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European e-Justice

European e-Justice. Making justice faster. Digital Services in the UK. Government Service Design Manual From April 2014 all new and redesigned digital government services will need to be so good that people prefer to use them. Europe: 502m people, 27+ Member States, 23 languages.

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European e-Justice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. European e-Justice Making justice faster

  2. Digital Services in the UK • Government Service Design Manual • From April 2014 all new and redesigned digital government services will need to be so good that people prefer to use them

  3. Europe: 502m people, 27+ Member States, 23 languages EU Member States Candidate countries

  4. European e-Justice: its all about removing barriers Interconnection of business, land & insolvency registers European Small Claims European Payment Order EU Internal Market easier to do business in Europe EU Citizen easier access to justice systems Find a ... lawyer, notary, mediator Going to court, family matters legal aid, costs of proceedings EU small claims, mediation Victims of crime Legal Professional easier access to information and online tools, less cost Access to EU law, Justice forum, Judicial Atlas, EJN Civil and Commercial Taking of evidence, videoconferencing. Online service of document, Online payment of procedural costs Judiciary easier communication across Member States Judicial training, EU cooperation in civil matters EU cooperation in criminal matters EU Case Law Identifier

  5. e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange making justice faster June 2013

  6. “To improve the cross-border access of citizens and businesses to legal means in Europe and improve the interoperability between legal authorities within the EU” 8

  7. Pilots Civil Justice Small Claims European Payment Order (EPO) Synchronous communication(e.g. business register interconnection) Criminal Justice Mutual Recognition of Financial Penalties Secure Cross-border Exchange of Sensitive Data European Arrest Warrant 9

  8. Thank you for listening! • www.e-justice.eu • www.youreurope.eu • www.e-codex.eu • www.gov.uk/servicemanual

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