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Presentation of some researches Covered by the Working Group 2 Jean-Claude ROUX Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science a

Presentation of some researches Covered by the Working Group 2 Jean-Claude ROUX Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science and Graphic Arts, CNRS Grenoble Institute of Technology – Pagora 461 rue de la Papeterie, 38 400 Saint-Martin d’Hères, France jean-claude.roux@grenoble-inp.fr

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Presentation of some researches Covered by the Working Group 2 Jean-Claude ROUX Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science a

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  1. Presentation of some researches Covered by the Working Group 2 Jean-Claude ROUX Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science and Graphic Arts, CNRS Grenoble Institute of Technology – Pagora 461 rue de la Papeterie, 38 400 Saint-Martin d’Hères, France jean-claude.roux@grenoble-inp.fr COST FP 1005 – Fiber suspension flow modelling: a key for innovation and competitiveness in the pulp and paper industry 13-14 October 2011 - Nancy 1

  2. Outline Presentation of our Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science and Graphic Arts Some researches covered by WG1 (Martine RUEFF) Some researches in the fields covered by WG2 2

  3. Presentation of our Laboratory Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science and Graphic Arts = LGP2 composed of 5 research teams: *Chemical Processes – Biorefinery – Pulping –Bleaching – Bioproducts *Papermaking Engineering and Environment *Paper Physics *Printing and Graphic Arts *Biomaterials for Packaging 35 Ph-D students – 10 Ph-D thesis are defended each year 3

  4. Some researches covered by WG2 How can we use some rheological concepts for understanding the complex behaviour of flowing pulp suspensions in the unit operations of papermaking science? - Consider a single-phase Eulerian modelling > shear rate,pulp apparent viscosity : what is the meaning of this last tool simultaneously in terms of : • *reduction of theenergy consumption for a given operation? • *optimization of pulp and paper properties? - Application to disintegration and refiningoperations of pulp suspensions will be given 4

  5. Some researches covered by WG2 Disintegration operation (2 Ph-D thesis among 2 on the theme) FABRY (1999) : «Rheology of concentrated pulp suspensions in order to improve their recycling » AMARAL (2001): « Disintegration of pulp : characterization and quantification of the effects » Refining operation (2 Ph-D thesis among 5 on the theme) RADOSLAVOVA (1996): «Hydrodynamic modelling of the refining process of pulp suspensions » BORDIN (2008): «Study of the modification of the rheological behaviour of pulp suspensions during the refining operation » 5

  6. Disintegration process: special case of pulp deinkingFABRY(1999) *New objectives: waste paper defibreing, ink detachment without fragmentation, speck decontamination *An extension of the METZNER & OTTO’s method (1957) provides an interesting tool to integrate the overall friction phenomena: - generalisation of the apparent viscosity to a shear-factor studied in a Hobart planetary mixer - furnish: 100% ONP (Old NewsPrint)

  7. Disintegration processFABRY(1999): master curve with water-glycerol mixtures Flat beater Hook impeller

  8. Disintegration processFABRY(1999): analysis of the overall friction in the mixer The shear-factor function of the consistency and the impeller geometry

  9. Disintegration processFABRY(1999): master curve for defibreingin a planetary mixer Net cumulative energy consumed

  10. Disintegration processFABRY(1999): master curve for ink fragmentationin a planetary mixer Net cumulative energy consumed

  11. Pulp disintegration process: physical descriptionand generalization given byAMARAL et al.(2000) - The process kinetic follows a law of evolution which includes an average shearing stress in the bulk - The Rayleigh’s law can be applied and all the friction forces may be incorporated in a “viscous form” called a shear-factor and are 2 numerical constants to be determined

  12. Application to the experimental data already published MERRETT(1987), SAVOLAINEN(1991), AMARAL et al.(2000)

  13. s a a Authors Fibrous raw material 1 / 0 0 ( ) - 1 Pa . s Pa . s - Amaral et Eucalyptus pulp 143 67 - 3 7 , 01 . 10 al. - 12 . 4 105 Softwood pine pulp - 2 8 , 08 . 10 1940 5 . 76 Merrett Mixed of waste - 4 5 , 16 . 10 papers 15900 6 . 92 Wet strength boards - 5 6 , 31 . 10 5740 7 . 95 Savolainen Box corrugated - 4 1 , 74 . 10 et al. papers 403 2 . 26 Calendered papers - 3 2 , 49 . 10 Application to the experimental data already published MERRETT(1987), SAVOLAINEN(1991), AMARAL et al.(2000)

  14. Publications in journals On the operation of pulp disintegration: AMARAL, M.E., RENAUD, M., ROUX, J.C., « Cinétique de désintégration des pâtes à papier : modélisation du phénomène » Revue A.T.I.P., 54, (3-4), pp 76-84, juillet-septembre 2000 FABRY, B., ROUX, J.C., CARRE, B., « Characterization of friction during pulping : an interesting tool to achieve good deinking » Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 27, (8), pp 284-288, août 2001 ROUX, J.C., FRANC, N., DUFFY, F.F., FABRY, B., « Shear factor : a new way to characterize fiber suspension shear » TAPPI Journal, 84, (8), août 2001 FABRY, B., ROUX, J.C., CARRE, B., DUFFY, F.F., « Shear factor : a new way to characterize pulper performance » TAPPI Journal-Peer Reviewed Paper Solutions, 84, (11), novembre 2001 ROUX, J.C., “Review paper on pulp treatment processes” The Pulp and Paper Fundamentals Research Soc., FRC Editor, Oxford, pp 19-80, sept. 2001 VILASECA F., PUIG J., PELACH M.A., El-MANSOURI N.E., ALCALA M., ROUX J.-C., MUTJE P., Study and modelling of the disintegration kinetics of coated paper BioResources 6 (2), 1659-1669, 2011

  15. Presentation of the project on the refining operation J.-C. Roux, J.-F. Bloch, G. Besançon Title: Energetic optimization of the running of refiners in the paper industry Statement: for the refining operation, in 2009, the French electricity consumption for all paper companies climbs until : 200 kWh/T . 8 330 000 T/an = 1,67.109 kWh/an 5% of the reduction of the electricity consumption for the refining operation represents 8,33 107 kWh/an, or 8,33 M€/an Understand for a better control the refining operation in terms of a multivariate non linear process 2011

  16. Pnet SP + Motor Refiner Sensors + Model for the Controller electrical disc Acquisition C total P - Model of the no-load P e N - Calculated net P + Calculated total P Exemple of a control scheme for the refiner running with a constant set point (SP) for the net power

  17. International context and difficulties (1) influence of variables : raw materials (2) influence of geometric parametersand running conditions (3) Model of knowledge Difficulties : Sensors (real or virtual) Optimal control / energetic criteria

  18. Publications in journals only -1 Our expertise on the refining operation understanding: ROUX, J.C., CHU, J., JORIS, G., CAUCAL, G., « Théorie hydro-mécanique du fonctionnement d’un raffineur à basse concentration » Revue A.T.I.P.,53, (4-5), pp 106-116, septembre-octobre 1999 ROUX, J.C., MAYADE, T., « Modeling of the particle breakage kinetics in the wet mills for the paper industry » Powder Technology, 105, (1-3), pp 237-242, novembre 1999 ROUX, J.C., JORIS, G., « Specific Edge Load: advantages and drawbacks » Japanese Journal of Paper Technology, 46, (10), pp 55-59, octobre 2003 ROUX, J.C., JORIS, G., « Angular parameters beyond specific edge load » TAPPSA Journal, Technical Asso. Pulp and Paper Industry South Africa, mai 2005 ROUX, J.C., JORIS, G., « Radial distribution of the pressure in an industrial refiner » 13rd Fundamentals Research Symposium : Advances in Paper Science and Technology, 1, pp 409-425 PIRA Editions, 2005 DIETEMANN, P., ROUX, J.C., « A study of disc refiner running in no-load conditions » Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 39, (5-6), pp 459-471, 2005

  19. Publications in journals only - 2 On the refining operation: ROUX, J.C., BLOCH, J.F., NORTIER, P., “A kinetic model for pulp refining, including the angular parameters of the equipment”, Appita Journal, 60, (1), pp 29-34, January 2007 BORDIN, R., ROUX, J.C., BLOCH, J.F., “Global description of refiner plate wear in low consistency beating”, Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 22, n°4-2007, pp 529-534 BORDIN, R., ROUX, J.C., BLOCH, J.F., “New technique for measuring clearance in low-consistency refiners”, Appita Journal, 61, (1), pp 71-77, January 2008 BORDIN, R., ROUX, J.C., BLOCH, J.F., “No-load power evolution during low-consistency pulp beating”, Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 23, n°1-2008, pp 34-38 ROUX, J.C., BLOCH J.-F., R. BORDIN and P. NORTIER « The net normal force per crossing point: a unified concept for the low consistency refining of pulp suspensions » 14th Fundamental Research Symposium : Advances in Pulp and Paper Research, 1, pp 51-83 Cambrian Printers, 2009

  20. Proposed scheme of research for this project Phase 1 – (4 months) Bibliographical work: at the interface between the paper engineering and the process control Phase 2- (8 months) Development of the experimental pilot (specific sensors) (LGP2) Phase 3- (8 months) Development of a first attempt of optimal control (GIPSA Lab) Phase 4 – (6 months) Valorisation (conferences and articles in journals) Phase 5 – (10 months) Extension to other types of refiners (depending on the advancement of the project)

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