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Emerging Technologies

0. Emerging Technologies. Ron Faulds and Jane Perzyk MI-LIFE Project Team. 0. Web 2.0. 0. Sc hool 2.0. 0. Many educators are digital immigrants. 0. In schools where the kids are digital natives. 0. What is Web2.0?. From read to write - blogs From closed to open

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Emerging Technologies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 0 Emerging Technologies Ron Faulds and Jane Perzyk MI-LIFE Project Team

  2. 0 Web 2.0

  3. 0 School 2.0

  4. 0 Many educators are digital immigrants

  5. 0 In schools where the kids are digital natives

  6. 0 What is Web2.0? • From read to write - blogs • From closed to open • From push to pull • From knowing information to knowing where to find information - Google (just-in-time learning)

  7. 0 Creating Content on Amazon Write a book review! Rate a book review!

  8. 0 Creating Content on eBay Rate a seller after you buy; read a rating before you buy!

  9. Creating Content with Writely

  10. 0 How Has Our Way of Learning and Communicating Changed?

  11. 0 A Blog for School Leaders

  12. 0 A Principal’s Blog

  13. 0 A Teacher’s Blog for Kids

  14. 0 A Teacher’s Classroom Blog

  15. 0 A Milblog from Iraq

  16. 0 A Moblog (blog via mobile phone)

  17. 0 Finding Blogs -Technorati the “Google for Blogs” www.technorati.com

  18. 0 Podcasts – Audio Blogs • Podcasts are audio files that can be automatically delivered directly to your desktop computer or can be listened to directly from a webpage. • They can be transferred to your iPod or other portable audio MP3 player. • Many teachers are creating podcasts of their presentations so students can listen at home.

  19. 0 Podcasts in Education What’s the connection with education? Duke University, in the fall of 2004, provided iPods loaded with campus and orientation information to all incoming freshmen. Last September, Duke hosted the first Symposium on Academic Podcasting…and this is only the beginning!

  20. 0 Podcasts by Students Willowdale Elementary School in Omaha has podcasts created in each of its K-5 grades. Take a minute to listen to a podcast from a 5th grade class on sound and light!

  21. 0 Podcasts by TeachersGeek!ed! in Pinckney, MI

  22. 0 Podcasts by Educational Futurists

  23. 0 TV Show Podcasts

  24. 0 The Social Internet

  25. 0 What’s a Wiki?

  26. 0 What’s a Mashup? • A mashup is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new service. http://www.programmableweb.com/

  27. 0 Local News and Google Maps

  28. 0 Crime Stats & Google Maps

  29. 0 Real Estate & Google Maps

  30. 0 Create Your Own Map

  31. 0 iPod Radar Mashup

  32. 0 Flickr – Social Photo Site

  33. 0 Flickr – Geotag your Photos

  34. Furl – Social Bookmarking Site

  35. 0 30 Boxes– Social Calendaring Site

  36. 0 PixelJoint – Social Art!

  37. What’s the Relevance to Education? • The Pew Internet Report cites the fact that half of all teens and 57% of teens who use the internet consider themselves “content creators.” • 19% have created a blog while 38% say they read blogs. 22% created webpages, and 33% shared original art or photos online.

  38. Are they doing this in school?

  39. U. S. DOE’s School 2.0

  40. U. S. DOE’s School 2.0

  41. Web 2.0? School 2.0? It is our job as educational leaders to keep an eye on developments which will impact the way we teach and the way students learn and communicate.

  42. How are Michigan students using MySpace?

  43. 0 DeLaSalle High SchoolWarren – Age 16

  44. 0 Monroe Community CollegeKatie, Age 19

  45. 0 Holt High School, 2005 Zombie Kay, Age 19

  46. 0 University of North CarolinaKatelin, Age 20

  47. 0 Beware of the “Permanent Record”

  48. 0 BeNetSafe – Help for Parents

  49. 0 Concerns about safety have resulted in legislation • DOPA - Deleting Online Predators Act • COPA – Children’s Online Protection Act • COPPA - Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act • CIPA – Children’s Internet Protection Act

  50. 0 Are students concerned about DOPA and other Internet Censorship It doesn’t really impact them very well, because their school life simply isn’t real enough.  They are fully satisfied with their online social experience and what they are learning there.  They would fight if they perceived that there was something to lose.  I suspect that there is a pretty wide disconnect between the classrooms of many our students and the real learning environment that they interact with in their personal time. David Warlick – 9-16-06

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