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“Synching up with VIWG”

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“Synching up with VIWG”

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  1. “Synching up with VIWG” “Each Department Head will present the programs under their purview, regulations that apply, any potential roles, responsibilities or requirements issues.Then each SME will identify programs that they are responsible for, the goals of the program, requirements associated with the program, gap analysis and future plans” Department Head Meeting, 6/18/03 S. Rokni

  2. Outline • Mission • Staff • Radiation Safety Program • Engineering Controls • Administrative Controls • Roles and Responsibilities • Design • Operations • Plans • Challenges S. Rokni

  3. Radiation Physics Department • Mission The Radiation Physics (RP) Department provides oversight for safe operation of the existing beam lines and experiments, and expertise for design of shielding and radiation safety systems for new experiments, beam lines and facilities. RP also performs applied research in radiation physics in support of SLAC research efforts. S. Rokni

  4. The Mission of Radiation Physics • “A Health Physics group associated with a pioneering machine must remain in intimate contact with the research program using such a machine..” and “Judgments that have to be made..require intimate knowledge of the experimental arrangement” W. Panofsky May 2, 1963 S. Rokni

  5. Radiation Physicists • Alberto Fasso, Hesham Khater, James Liu, Stan Mao, Alyssa Prinz, Heinz Vincke. • Staff deal with mission critical, as well as mission important issues • Decisions routinely make significant impact on projects • Customers include physicists and engineers at key positions at SLAC as well as safety coordinators and others • Members of ALARA, RSC, TTSP, ARR at SLAC. Serve on a variety of professional committees (ANSI, HPS, ARR, Radiation Safety program reviews), collaborate with peers internationally, supervise students,…. S. Rokni

  6. Radiation Safety Program at SLAC • Ensure ALARA • Provide sufficient shield for facilities, beam lines and experimental areas • Control access to areas where beam could be present • Incorporate dose reduction, contamination reduction, and waste minimization features in planning stage • Prevent any person from receiving more radiation exposure than limits S. Rokni

  7. Radiation Safety at SLAC • Engineering and administrative systems to implement the program • SLAC Radiological Control Manual • Radiation Safety Systems, Technical Basis Document • Guidelines for Operations • Implemented by Radiation Physics, Operational Health Physics, in collaboration with Safety Officers, Controls Departments • External and Internal Reviews of parts of the program: • Radiation Protection Program Review (1 per 3 y) • Accelerator Safety Order Audit (1 per 5 y) • Accelerator Readiness Reviews S. Rokni

  8. Engineering Controls • Passive • Bulk Shielding, local shielding: attenuate radiation • Protection collimators: limiting apertures prevent beams from striking shielding • Active Devices (Interlocks) • Beam Containment System (BCS): Interlocked sensors that turn beams off when parameters, or radiation levels exceed pre-set limits: Ion chambers, Torroids, Meter-Relays • Access Control System (Interlocks) • Prevents access to areas where potential for beam operations exist: • Personnel Protection System (PPS) • Hutch Protection System (HPS) S. Rokni

  9. Design of Engineering Controls • Radiation Physics Department staff are involved in design of shielding, BCS and PPS specifications for many projects from the start: • Design Study Reports • Environmental Assessments • Conceptual Design Reports • Safety Analysis Documents (Safety Envelope) • Radiation Safety Analysis Packages • Peer Review • Review and Approval by RSO/RSC S. Rokni


  11. Radiation Physics Teams ProjectLeader Members Accelerator A. Prinz S. Mao Damp. Rings/Pos. Source A. Prinz H. Vincke/S.Mao ASTA S. Mao H. Khater PEP-II Extraction Lines S. Mao A. Prinz PEP II Ring/BABAR J. Liu S. Mao PEP II RF Cavity A. Prinz J. Liu BSY S. Rokni S. Mao/H. Vincke ESA S. Mao A. Prinz FFTB S. Rokni H. Vincke/S. Mao Gun Test Lab H. Vincke S. Mao HV Test Facility H. Vincke S. Mao Klystron Test Lab J. Liu H. Khater LCLS S. Mao H. Vincke/S. Rokni LCLS Injector S. Mao A. Prinz NLC S. Rokni J. Liu NLCTA/ESB H. Khater H. Vincke SPPS H. Vincke S. Mao/S. Rokni SSRL J. Liu H. Khater SPEAR3 J. Liu H. Khater/S. Mao/A. Prinz S. Rokni

  12. Radiation Physicist • To perform calculations related to shielding and other radiological aspects (activation etc) and provide specifications for the design of new facilities and experiments. • To ensure safe beam containment by • assisting in beam-line design, • calculating radiation dose rates due to beam mis-steering, and • calculating heat loads for critical collimators and other devices. • To assist in the design of the Personnel Protection System (PPS) and Beam Containment System (BCS). • To supervise initial radiation measurements and establish area monitoring at new beam lines. • To consult with experimenters on detector design and accelerator physicists on machine design. • To assist experimenters in determining causes of their radiation backgrounds and in designing shields to minimize the problem. • To provide assistance to engineers and physicists in avoiding or minimizing radiation damage problems (e.g., perform calculations and provide high-dose dosimetry in the megarad range). S. Rokni

  13. Radiation Physicists-Cont. • To provide assistance to engineers and physicists in avoiding or minimizing radiation damage problems (e.g., perform calculations and provide high-dose dosimetry in the megarad range). • To develop and maintain radiation transport codes to be used for detector design, machine development, radioactivation, shielding, and dosimetry. • To ensure safe operation of beam lines by creating procedures (e.g., Beam Authorization Sheets), in conjunction with the Accelerator Department Safety office. • Participate in the development of the Radiation Safety Program at SLAC ,involves Radiation Safety Work Control forms and commenting on DOE orders, regulations and internal policies and procedures, and writing technical basis documents. • Participate in committees (internal and external) that review the radiation safety program. • Perform and publish research in Radiation Physics related to the overall SLAC mission and participate in professional development. S. Rokni

  14. Radiation Safety Committee • Act as an advisory group on radiation safety matters to the Radiation Safety Officer. • Review new facilities and experiments for compliance with radiation safety policy. • Recommend changes in existing radiation safety policy and recommend new policies. • Study accidents involving radiation to ascertain causes and recommend remedial action. • Approve plans to protect personnel from radiation during emergencies and during normal beam operation. • Keep informed of current radiation information and ensure that those concerned are informed of Committee plans and activities. S. Rokni

  15. Radiation Safety Officer • Is an ex officio member of the RSC. • Advises the SLAC Director on radiation safety topics. • Recommends SLAC radiation safety policies to the SLAC Director and the ES&H Coordinating Council (ES&HCC) for their review. • Approves minor changes in the Personnel Protection System (PPS), sees that major changes are reviewed by the RSC, and decides which changes are minor and which ones are major. • Is authorized to stop any operation for which he or she perceives the radiation safety to be inadequate. The RSO can be overruled only by the SLAC Director. S. Rokni

  16. ES&H Division and Radiation Safety Management S. Rokni

  17. DESIGN S. Rokni

  18. Process Discussions Acquiring Tools Calculations Discussions Consensus Peer Review RSO/RSC Approval Challenges Multiple programs High beam energy, power Some tools not available Design S. Rokni

  19. R&D Needs • To address some of the challenges Radiation Physics need to perform applied research • Develop and maintain computer codes (EGS4, FLUKA, ..) • Experimental verification of computer codes and models • Experimental development and test of instrumentation • Provides staff with the right tools to support research and operation of new experiments and beam lines at SLAC • SHIELD11 (Experiments in ESA, BDE) • Results used to design facilities at SLAC, KEK, ALS, APS, JLAB • MUON89 (Experiments ESB) • Results used to design facilities at SLAC, KEK S. Rokni

  20. Supporting SLAC’s Mission • RP has been asked to assist in: • Design of beam line components for SLC dumps, SPEAR3, LCLS stoppers, NLC positron target • Temperature rise in beam line components for NLC , E158 • Radiation environment inside the accelerator for NLC, Damping Ring • Radiation background in detectors for Luminosity Monitors in PEP-II • Radiation damage to electronic components for PEP-II, BABAR, Damping Rings • Shielding effectiveness of different materials for SPEAR3, CID • Activation of beam line components, soil and water outside the tunnels for NLC, Damping Rings S. Rokni

  21. OPERATIONS S. Rokni

  22. Radiation Safety at SLAC- Operations • Radiation physicists have oversight for beam operations in conjunction with: Operations Departments and Accelerator Safety Offices. • Requirements: DOE 420.2A, ASO-,Radiological Control Manual, and internal shielding and Beam Containment policy, …. • Administrative controls: • Conduct of Operations: • Guidelines for Operations (e.g. PPS certification requirements) • Beam Authorization Sheets (BAS- Define the operations envelope) • Accelerator safety inspection check-lists • Configuration Control • Beam Authorization Sheets (BAS) • Radiation Safety Work Control Forms (RSWCF) S. Rokni

  23. Operations-Cont. • Establish Check and Balance: • Inspection of BAS items, Walk-through • OHP’s Passive and Active fixed Area radiation Monitoring • OHP’s Radiation survey program • RP’s Passive fixed Area radiation Monitoring • Radiation Measurements as part of the Initial Beam Checkouts • Combined efforts of RP, OHP, Operations, Safety Officers S. Rokni

  24. PLANS S. Rokni

  25. Plans- Customer Service • Increase involvement in the assigned projects. Increase communications and oversight for beam operations by conducting regular walk-through, holding regular meeting with cognizant physicists, safety officers, area managers, performing safety inspection of the facilities in areas of assigned responsibility, attending information meetings. Frequency of these activities is to be agreed upon with customers and the Department Head. • Increase knowledge of ES&H policies, especially Radiation Safety policies, systems, practices and procedures. Inform clients about these policies, and assist them in adhering to the policies in an efficient manner. • Enhance the format and the content of the department web page; add links to photos of the radiation safety items for individual Beam Authorization Sheets on the RP web page. • Demonstrate flexibility to take up new operation, design and special assignments as need arises. S. Rokni

  26. Plans- Maintain Excellence • Identify and add new features to the FLUKA Monte Carlo Code. • Continue to enhance proficiency of using Monte Carlo and Analytical Computer codes (e.g. FLUKA, MCNPX, MUCARLO, SATC8) for SLAC-related problems. • Devote sufficient effort to research activities related to the mission of SLAC be active in performing experiments, publishing scientific reports in journals and participation in scientific activities. • Continue to increase knowledge of accelerator, and health physics- CHP staff should keep theirs current, other staff should start preparing for the HP certification exam per individual goals. • Keep ES&H training current at all times S. Rokni

  27. Plans-Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency: • Continue to work on improving radiation safety policies by working out examples of application of policy to different cases at SLAC, compare with policies of other labs. • Continue to work on individual goals set for improving effectiveness and efficiency. S. Rokni

  28. Plans-Transfer of Knowledge: • Cross training of staff members assigned to the various projects in issues related to the design and operation, and in other areas of assigned responsibilities. • Work closely with OHP in conducting surveys and radiation measurements, develop a program to integrate the current RP and OHP plans for radiation survey, Area/Event monitoring programs and various health physics operational projects as need arises • Increase and improve communication with OHP technicians and other staff. • Work with OHP on improving the moderated BF3/GM active area monitoring systems. • -Increase contribution to SLAC mission; when assigned to be a member of committee (e.g. Tritium Task Force, RSC, ALARA) by giving summary reports to the group. S. Rokni

  29. Challenges • Personnel • 3 new staff physicists • Need to train new staff coming from other fields • More projects due to new mode of operation • Design of SPEAR3, E158, LCLS, SPPS, FFTB (E164, Test Beams) NLCTA, Eight-Pack, E163, E165 • Oversight and support of operation in existing facilities in the 2-Mile Accelerator Complex, SSRL, NLCTA, KTLAB. • To better serve customers need advance notice, and coordination S. Rokni

  30. Challenges-cont. • Technical • Need new computer models, techniques and methodologies • R&D and collaboration with other labs is needed to expedite transfer of knowledge • Policies • Need to updating policies and requirements • Consistent with other labs • Deliberate and systematic review • Requirements are in several documents with different owners • Oversight duties occasionally requires one to take unpopular positions to maintain a safe workplace S. Rokni

  31. END S. Rokni

  32. Training Instrumentation Radiological Postings Dosimetry Radiological Surveys & Monitoring Radiological Hygiene Radioactive Material Inventory Control Radioactive Waste Management Radiological Environmental Protection Emergency Preparedness Radiological Safety at SLAC-Cont OHP administers the following services: S. Rokni

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