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Plagiarism. Yulia Sofiatin Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. What is plagiarism?. Copy other people statements without any/ adequate acknowledgement of the original source/writer. Can you think about anything else that could be considered as plagiarism?.

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  1. Plagiarism YuliaSofiatin Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  2. What is plagiarism? • Copy other people statements without any/ adequate acknowledgement of the original source/writer. Can you think about anything else that could be considered as plagiarism? • Asking other to write for you and then submit it as yours • Copy other people work and consider it as yours • Copy other people answer during exam

  3. Is about morals, ethics, norms and knowledge plagiarism Unintentional plagiarism is still considered as plagiarism

  4. What about: • Misquoting documents • Turns in one of previous assignment as new What about: • Re-analyse your friend’s data • Conducting the same research that has been done in other lab • Conducting the same research that has been done by others in different place

  5. Recent condition • The internet has made plagiarism easier with access to journals, search engines, encyclopedias, etc. • In other hand, it help teachers analyze papers and develop strategies to prevent plagiarism.

  6. How to avoid plagiarismWalrath S, MdN LRTC, Arizona


  8. How to avoid PlagiarismJohn A. Ferguson Sr. High

  9. How to avoid PlagiarismJohn A. Ferguson Sr. High

  10. Quoting • Copy other’s statement between quotation mark “_______” • Acknowledge the author and source • Put the reference number Somebody said in an article: “something is anything”4

  11. Paraphrasing • Not just re-arranging or replacing words • Use your own words and credit the original source. • Double check

  12. SungJJY, Lau JYW, Ching JYL, Wu JCY, Lee YT, Chiu PWY. Continuation of Low-Dose Aspirin Therapy in Peptic Ulcer Bleeding. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2010, 152, pp. 1-9.

  13. Citation Quote Paraphrase Sung et al wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine (2010) wrote that the continuation of low-dose aspirin after peptic ulcer bleeding may increase the recurrence of bleeding.ref Continuation of low-dose aspirin after peptic ulcer bleeding may increase the recurrence of bleeding.ref • Sung et al wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine (2010) “Among low-dose aspirin recipients who had pepticulcer bleeding, continuous aspirin therapy may increase the risk forrecurrent bleeding but potentially reduces mortality rates.“ref

  14. How will you cite this part?

  15. Quote Paraphrase Incidence rate is measured by counting the people progressed from free of disease to diseased condition. ref • Gordis (2008) wrote in his book “Incidence rate is a measure of events—the disease is identified in a person who develops the disease and did not have the disease previously”.ref

  16. Cannot be used as reference, unless......

  17. Consequences of Plagiarism • Fail an exam or even a course • Dismissed from any institution • Lost a carrier Basically: plagiarism is academic criminality

  18. Avoid plagiarism Be honest Be prepared

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