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COMMAS. A punctuation guide. For long sentences , where you use AND, BUT or OR Conditionals or introductory clauses Where extra information or comments are inserted Separating adjectives Lists Reported speech Large numbers. COMMAS. A punctuation guide.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COMMAS A punctuation guide For long sentences, whereyouuse AND, BUT orOR Conditionalsorintroductoryclauses Whereextra information orcommentsareinserted Separatingadjectives Lists Reported speech Large numbers

  2. COMMAS A punctuation guide For long sentences, whereyouuse AND, BUT orOR e.gJane decied to try the home-made steak pie, and Andrew ordered Dover sole withbakedpotatoes. The student explainedher question, yet the instructor still didn’tseem to understand.

  3. COMMAS A punctuation guide 2. Conditionalsorintroductoryclauses If youareever in London, come and seeme. While I waseating, the catscratched at the door. Because her alarm clockwasbroken, shewaslate for class. When the snow stops falling, we’llshovel the driveway.

  4. COMMAS A punctuation guide 3. Whereextra information orcommentsareinserted My father, however, did not agree. Jane had, suprisingly, paid for everything. That Tuesday, whichhappens to bemybirthday, is the onlydaywhen I am available to meet. The Green party candidate, who had the leastmoney, lost the election. Two hundred dollars, I think, is sufficient.

  5. COMMAS A punctuation guide 4. Separatingadjectives Yourcousin has an easy, happy smile. This is an expensive, ill-planned, wastefulproject.

  6. COMMAS A punctuation guide 5. Lists I went to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. The candidatepromised to lowertaxes, protect the environment, reducecrime, and end unemployment.

  7. COMMAS A punctuation guide 6. Reported speech He sais, ’There’snowaywecanhelp her’. John saidwithout emotion, ’I’llseeyoutomorrow’.

  8. COMMAS A punctuation guide 7. Large numbers Commasareused to divide large numbersintogroups of threefigures, by separatingoff the thousands and millions. E.G 7,456,189 6,435

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