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Project activities

EFP Project Working Group Meeting 15 th of May 2013, Kotka, Port of HaminaKotka Olli-Pekka Brunila UTU/ CMS. Project activities. 1.2 Analyzing environmental status in HaminaKotka port (duration March-August 2013 )

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Project activities

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  1. EFP Project Working Group Meeting15thof May 2013, Kotka, Port of HaminaKotkaOlli-Pekka BrunilaUTU/ CMS

  2. Project activities 1.2 Analyzing environmental status in HaminaKotka port (duration March-August 2013) • Environmental status and analyzing and the development of environmental issues in the port of HaminaKotka in 2000`s will be done. Key issues, changes and development needs are identified, and they will be compared to the issues presented in ESPO`s EcoPorts Port Environmental Review. The special characteristics of environmental issues in the ports in the Gulf of Finland area will be described. • Thishasbeenstarted and willbefinished on time. Literalreview in shortreport and Roadmapwillbedone. 1.4.1 Decreasing ship originated air emissions in ports (duration March-August 2013) • Ship originated air emission calculation methods are surveyed, as well as the methods to decrease ship originated air emissions in ports, and their strengths and weaknesses are analyzed in context of the port of HaminaKotka and Ust-Luga. This will be done on the basis of literary sources and of the results and expertise gained in the previous projects which University of Turku of Centre of Maritime Studies have participated, for example BSR Innoship, SNOOP and ShipNoDeff. The current situation in the port of HaminaKotka will be described and potential ways to decrease air emissions are investigated. • Willbestartedverysoon

  3. Project activities: • Expertarticle in BalticRimEconomies. Articlewillbepublished on 26 May 2013. • Newsletter in HaminaKotka Loiste -publication. • Press-release in local and national newspapers and massmedia. • Project presentation for Fintrip(Finnish Transport Research and Innovation Partnership) by Ministry of Transport and Communications. In this case they collect information about projects which are related for Research and development of Russian transport sector. Presentation will be keep on 20th May In Helsinki. • Newsletter for EnvironmentalAuthoritieswillbepublished on 17th of May.

  4. Project activities in future 2.1.1 Assessment of policy instruments and collection of best practices in Finland (duration January-August 2013) • Environmental effects of port activities can be controlled and decreased with different kind of policy instruments including regulatory, economic and information guidance based instruments including regulatory, economic and information guidance based instruments are described as policy instruments which already are in use and which potentially could be used. They will be analyzed using e.g. SWOT method (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and taking into considerations key stakeholders views and their environmental effectiveness. Expert workshop will be arranged to bring out the views of different stakeholders (port and its customer, city citizens, environment interests). As a result, recommendations can be made how to improve the effective use of different policy instruments connected to the control of environmental effects. 2.3 Environmental monitoring in the port of HaminaKotka port (duration March-November 2013) • This activity is closely connected to the activities 1.1.2 and 4.1.1, because in Finland environmental monitoring is carried out connection to the environmental permit of the port and to the requirements, of legislation and other forms of regulatory measures. This activity will produce a description how environmental effects are monitored in the port of HaminaKotka. The coverage of environmental monitoring will be evaluated and development needs and (cost-) effective ways of monitoring will be suggested. This will be done on basis of literary sources and by interviewing representatives of the port, environmental authorities and companies or other stakeholders who perform environmental monitoring.

  5. Project activities in future • 3.3.2 Project presentation in international conference in EU (2013 or 2014) • Aim and benefit for project. Dissemination the project and its results to international audience, to gain information about recent development in the project topic and to network internationally. • Compliance with the project tasks: one target in the project plan is to disseminate results to other Baltic ports. In addition, the project will benefit when the newest information about the project related topics will be gained. • Venue: The Baltic Sea area. Cannot be decided exactly right now the point because it cannot be known what appropriate conferences will be arranged during the project time. One potential option is also the annual GreenPort conference. • 4.2 Port in a city – International experience and best practices (duration March-August 2014) • A review is carried out about the studies on the relationship of port planning and urban planning and soft values of ports from the point of view of city and its residents. The aim is to summarize and have comparative point of view how ports in the vicinity of the city deal with the potential conflicts with the city and its residents concerning especially environmental effects of a port, and how these conflicts can be avoided or solved so that the port operations are accepted as part of urban life in the cities. This activity will be mainly carried out the basis of literary and also by interviewing some expert on the issue.

  6. EFP SteeringCommitteeMeeting15thof May 2013, Kotka, Port of HaminaKotkaProf.Esa HämäläinenOlli-Pekka BrunilaUTU/ CMS

  7. Review of the Project Activitiesdone • Expertarticle in BalticRimEconomies. Articlewillbepublished on 26 May 2013. • Newsletter in HaminaKotka Loiste publication. • Pressrelease in local and national newspapers and massmedia. • Project presentation for Fintrip (Finnish Transport Research and Innovation Partnership) by Ministry of Transport and Communications. In this case they collect information about projects which are related for Research and development of Russian transport sector. Presentation will be keep on 20th May In Helsinki. • Newsletter to EnvironmentalAuthoritieswillbepublished on 17th of May.

  8. Review of the Project Activitiesdone 1.2 Analyzing environmental status in HaminaKotka port (duration March-August 2013) • Environmental status and analyzing and the development of environmental issues in the port of HaminaKotka in 2000`s will be done. Key issues, changes and development needs are identified, and they will be compared to the issues presented in ESPO`s EcoPorts Port Environmental Review. The special characteristics of environmental issues in the ports in the Gulf of Finland area will be described. • Thishasbeenstarted and willbefinished on time. Literalreview for a shortreport and Roadmapwillbedone. 1.4.1 Decreasing ship originated air emissions in ports (duration March-August 2013) • Ship originated air emission calculation methods are surveyed, as well as the methods to decrease ship originated air emissions in ports, and their strengths and weaknesses are analyzed in context of the port of HaminaKotka and Ust-Luga. This will be done on the basis of literary sources and of the results and expertise gained in the previous projects which University of Turku of Centre of Maritime Studies have participated, for example BSR Innoship, SNOOP and ShipNoDeff. The current situation in the port of HaminaKotka will be described and potential ways to decrease air emissions are investigated. . • Willbestartedverysoon

  9. Futureplans • 2.1.1 Assessment of policy instruments and collection of best practices in Finland (duration January-August 2013) • Environmental effects of port activities can be controlled and decreased with different kind of policy instruments including regulatory, economic and information guidance based instruments including regulatory, economic and information guidance based instruments are described as policy instruments which already are in use and which potentially could be used. They will be analyzed using e.g. SWOT method (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and taking into considerations key stakeholders views and their environmental effectiveness. Expert workshop will be arranged to bring out the views of different stakeholders (port and its customer, city citizens, environment interests). As a result, recommendations can be made how to improve the effective use of different policy instruments connected to the control of environmental effects. • Scientificarticlewillbe made • 2.3 Environmental monitoring in the port of HaminaKotka port (duration March-November 2013) • This activity is closely connected to the activities 1.1.2 and 4.1.1, because in Finland environmental monitoring is carried out connection to the environmental permit of the port and to the requirements, of legislation and other forms of regulatory measures. This activity will produce a description how environmental effects are monitored in the port of HaminaKotka. The coverage of environmental monitoring will be evaluated and development needs and (cost-) effective ways of monitoring will be suggested. This will be done on basis of literary sources and by interviewing representatives of the port, environmental authorities and companies or other stakeholders who perform environmental monitoring.

  10. Futureplans 3.3.2 Project presentation in international conference in EU (2013 or 2014) • Aim and benefit for project. Dissemination the project and its results to international audience, to gain information about recent development in the project topic and to network internationally. • Compliance with the project tasks: one target in the project plan is to disseminate results to other Baltic ports. In addition, the project will benefit when the newest information about the project related topics will be gained. • Venue: The Baltic Sea area. Cannot be decided exactly right now the point because it cannot be known what appropriate conferences will be arranged during the project time. One potential option is also the annual GreenPortconference • Notdecidedyetwhichconferenceitwillbe. 4.2 Port in a city – International experience and best practices (duration March-August 2014) • A review is carried out about the studies on the relationship of port planning and urban planning and soft values of ports from the point of view of city and its residents. The aim is to summarize and have comparative point of view how ports in the vicinity of the city deal with the potential conflicts with the city and its residents concerning especially environmental effects of a port, and how these conflicts can be avoided or solved so that the port operations are accepted as part of urban life in the cities. This activity will be mainly carried out the basis of literary and also by interviewing some expert on the issue. • A Reportwillbe made

  11. Futureplans • Wehavechanges in personnel (maternityleave) so Olli-Pekka willbemove to anotherproject in autumnperiod (September to December). • Budgetchangehasbeensend to Maria Mamaeva. Also a requestthatworkpackage2.1.1 Assessment of policy instruments and collection of best practices in Finlandwillbetransfered to year 2014, becausetherearebudget for wholeyear and onlyoneworkpackage and conferencepresentation. Orginally for thisyear (March- August) therewereplanned 4 workpackages.

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