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ARUC. Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative CDR John Nichols, PE, ARUC Manager. ARUC’s purpose. Provide good water every day to Alaska Tribes. From above the Arctic Circle,. to maritime climates. Kiana. Fort Yukon. Selawik. Golovin. Savoonga. St. Michael. Russian Mission. Chevak.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ARUC Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative CDR John Nichols, PE, ARUC Manager

  2. ARUC’s purpose • Provide good water every day to Alaska Tribes

  3. From above the Arctic Circle,

  4. to maritime climates.

  5. Kiana Fort Yukon Selawik Golovin Savoonga St. Michael Russian Mission Chevak Sleetmute Tyonek Upper Kalskag, Lower Kalskag Toksook Bay Newhalen Goodnews Bay South Naknek Chignik Lake, Chignik Lagoon

  6. 18 ARUC members 2008: 8 Tribes 2009: 17 Tribes FY10 projected: 25 Tribes

  7. ARUC basics • Management of Tribes’ water/sewer systems • Standard ordinance, enforced policies, etc • Technical support • Hire & supervise operators • Summer projects, preventative maintenance • Financial • Collect customer fees • Pay expenses • Revenues must exceed expenses! • Fuel and repair reserves

  8. ARUC data non-ARUCARUC • Operator turnover 75% 8% (19%) • Significant Non- Compliance 2x ARUC • User Collections 40% 80% (56%) 20 – 40 months 88% (82%) Over 40 months 104% (99%)

  9. Selawik, before & after ARUC

  10. The future of ARUC… • Expanded membership • Startup costs for new communities • Startup costs for ARUC • Marketing 27%, Community startup 39% • Funding for management • Nationwide interest in ARUC concept

  11. Questions?

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