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Joana Magos Brehm 1 , Nigel Maxted 2 , Shelagh Kell 2

Joana Magos Brehm 1 , Nigel Maxted 2 , Shelagh Kell 2 1 Botanical Garden, National Museum of Natural History, University of Lisbon (Portugal) 2 School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham (UK).

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Joana Magos Brehm 1 , Nigel Maxted 2 , Shelagh Kell 2

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  1. Joana Magos Brehm1, Nigel Maxted2, Shelagh Kell2 1Botanical Garden, National Museum of Natural History, University of Lisbon (Portugal) 2School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham (UK) Using the faOagrobiodiversity toolkit:development of NATIONAL strategies for the CONSERVATION of CWR and LR

  2. overview • Why National CWR and LR strategies? • Toolkit – the context • Characteristics • The users • How to use the toolkit • A request... • To finish...

  3. Why national cwr and lr strategies? • CWR and LR are unique national resources • CWR and LR are becoming more threatened(habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, replacement by modern cultivars and changes in land use practices, climate change...) and therefore are suffering from genetic erosion

  4. Why national cwr and lr strategies? • Legislative requirement to conserve • Require an integrated in situ and ex situ conservation approach, best implemented via a National CWR / LR Strategy • No single method of generation

  5. THE TOOLKIT - CONTEXT • Coordinators ‑ N Maxted, J MagosBrehm, SP Kell • Commissioned by - FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) • Aim - To develop a Toolkit for National Strategy Development of PGRFA that will aid countries to formulate National Strategies for the conservation of CWR and LR • FAO International Treaty on PGRFA • FAO Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of PGRFA • Convention on Biological Diversity

  6. THE TOOLKIT - CONTEXT Workshop “Conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, a Toolkit for national strategy development”, Lyme Regis (UK), 17-18 March 2011: review the structure and content of the Toolkit. AchilleEphremAssogbadjo (Benin), Baorong Lu (China), Edwin Chiwona (Malawi), EhsanDulloo (Bioversity International), Heli Fitzgerald (Finland), Joana MagosBrehm (Portugal), John Wiersema (USA), José Valls (Brazil), Nadiya Al-Saadi (Oman), Nigel Maxted (UK), Renzo Torricelli (Italy), ShelaghKell (UK) Sonia Dias (Bioversity International), Suzanne Sharrock (BGCI), Tania Carolina Camacho-Villa (Mexico), and Valeria Negri (Italy).

  7. THE TOOLKIT - characteristics • Provides information on how to accomplish a specific task, • Provides complementary tools, • The user will be guided through its application, • The user decides exactly which tools to employ according to his/her circumstances, • It should be an aid and not a prescription, • Sequential but flexible process, • Possible to entry through several entry points.

  8. THE TOOLKIT – the users • Countries with limited resources and knowledge on their CWR and LR diversity • Three different levels of users: • FAO national focal points, • National Strategy implementing agency and other national agencies (national focal points for agriculture, environment and possibly forestry), • Non Governmental Organisations (e.g. farmers’ organizations), local institutions (e.g. universities, research institutes), individual scientists.

  9. THE TOOLKIT – how to use it • Conservation strategy for CWR, LR or both? • Section A (CWR) + section B (LR) • Each section: sub-sections = steps needed to develop a national strategy • Each sub-section: • Current status • Overview of the methodology • Additional materials

  10. THE TOOLKIT – how to use it National Strategy for conservation of CWR – the model

  11. National Strategy for conservation of cwr – the model Step 1: National inventory of CWR Step 2: Collation of existing threats Step 3: Setting species conservation priorities Step 4: Taxonomic and ecogeographic analysis of priority CWR Step 5: Genetic data analysis of priority CWR Step 6: Novel threat assessment Step 7: CWR in situ and ex situ gap analysis • Step 8: Establishment of conservation goals • Step 9: Implementation of in situ conservation priorities (in and outside PAs) Step 10: Implementation of ex situ conservation priorities Step 11: Promoting the use of CWR diversity conserved

  12. The toolkit – how to use it CURRENT STATUS: highlights some of the developments in that particular area.

  13. The toolkit – how to use it • OVERVIEW OF THE METHODOLOGY: • thorough description of the methodology to undertake that particular step; • flowcharts that usually take the form of an expert system (usually composed of a series of Yes/No questions) • helps the user move through the various steps and choose which options are more adequate given a particular national context.

  14. The toolkit – how to use it • ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: books, scientific papers, grey literature, PowerPoint presentation, web links: practical examples to help visualise and understand how to undertake that particular step.

  15. A request... • Review the document: whole document or certain sections. • Provide additional materials to illustrate the various steps in the development of a national strategy. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE ACKOWLEDGED! • First table of the questionnaire: availability to review and/or to provide additional materials for each section. • Second table of the questionnaire: for reference details of additional materials (to me during the workshop or send to joanabrehm@gmail.com no later than the 1st October 2011).

  16. To finish... • Conservation of agrobiodiversity directly links human well-being to biodiversity conservation. • It requires collaboration between nature and agricultural conservationists. • The toolkit is an FAO product. • Can be used soon to develop your own National Strategy for CWR Conservation. • This is on-going work! So let me have your opinion!

  17. Joana Magos Brehm1, Nigel Maxted2, Shelagh Kell2 1Botanical Garden, National Museum of Natural History, University of Lisbon (Portugal) 2School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham (UK) Using the faOagrobiodiversity toolkit:development of NATIONAL strategies for the CONSERVATION of CWR and LR

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