false value | nv numeric value nv → numeric values: 0zero value | succ nv successor value

  17. Operational Semantics • t → t′ is an evaluation relation on termst evaluates to t′ in one step. • Operational semantics for the example language. if true thent2 else t3 → t2 (E-IFTRUE) if false thent2 else t3 → t3 (E-IFFALSE) t1 → t′1 (E-IF) if t1 then t2 else t3→ if t′1 then t2 else t3

  18. Operational Semantics t1  t1’ (E-Succ) succ t1  succ t1’ pred 0  0 (E-PREDZERO) pred(succ(nv1)nv1 (E-PREDSUCC) t1  t1’ (E-PRED) pred t1  pred t1’

  19. Operational Semantics iszero 0 true (E-ISZEROZERO) iszero(succ nv1)  false (E-ISZEROSUCC) t1  t1’ (E-ISZERO) iszero(t1)iszero(t1’)

  20. Operational Semantics • Note that: • Valuescannot be evaluated further. E.g.: - true - 0 • Certain “obviously nonsensical” states are stuck: the term cannot be evaluated further, but it is not a value. For example: • if 0 then pred 0 else 0

  21. Stuckness and Run-Time Errors • We let the notion of getting stuck model run-time errors. • The goal of a type system is thus to guarantee that a program never gets stuck!

  22. Types • At this point, there are only two types, booleans and the natural numbers: T → types: Bool type of Booleans | Nat type of natural numbers

  23. Typing Rules true : Bool (T-TRUE) false : Bool (T-FALSE) t1:Bool t2:T t3:T (T-IF) if t1 then t2 else t3:T 0: Nat (T-ZERO) t1:Nat (T-SUCC) succ(t1) : Nat t1:Nat (T-ISZERO) iszero(t1) : Bool

  24. Safety = Progress + Preservation • The most basic property of a type system safety • “well typed programs do not go wrong”, where “wrong” means entering a “stuck state”. Progress: A well-typed term is not stuck. Preservation: If a well-typed term takes a step of evaluation, then the resulting term is also well-typed

  25. Safety = Progress + Preservation • THEOREM [PROGRESS]: Suppose that t is a well-typed term (i.e., t : T), then either t is a value or else there is some t′ with t → t′. • THEOREM [PRESERVATION]: If t : T and t→t′ then t′ : T.

  26. Progress: A Proof Fragment • The relevant typing and evaluation rules for the case T-IF: t1:Bool t2:T t3:T (T-IF) if t1 then t2 else t3:T if true then t2 else t3 → t2 (E-IFTRUE) if false then t2 else t3 → t3 (E-IFFALSE) t1 → t′1 (E-IF) if t1 then t2 else t3→ if t′1 then t2 else t3

  27. Progress: A Proof Fragment • A typical case when proving Progress by induction on a derivation of t : T Case T-IF: t = if t1 then t2 else t3 t1 : Bool t2 : T t3 : T • If t1 is a value, then - true or false, • either E-IFTRUE or E-IFFALSE applies to t • if t1 → t′1, then • by E-IF, t → if t′1 then t2 else t3.

  28. Exceptions • What about terms like • division by zero • head of empty list • If the type system does not rule them out, we need to differentiate those from stuck terms, or we can no longer claim that “well-typed programs do not go wrong”!

  29. Exceptions • Idea: allow exceptions to be raised, and make itwell-defined what happens when exceptions are raised. • For example: • introduce a term error • introduce evaluation rules like head []→ error

  30. Exceptions • Introduce further rules to ensure that the entire program evaluates to error once the exception has been raised • Change the Progress theorem slightly to allow for exceptions. • (Aside: For technical reasons, it is good to not consider error a value. Hence the need to tweak the progress theorem.)

  31. Summary • Type System – Statically proves dynamic behaviour of program • Static checking and dynamic checking • Language safety proven by – Type system • Safety = progress + preservation • Handle exceptions with type systems

  32. Thank You...

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