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Unit 1 Flashcards

Unit 1 Flashcards. American Beginnings Standards 1 – 4. Standard 1 Flashcards. Virginia Company Tobacco Cultivation in Virginia Relationships with Native Americans Powhatan House of Burgesses Bacon’s Rebellion Development of Slavery Religious Reasons for Settling New England

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Unit 1 Flashcards

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  1. Unit 1 Flashcards American Beginnings Standards 1 – 4

  2. Standard1Flashcards • Virginia Company • Tobacco Cultivation in Virginia • Relationships with Native Americans • Powhatan • House of Burgesses • Bacon’s Rebellion • Development of Slavery • Religious Reasons for Settling New England • King Phillip’s War • Establishment of Town Meetings • Religious tensions that led to the founding of Rhode Island • Half-way Covenant • Salem Witch Trials • Loss of the Massachusetts Charter • Transition of Massachusetts to a Royal Colony • Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam • Settlement of Pennsylvania • Reasons for the French settlement of Quebec • Impact of location and place on colonial development

  3. #60 Virginia Company Standard 1 • Joint-stock company from England that settled Jamestown colony • Jamestown was the 1st • permanent English colony

  4. #61 Tobacco Cultivation in Virginia Standard 1 • Colonists in Virginia grew tobacco as a cash crop (to make a profit) • Needed cheap labor – leads to • slavery

  5. #62 Relationships with Native Americans Standard 1 • Relationships varied among colonies • Some Indian tribes provided aid • to colonists in need • Others fought to protect land • from colonists

  6. #63 Powhatan Standard 1 Indian tribe that aided the colonists during their first winter in Jamestown.

  7. #64 House of Burgesses Standard 1 • Represents first legislative assembly • Virginia

  8. #65 Bacon’s Rebellion Standard 1 • Led by Nathaniel Bacon; seeking protection of frontier settlers by colonial government (from Native American attacks) • Poor whites and slaves united

  9. #66 Development of Slavery Standard 1 • Indentured servitude (voluntary work for a certain number of years) then use of Native Americans • Dutch bring the 1st African • slaves (used mainly in • agriculture)

  10. #67 Religious reasons for the Settlement of New England Standard 1 New England colonies were settled primarily for religious reasons (freedom of religion, escaping persecution)

  11. #68 King Phillip’s War Standard 1 • Conflict between colonists and Native Americans over land • Defeat of Native Americans • Forces Native Americans out of • the New England area

  12. #69 Establishment of Town Meetings Standard 1 The establishment of town meetings represents the desire of colonists to self-govern

  13. #70 Religious tensions that led to the founding of Rhode Island Standard 1 • Rhode Island was founded by dissenters (people who disagree) from the Puritan communities • Roger Williams

  14. #71 The Half-way Covenant Standard 1 • Puritan communities had a voting requirement of Church membership • Not enough people were joining • the Church • Covenant allows descendents of • Church members to vote

  15. #72 Salem Witch Trials Standard 1 • Represents the religious extremism in the colonies • People were unjustly accused, • and some executed, of witchcraft

  16. #73 Loss of Massachusetts Charter Standard 1 • Massachusetts was not allowed to self-govern due to conflicts with the King • King revokes colony’s charter

  17. #74 Transition of Massachusetts to Royal colony Standard 1 After losing their charter, Massachusetts becomes a royal colony (under the direct control of the King)

  18. #75 Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam Standard 1 • Dutch settled in New Amsterdam (New York), creating a wedge between English colonies • English took over land to unite • their colonies

  19. #76 Settlement of Pennsylvania Standard 1 • William Penn settled Pennsylvania as a refuge for Quakers

  20. #77 Reasons for the French settlement of Quebec Standard 1 • French settled Quebec as a trading post • Traded with Native Americans… • leads to good relationships

  21. #78 Impact of location and place on colonial development Standard 1 Southern Colonies: Agriculture Middle Colonies: Trading, Shipping Northern Colonies: Trading, Shipping

  22. Standard 2 Flashcards • Mercantilism • Middle Passage • Growth of African Population • Benjamin Franklin • Great Awakening

  23. #79 Mercantilism Standard 2 British policy that states that the goal of a country should be to export more than you import (sell more than you buy)

  24. #80 Middle Passage Standard 2 Part of the triangular trade that transports slaves from Africa to the New World (Western Hemisphere)

  25. #81 Growth of African population Standard 2 African population grows due to the slave trade

  26. #82 Benjamin Franklin Standard 2 Represents social mobility (rags to riches) and individualism (working hard to better yourself)

  27. #83 Great Awakening Standard 2 Rebirth of religion in the colonies

  28. Standard 3 Flashcards • French and Indian War • 1763 Treaty of Paris • Proclamation of 1763 • Stamp Act • Intolerable Acts • Sons of Liberty • Daughters of Liberty • Committees of Correspondence • Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

  29. #84 French and Indian War Standard 3 • Fought between France and Britain over land • Britain wins the war, wants • colonists to help pay the war • debt, leads to unfair taxes

  30. #85 1763 Treaty of Paris Standard 3 Ends the French and Indian War, establishing British dominance in North America

  31. #86 Proclamation of 1763 Standard 3 • Bans settlement by colonists west of the Appalachian Mountains • To appease Native Americans • following the French and Indian • War

  32. #87 Stamp Act Standard 3 • Tax placed on papered goods (pamphlets, playing cards, newspapers)

  33. #88 Intolerable Acts Standard 3 • Passed after the Boston Tea Party by the British as punishment.

  34. #89 Sons of Liberty Standard 3 • Group of men organized to protest British actions • Boycotts on British goods

  35. #90 Daughters of Liberty Standard 3 • Group of women organized to protest British actions • Made goods from home so • colonists did not have to buy • goods from Britain

  36. #91 Committees of Correspondence Standard 3 Designed to help the colonies communicate between each other, specifically regarding British actions

  37. #92 Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Standard 3 Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense to persuade colonists to fight for independence

  38. Standard 4 Flashcards • Declaration of Independence • John Locke • Role of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence • Reason for French alliance and foreign assistance in Revolutionary War • Significance of French alliance and foreign assistance in Revolutionary War • Role of Benjamin Franklin in obtaining foreign assistance in Revolutionary War • Role of Marquis de Lafayette in obtaining foreign assistance in Revolutionary War • George Washington as a military leader • Creation of a Professional Military • Significance of the crossing of the Delaware River • Significance of Valley Forge • Battle of Yorktown • Role of Lord Cornwallis • Treaty of Paris 1783

  39. #93 Declaration of Independence Standard 4 DOI was written to outline reasons for independence (grievances against King) Uses Enlightenment philosophies (unalienable rights)

  40. #94 John Locke Standard 4 British philosopher who believed in the concept of unalienable rights (life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness)

  41. #95 Role of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence Standard 4 Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence

  42. #96 Reason for French alliance and foreign assistance in Revolutionary War Standard 4 • French had more military training and supplies; colonists feared they could not defeat the British alone • France wanted to get back at • Britain (F/I War)

  43. #97 Significance of French alliance and foreign assistance in Revolutionary War Standard 4 France was the 1st to recognize colonies as an independent country Forced British to surrender

  44. #98 Role of Benjamin Franklin in obtaining foreign assistance in Revolutionary War Standard 4 Benjamin Franklin sought and obtained French support during Revolutionary War

  45. #99 Role of Marquis de Lafayette in obtaining foreign assistance in Revolutionary War Standard 4 Helps train American troops by supplying aid from other countries (in the form of military leadership)

  46. #100 George Washington as a military leader Standard 4 • George Washington established and led the Continental Army • Trained militiamen into actual • soldiers

  47. #101 Creation of a Professional Military Standard4 Washington helped create a professional military for America to defend against British attacks

  48. #102 Significance of the crossing of the Delaware River Standard4 It allowed Continental Army to surprise the British and win a victory (increases morale)

  49. #103 Significance of Valley Forge Standard4 • Lowest point for the Continental Army • Harsh winter • Soldiers spend the winter • training

  50. #104 Battle of Yorktown Standard4 • Last battle of the Revolutionary War • French fleet arrives to block the • harbor, preventing British • retreat • British are forced to surrender

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